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Just got my ass whooped...

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  • Just got my ass whooped...

    As was at the kind of party where I said I wouldn't go. When this gang of drunken morons came up to me saying I was looking for trouble. I haven't even seen these guys but I thought I would just ignore it. Then they started pushing me and trying to slap me. Ive been doing Wt for 8 months so I'm still a rookie but when the started hitting I frontkicked one in the nuts, these guys where like 10 inches taller than me and a lot wider so I thought I gotta get out of here, when I was almost at the exit one dude hit me in the eye pretty hard, It came from te side so I didn't see it. I was walking away when some other dude hit me hard on the head and send me to the ground, I got up and started running, I'm glad the didn't follow me.

    I got a lot of bottled anger now cuz they can't just push me around. I know the name of the guy who hit me so he's gonna get the cops at his door. This incident motivated me to train harder and prevent this from happening again.

    Cheers and keep safe

  • #2

    Congratulations Dude!
    You just did exactly what a martial artist should do in that situation. You made room for an escape by kicking the guy in the nuts!
    If i were you i'd be pretty pleased you got away relatively unhurt and you kicked a guy in the bollocks Whats WT?? is it wing tsun??


    • #3
      Yes I'm doing wingtsun for 8 months now. I enjoy it really much and I finnaly reached a stage where my chainpunches do some damage I think I punch & kick pretty hard for a guy of my size


      • #4
        Thats cool. Keep it up.

        I knew a guy who had been doing wing chun for 4 years and one night group of guys started on him... He knocked a few out broke some ribs and some noses, He got pretty hurt too though but was still standing at the end. Luckily for him the whole thing was caught on CCTV so he was able to prosecute and he got an appology from the gang I have been learning Tang soo do for a year and a half, and i would quite like to learn some Wing Chun for some effective close quater fighting. Wing Tsun is the same as Wing Chun right??


        • #5
          I found it here:

          Posted by: CKava

          Allo Sandy,
          Heres my rough take on the different spellings...

          Ving Tsun- I believe its a more accurate translation and it kinda reflects the attitude of the clubs who use it i.e. the traditional way is best, so lots of forms and lots of chi sao.

          Wing Tsun- More often than not this will refer to a club of Leung Tings Association because he specifically altered the name of his association to differientate it from other schools of Wing Chun.

          Wing Chun- The most common name and so hard to generalise; you get ultra modern, ultra traditional clubs and ones in between and millions of prefixes such as authentic, traditional, modern, realistic etc.

          You may want to take a look at this thread for some more info

          Hope that helps.

          A possibility that you have the film of the WingChun guy taking those attackers out? That would be great!

          EDIT: The link is dead but you can find tons of info on the web about it


          • #6
            Heh. Unfortunately not, the police keep them. I havent seen it.


            • #7
              Anyhoo. When I had the incident yesterday I had the feeling I didn't feel very balanced. I wasn't drunk! But I saw some clips of Sifu Leung Ting who couldn't be pushed aside be a pretty strong man. I need to have more balance on my feet so I can't be pushed over you see. Anyone got a good method to train this?


              • #8
                you can do a lot of things to improve your balance. Just standing on one foot with the other knee above your hips will help. Plyometrics and footword drills also come to mind. But the biggest thing is, If you are pushed, dont think about pushing back. Pull them into you. If you are pulled..dont pull away like most people do, push into them. Use their momentum against them and follow up with very hard close quarter strikes like elbows, knees, headbutts, and shoulders. Keep them off-balance.


                • #9
                  Charge the hommie with assult and batter. He may be paying you allot of his paychecks.

