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White Tiger Clip GM Vince Peppers

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  • #16
    looks like wing chun done by a constipated practitioner


    • #17 is the link to his site and current videos....


      • #18

        Vince explains/demos white tiger Ging force....



        • #19
          hmmmm, it was a homosexual cult??????


          • #20
            sorry couldn't resist


            • #21
              Like i said sorry to put it down cos Kung fu needs as much good press as it can get at the moment but it just aint any good. 'Ging' power works through the connective tissues in the joints. It's about releasing naturally stored energy, not about bouncing.

              Because the use of this force is very difficult to understand and even more difficult to explain it's easy to fall into bullshit. and this is bullshit.

              without rooting it doesnt work.

              The 'dummy' form is a rip off of wing chun with little understanding of the concepts behinde the movements. The manner in which he blocks WILL NOT work in real life. The direction of force and the support from the guys posture are all in the wrong directions.

              As for it being 'internal' ??? please explain how? What internal technics are being used to govern the techniques demonstrated?


              • #22
                And why are you obsessed with coconuts?????

                Trust me...breaking a cocnut is really not very important in the grand scheme of things...and pretty unuseable.


                • #23
                  I think I will reserve judgement of someone's skill based off of a grainy video clip on the internet. Appearances can be deceiving. . . . .


                  • #24


                    • #25


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                        hmmmm, it was a homosexual cult??????

                        Well they ARE super christians


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                          sorry couldn't resist
                          Me either...Vince actually said he was the Doo Wai's "manservant"


                          • #28
                            Boar, you make friends everywhere you go.

                            So what's the big controversy


                            • #29


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by BoarSpear
                                Yeah, its my charm and good looks.

                                You mean the White Tiger lineage war?...its just that...Doo wai has been known to sell a dvd of a form that is simply a demo...NO explanation or instruction for a thousand dollars while lacy sells a dvd explaining the same movements for 45 dollars...Vince just walked away rather than get caught in the middle as doo wai claimed to have never taught lacy...vince and lacy had trained together under Ed Parker and continued under Doo wai...I have HOURS of video that proves he did train lacy for quite some time...neither lacy or vince are as fluid as Doo Wai but Doo wai showed his ASS by lying about teaching lacy, then proceded claim lacy a fraud bla bla bla ....Vince was Doo Wai's first student in the USA in the early 70's now that there is big money to make Doo wai apparently resents the competition...all the video that shows lacy training in Doo Wai's school was "liberated" from Doo Wai by someone who thought lacy deserved credit for the training he had done...doo wai then began posting fake video of himself breaking precut coconuts...that is the current state of fun.

                                Lacy was Assaulted by people to get rid of him, that failed...its been the most embarrassing lineage fiasco i have ever heard of... even Dilllmans falling out with his inner circle wasnt this ugly.
                                my what a tangled web Doo weaved.

