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White Tiger Clip GM Vince Peppers
Im sorry if i have upset you but why post a clip if you don't want criticism.
My opinion is based soley on the clips you posted because they are the reference point i have. I would ove to be proved wrong however I am not willing to travel across the atlantic to do so.
As for my credentials? does that really matter? you posted a clip and asked for opinions. I have not posted anything and do not wish to do so. I have, however, experienced traditional martial arts over the past 23 years in th UK, china and Malaysia. I have worked as a doorman as well as a debt collector and have had some extensive experience in 'altercations'. And there is nothing 'skillful' in slapping a drunk!
I have grown up with chinese martials arts having to defend themselves through people like on this clip. You even admit the grandmaster of the system is a cheating liar?...that is what you have said isn't it?..
As for breaking objects? yes i've done it in the eighties when it was fashionable to demonstrate it but i find it very much a useless stunt. It is quite easy to transfer power into an opponent and cause pain and distress without having first how to attack a coconut. Again Boarspear this is my opinion.
I dont pretend to be a master, I have a master who's teachings i follow. The school has one grandmaster. We dont argue over money from DVD's but rather we work to promote the art.
I undersatnd what you're saying about how you generate power, I also am familiar with how a root does 'float' but it certainlt is not demonstrated in any of the clips posted.
As for the Shaolin lineage? its very easy to produce documents to prove a lineage but to verify them in a country that has destroyed national and regional documents hundreds of times? you really need to understand the culture and history of the Chinese. A tur lineage can be seen in the movements of the art itself. and it's not in these clips. The 'history' given on the website, in my opinion, is a mish mash of names and places. i simply dont beleive it to be genuine.
Now i'm sure mr peppers is a very adept fighter and an entertaining instructor but i do not beleive this is derived from a true traditional chinese martial art.
I hope you can see this one day
sorry but looking at those kicks, the one jump crescent was poor. That may be how their style chooses to do them. He may be an excellent example of that style but I'd be willing to trade kicks with him.
also the lay out of the form leaves something to be desired.
many things are personal preference. So as far as the video is concerned I would be unimpressed. Of course watching many things can be unimpressive.
I think you are getting evaluations of the clip, not the style or the man.
Originally posted by BoarSpearOld gaurd footage of White Tiger before the lineage wars. Actually some of the footage I will be posting helped start those wars
Please don't assume that others do not know what to look for. This clip shows very little in terms of generating power. And before you say it again, I Do know what im looking for !
please find a good clip and post it I would be happy to see some good techniques...really i would be very appreciative. This just ain't a good one.
I know, man. BoarSpear, your just so mean. Why do you have to be so mean? You post these crappy vids and then explain them to me... and when you explian them, your so mean.
You? explain White Tiger to me? I know what I'm looking at! I know everything. I'm the best martial artist in the fuking world. Mike Tyson? Alli? BITCHES! I know everything! Bruce Lee!?!? I had that punk, fuker wearing a dress! Miyamoto Musashi!?!?! I use to rape people like that in prison!
In the future BoarSpear, stop being so mean. If you keep doing thisshit, what do you think will happen? If you keep playing the teacher role someone might actually learn something.
Ok , it looks like jingshen isn’t going to post or maybe he just hasn’t read this thread in a while. Anyway, just kidd’in man. Chill out, think of these vids like they were TV or something and have some fun.
When I first saw the form clip I couldn’t make any sense out of it but, after listening to Vince explain ging a can see a little something. Watch his spine. You can see it contract into a “C” shape when he exhales (closed movement maybe?) and pop back straight/vertical/erect again on the inhale (open movement maybe?) When his spine contracts into that “C” shape he threw a punch (in the teaching vid) and it looked to have a good snap to it. If your use your spine in the right way…well you’re looking at serious power and you can see a lot of that expanding and cotracting spine work in the form.
Originally posted by jingshenThe 'strikes' would not penetrate plywood and he demonstrates no method of generating power.
So Boar, why did you post the dummy vid? How is it the key to the lineage wars? Did I miss something in the post?
Did you guys check out these Doo Wai vids? I know this guy was called on some fake breaks but, are these for real?
This will be my last post for a while; I’m going to go skiing (for one month) and I’ll see you guys in march.
see ya
Great Grand Master Phui...
Originally posted by BoarSpearWell i posted those vids because the nastiest most visible lineage war ever, was fought on the internet by James and Doo Wai. ...
Politics... Everyone wants to be Jinlong (the gold dragon)
Almost as bad as ninjutsu...