I was talking to a friend about martial arts and stuff and he told me he knew kung fu and he wanted to challange me. He knows Hung Kuen and Southern Praying Mantis. I know wing chun, boxing, judo , muay thai , savate , krav maga, tai chi. Which styles that I know should I use most against him that might help me win. What attacks would he do most against me with his kung fu that i should be aware of. I am going to fight with him in 3 days.
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I challanged a kung fu guy and I need some advice on how to win against him
I hope he kicks your ass and you need some major reconstructive surgery. I hope it hurts like hell and takes many MONTHS of painful rehabilitation. I hope you are perminantly and horribly disfigured and that you will live for many years as a feeble old man...
So you understand me clearly I HOPE he does NOT kill you...
Man, your going the wrong way about that, you can't possibly know what hes going to throw at you, study your opponent then choose your attacks. We can't possibly tell you what to use in a match. And I think you should know that by now with that many arts studied.
Originally posted by StealthModeI was talking to a friend about martial arts and stuff and he told me he knew kung fu and he wanted to challange me. He knows Hung Kuen and Southern Praying Mantis. I know wing chun, boxing, judo , muay thai , savate , krav maga, tai chi. Which styles that I know should I use most against him that might help me win. What attacks would he do most against me with his kung fu that i should be aware of. I am going to fight with him in 3 days.
On second thought I hope you slip in your own blood, fall hard and break your neck. I hope your family can visit you in the hospital to say goodbye before they take your lifeless body off the respirator and feeding tubes...
And I hope your friend thinks it's funny when you die...
tkd_person89 how does that have to do with any of the posts.
And there is no such thing as the best combination. And if muay thai wasn't so good why did you even think about learning it?
And what the hell is going on with this guy?
Originally posted by Tant01On second thought I hope you slip in your own blood, fall hard and break your neck. I hope your family can visit you in the hospital to say goodbye before they take your lifeless body off the respirator and feeding tubes...
And I hope your friend thinks it's funny when you die...
Tant why do you assume i will be defensless against him and lose? I personally have challanged other people that knew martial arts and I won. For example i fought this guy that knew judo and all i did to him was use tai chi pushing hands when he tried to come close, and I used Muay thai and wing chun against him and won. i fought tae kwon do people and boxers and also won. This is just like my 5th challange so i have some expierience fighting people. and this one will be a kung fu challange. and plus he's a friend of mine why would he want to kill me? its just a sparring match or a friendly challange not a battle to the death
woops i also forgot to mention i also know tae kwon do ( red belt heh)
Here's my plan:
If he tries to come close with his praying mantis i will use tai chi pushing hands to push him away and followed by some judo throws. I kno a few gracie jujitsu techniques so I might do some techniques on him while he is on the ground after I throw him. Then if he gets up i'll strike him with boxing
If he uses hung kuen on me i'll defend it with wing chun parries and hit him with muay thai and wing chun strikes
Originally posted by StealthModeHere's my plan:
If he tries to come close with his praying mantis i will use tai chi pushing hands to push him away and followed by some judo throws. I kno a few gracie jujitsu techniques so I might do some techniques on him while he is on the ground after I throw him. Then if he gets up i'll strike him with boxing
If he uses hung kuen on me i'll defend it with wing chun parries and hit him with muay thai and wing chun strikes
Originally posted by StealthModeHere's my plan:
If he tries to come close ...i will use tai chi pushing hands to push him away ...followed by some judo throws. I kno a few gracie jujitsu techniques so I might do some techniques on him while he is on the ground after I throw him. Then if he gets up i'll strike him with boxing...
Worse thread EVER!
Some Judo throws? Like he'd actually get up for another?
Moo dame da daietto chuu nan desu
( I've had enough, I'm on a diet)
Troll soup anyone?
Here's an IDEA!!
Originally posted by StealthModeHey, thanks tant ,you just made me thought of a solution to win the fight. Use judo on him to end the fight,since he wont be able to get up! I'll take Hardball's idea of pre emptive striking and tants.
I wasn't giving advise imbecile, just a subtle way to paint you in the right light. If you knew anything about Judo or any other art you'd know that you never move your feet or your hands before you move your lips...I mean hips.
Type your silly ass over to Martial Arts Planet or Bullshido