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I challanged a kung fu guy and I need some advice on how to win against him

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  • #31
    Originally posted by polecat63
    Dude, all you need to do is master the single leg take down! I know, I know. It will take years of dedication and hard work! But, if do right, no can defend!!

    are you serious?

    you will get your ass kicked.



    • #32
      [QUOTE=StealthMode]Which styles that I know should I use most against him that might help me win.QUOTE]

      Why not list every style you've ever heard of/seen on tv, bought the video, heard of in a magazine, been taught for half an hour by your mates. Write them on a piece of paper, fold the paper and pick one. I'm sure you'll win.


      • #33
        Originally posted by gong fu
        are you serious?

        you will get your ass kicked.


        No he is right, its the ultimate move


        • #34
          i know what you mean about the single leg takedown but i dont want to limit myself to just one throw. And the single leg takedown can be defeneded against because when i was fighting a judo guy i tried to do the single leg takedown but somehow it didnt work on him i keep trying to take him down with it but he just wouldnt go down. maybe because he had strong balance or something, oh he was big and fat also, maybe thats why because of his size. i had to switch to knee attacks while i was clinching. but it did work many other times against taekwondo people i fought and crappy boxers.


          • #35
            Originally posted by kuk sool won
            No he is right, its the ultimate move
            YES!!! We must start a new style! We'll call it Yi Tui Bao. or something like that! We will rule the martial world!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            • #36
              Originally posted by gong fu
              are you serious?

              you will get your ass kicked.


              Uh, no. I'm not serious. Everytime you start a anything Vs. a single/double leg takedown on this site the MMA trolls come out of the woodwork to explain how our inferior Chinese arts are no match for them.


              • #37
                Originally posted by polecat63
                Uh, no. I'm not serious. Everytime you start a anything Vs. a single/double leg takedown on this site the MMA trolls come out of the woodwork to explain how our inferior Chinese arts are no match for them.

                ....................isn't one screen name enough, Boarspear?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by jubaji
                  ....................isn't one screen name enough, Boarspear?

                  See what I mean.......You're still taking yourself waaaayyyy too seriously. Relax, have some fun.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by polecat63
                    See what I mean.......You're still taking yourself waaaayyyy too seriously. Relax, have some fun.


                    Despite your new 'approach' and all, no one seems as manically obsessed with one notion as you do, so..............


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by polecat63
                      YES!!! We must start a new style! We'll call it Yi Tui Bao. or something like that! We will rule the martial world!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      hehe sounds good

                      We could have at least 50 techniques, different ways to get your opponent down with a single leg takedown, we won't have anything to do after the take down but then why would you need a move to go after the ULTIMATE move?


                      • #41
                        I think the major flaw behind all this is that you're trying to combat him with a set style at a certain time. You're saying "Oh I'll use boxing on him when he is in this position and then switch to my wing chun style when he gets in close ..etc". Just go in there and rely on your reflexes and react. Don't do what you're doing now, just go in there and fight.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by StealthMode
                          I was talking to a friend about martial arts and stuff and he told me he knew kung fu and he wanted to challange me. He knows Hung Kuen and Southern Praying Mantis. I know wing chun, boxing, judo , muay thai , savate , krav maga, tai chi. Which styles that I know should I use most against him that might help me win. What attacks would he do most against me with his kung fu that i should be aware of. I am going to fight with him in 3 days.
                          Sorry to get so far off topic. First, by challenge, do you mean a friendly sparring match, or an all out throw down. The first shouldn't be a problem, just talk with him about your experience, limitations, level of contact, etc.. and come to an agreement before you start. Have fun and learn something at the same time.

                          If it was an all out throw down, I'm gonna kick your tail after school kinda thing.... Well, why would you do something like that? The world is dangerous enough without throwing yourself in front of a train.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by kuk sool won
                            hehe sounds good

                            We could have at least 50 techniques, different ways to get your opponent down with a single leg takedown, we won't have anything to do after the take down but then why would you need a move to go after the ULTIMATE move?
                            LOL, thanks for plying along.....


                            • #44
                              This is the worse thread ever....

                              At least if he MASTERED ONE TECHNIQUE he wouldn't be confused as to what art to hit him with. So that's the only advise I'll offer. Master one thing and try it on as many opponents as you can find.

                              And you thought your idea was a joke...

                              You want funny you should try a rare devastating martial style called Oran-Gu-Tan (long fist style). He must know about this rare art found in the mountains in SE Asia? Something like a wild man style or man of the wilderness... Malay arts rock...


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by jubaji
                                ....................isn't one screen name enough, Boarspear?


