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I challanged a kung fu guy and I need some advice on how to win against him

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  • #46
    Originally posted by StealthMode
    I was talking to a friend about martial arts and stuff and he told me he knew kung fu and he wanted to challange me. He knows Hung Kuen and Southern Praying Mantis. I know wing chun, boxing, judo , muay thai , savate , krav maga, tai chi. Which styles that I know should I use most against him that might help me win. What attacks would he do most against me with his kung fu that i should be aware of. I am going to fight with him in 3 days.
    I've followed this thread for days and realized how out of controll it was going to get. StealthMode, my advice to you as a martial artist is simple and could apply to any situation you may be confronted with in life. The fighter is to be always single minded with one object in view: to fight, looking neither backwards or sideways.To go straight forward in order to crush the enemy is all that is necessary for him. Learn to read your opponent, see first with your mind, then with your eyes, and finally with your body. Good luck


    • #47
      Originally posted by shaolin-warrior
      see first with your mind, then with your eyes, and finally with your body. Good luck

      When you can snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper...


      • #48
        ah well here's what happened. I think he was trying to charge at me , but very slowly, with his praying mantis, i side kicked him in the nuts which stunned him a little. Then he switched to his Hung Kuen and he did manage to hit me though, i think he was slamming his forearm into me which did kinda hurt and he did manage to get a couple of kicks at me but i block most of it with a knee shield or knee block whatever you want to call it. I got hit only in the shin and the knee. While he was trying to kick me i was blocking his kicks with my leg. Then i kneeed him a couple of times in the stomach and then he while i was kneeing him he said alright alright stop and he gave up. What i learned from his hung kuen was that it kind of looked like karate with animal stances.


        • #49
          This might be cool........................

          if I was in 1st grade!

          Kinda like Karate with animal crackers...


          • #50
            who does this mantis guy train under?


            • #51
              Originally posted by tkd_person89
              Everyone EVERYONE rants on and on about muay thai.... My opinion? You don't need it.

              Here's is the best combination in my opinion:

              Kicking- Taekwondo
              Punching/hands- Boxing
              Grappling- Judo or BJJ or Hapkido... Take you pick
              Great strategy. Learn two different styles instead of one that incorporates both punching and kicking as well as knees and elbows.


              • #52
                Originally posted by StealthMode
                ah well here's what happened. I think he was trying to charge at me , but very slowly, with his praying mantis, i side kicked him in the nuts which stunned him a little. Then he switched to his Hung Kuen and he did manage to hit me though, i think he was slamming his forearm into me which did kinda hurt and he did manage to get a couple of kicks at me but i block most of it with a knee shield or knee block whatever you want to call it. I got hit only in the shin and the knee. While he was trying to kick me i was blocking his kicks with my leg. Then i kneeed him a couple of times in the stomach and then he while i was kneeing him he said alright alright stop and he gave up. What i learned from his hung kuen was that it kind of looked like karate with animal stances.
                *sigh* Is the little kiddies' story time over yet?


                • #53
                  Well if you really want to win...

                  Why concern yourself with style at all. You study martial arts because you enjoy them. However if you are asking me how to win the fight against this fellow my first advice is going to be: Hit him hard, hit him fast, and don't stop hitting until he taps out/or is no longer a threat. I myself have used this tactic time and again on the street and in sparring and its always stood me in good stead. Now then if I want to indulge in getting my ass beaten then I try using Snake Creeps Down or perhaps Black Dragon Turns Its Body... you know for when I really want to look cool for 2 seconds before getting pounded into the ground.

                  I suppose it all comes down to something a friend of mine once shouted at a fellow martial artist: Awww, for ****'s sake just hit him.


                  • #54
                    Lmao Kung fu is not for looking cool. it may look cool but thats not what its meant for.


                    • #55
                      goshh .... lool


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by StealthMode
                        i side kicked him in the nuts which stunned him a little
                        If you took a closer look you would have realized your opponent was a girl…..ummm so the kick was not to the nuts

                        Originally posted by StealthMode
                        seppuku, you are correct when you say i haven't fully mastered every single martial arts from what i know. I know enough though to apply it in combative situations. My level of understanding fromm those styles is just quite a bit less than the basics
                        Finally some truth (eventhough I had to help you)

                        Originally posted by StealthMode
                        i know what you mean about the single leg takedown but i dont want to limit myself to just one throw
                        OK scholar a throw indeed

                        Originally posted by StealthMode
                        And the single leg takedown can be defeneded against because when i was fighting a judo guy i tried to do the single leg takedown but somehow it didnt work on him i keep trying to take him down with it but he just wouldnt go down.

                        Just for a moment, just a moment did you ever consider the technique was not the problem, rather its your obvious ignorance of MA and your inability to execute

                        Originally posted by StealthMode
                        He knows Hung Kuen and Southern Praying Mantis. I know wing chun, boxing, judo , muay thai , savate , krav maga, tai chi.
                        OK, I can’t take it!! Tant I agree 100000000000000000000000% it BS.

                        StealthMode - You do not know any style of MA – stop trying to convince yourself. You have not mastered any techniques. At best you are familiar with some techniques. You won a ”fight” whoppeeeeee!!! But you beating a 12 yr old Amish girl in a wheel chair means very little. Lucky you didn’t get hurt but next time go to a class and get some instruction - home training is not good for everyone especially when its done piecemeal


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by IPON
                          You won a ”fight” whoppeeeeee!!!

                          Don't tell me you really believe any 'fight' took place outside this kid's fevered adolescent brain, do ya?


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by jubaji
                            Don't tell me you really believe any 'fight' took place outside this kid's fevered adolescent brain, do ya?

                            LOL - Your right I should know better.

                            But, I do know it can be damaging to a young mind when fantasy hits reality...Maybe I should have summed it up with this equation: Using "X"+alcohol+late night kung fu movies /= (doesn't equal) knowlege of mastery of MAs


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by IPON
                              : Using "X"+alcohol+late night kung fu movies /= (doesn't equal) knowlege of mastery of MAs
                              I don't think X or alcohol were part of the equation, maybe Tekken.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Tameo
                                who does this mantis guy train under?
                                Sounds like Jimminey Crickett!!

                                Sorry...couldn't resist the temptation!!

