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I challanged a kung fu guy and I need some advice on how to win against him

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  • #61
    Originally posted by tkd_person89
    Everyone EVERYONE rants on and on about muay thai.... My opinion? You don't need it.

    Here's is the best combination in my opinion:

    Kicking- Taekwondo
    Punching/hands- Boxing
    Grappling- Judo or BJJ or Hapkido... Take you pick
    I'm glad they banned you.


    • #62
      Here is my 2 cents. Whatever works at that moment to counter or shut down your opponents attack is what you should use. Fighting isnt really style vs style but rather opponent vs opponent. I can teach you a Shorin Ryu technique, and you may decide that for you it isnt suited for your body type, height, etc. On another sight a guy was asking which style of MA his girlfriend should learn to protect herself. Most people said BJJ, which is fine, but she weighs 100 lbs at most. Would you recommend that your girlfriend of 100 lbs grapple with an attacker? My point is to learn everything from as many styles as you can then take what works well for you from each style and master it.


      • #63
        There are so many paths (Styles) you can take/choose from the beginning... but I think it's good to go back to the beginning after traveling down one path, to see what other paths you can take.
        Don't restrict yourself.
        Expand your understanding.


        • #64
          Originally posted by ciscodog
          Here is my 2 cents. Whatever works at that moment to counter or shut down your opponents attack is what you should use. Fighting isnt really style vs style but rather opponent vs opponent. I can teach you a Shorin Ryu technique, and you may decide that for you it isnt suited for your body type, height, etc. it.

          ''obsorbe whats useful reject what is not'' Bruce Lee


          • #65
            Originally posted by StealthMode
            seppuku, you are correct when you say i haven't fully mastered every single martial arts from what i know. I know enough though to apply it in combative situations. My level of understanding fromm those styles is just a bit more than the basics from the styles that i mentioned. From those styles i know, i know a lot of wing chun which my cousin teaches me, I took WTF tae kwondo in a dojo ,I learned like approximately 19 throws from judo which i learned in a martial arts center and i know people that knows muay thai and they teach me. I also practice basic boxing offensive techniques which i learned from my uncle, but he hasn't really taught me fully the defensive part. My sister knows tai chi and taught me basic pushing hands techniques. And I learned Krav MAga at a gym. I have great interest in martial arts and enjoy learning martial arts thats why i know all those styles that i mentioned

            Ok nice combo dude, but your missing the other half of MA. kamae attitude. you dont have the shin spirt of MA. I dono maybe im the only one i noticed it.--any1??-- your like im going to have a fight i fought pepole before ect. Mabye you didn't mean that but it sounds like that your a child.

            Let me tell you this story --its alittel off topic story but i think it ok --

            I will tell you the story of the samurai who came to see the legendary master miyamoto Musashi and asked to learn the true way of the sword. The master agreed having become his disciple, the samurai spent all his time, as instructed by the master, carrying and chopping wood and fetching buckets of water from a distant spring. He did this every day for 3 years he had enough, he went to his master and asked him. ''what kind of training are you giving me? I have not touched a sword since i got here.''
            the master replied'' since you desire it. I shall now teach you the true technique.''
            He ordered him to go to the dojo and there, every day from morning to evening, the diciple had to walk around the outside edge of the tatmi, step by step around the halll without ever missing a foot.
            --The master was teaching him to concentrate.---
            so the disciple walked around the edge of the tatami for a year.At the end of that time he said to his master, '' I am a samurai, I have a long experience of swordsmanship and i have met other masters of kendo. Not one ever taught me as you are doing. Now please, teach me the true way of the sword.''
            ''very well'' said the master. He led him far into the mountains to a place where a tree trunk lay across a ravine, a dizzying, deep chasm.
            ''there'' said the master, ''walk over''
            The samurai had no idea what his master meant, when he glanced down he recoiled and couldnt bring himself to cross.
            The master said ''for one whole year you have walked round and round the edge of the tatmi, which is much narrower than that tree trunk, so you must able to cross.''
            He understood, and strode to the other side.

            His training was finshed:for 3 years he had built up the strenght of his body for one year he had developed his power of concentration in one action(walking), and at the last, facing death at the edge of the abyss, he received the final trainig of spirit and mind.

            I hope you get the point of this short story. which is :: find a decent dojo and stop learing form your friends wasa Techniques, because there are some other stuff that you have to learn other than what the teach you.


            • #66
              I must agree. This is one of the most worthless threads ever. Shame on those of you who perpetuated this.



              • #67
                My bad....

                Originally posted by Hikage
                I must agree. This is one of the most worthless threads ever. Shame on those of you who perpetuated this.


                Those of us.... I'm going to go puke now.


                • #68
                  Why do people even bother giving advice on how one should take on another?

                  Nothing is going to change the moment of truth.

                  The outcome will unfold at such moment


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by 47MartialMan
                    Why do people even bother giving advice on how one should take on another?

                    Nothing is going to change the moment of truth.

                    The outcome will unfold at such moment
                    MartialMan, its good to see you again!


                    • #70

                      I live among the ruins of Katrina


                      • #71
                        Post the video!

                        I want to see you kick a girl in the nuts, while doing karate with animal crackers!

                        that is what happened right?....gee, sounds like preschool?!


                        • #72
                          A video will be interesting


                          • #73
                            Just curiuos StealthMode who won?


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Warrior189
                              Just curiuos StealthMode who won?
                              I think the fight was broken up by a girl scout selling animal crackers.
                              At least that's what they say is in the video.


                              • #75
                                For sure he won't tell that he got "bested".

