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Ba Gua / Fa Jin question

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  • #16
    Thanks for info.

    So you sell guns/knives and also teach CMA?


    • #17
      Originally posted by kuk sool won
      oh i think i understand the concepts of it now, a teacher of mine does it all the time, you keep you hand relaxed and whip it out in one quick motion?
      on a very basic level thats the need to get the whole body into the act for it to be true fajin though


      • #18
        Originally posted by danfaggella
        Thanks for info.

        So you sell guns/knives and also teach CMA?
        I dont sell guns, just KNIVES and yep i teach the CMA and FMA/SILAT concepts as well....I met James keating, Kelly worden and Burton Richardson all the same day at NSI about 15 yrs ago...from that day foward i added their concepts to the family blade work.


        • #19
          Energy release involving the whole body? Are we still talking about a backfist?

          I've been doing some research into the TCM and CMA and there is a very subtle code for the secret teachings of yin/yang.... "Heaven and Earth"

          It's not at all about actual fighting. More about the code and keeping the secrets out of the hands of the lower class. Now don't take that the wrong way because it might be a figment of my imagination! But, it seems to me that the whole idea of self control is toward the goal of enlightenment through the flesh. In fact they believed it would lead to immortality and union with the creative force of the cosmos...

          Martial artists have taken a branch of the teachings to a whole different aspect of life. It's the destructive nature opposite of the (pro)creative nature that balances everything out, eh?

          Yin essence is concentrated in what again? A kidney? Uh huh, that's where the seminal fluid originates...

          Excuse me, prenatal Chi...

          Maybe I'm out in left field here but there must be something to it?


          • #20
            double post? what double post


            • #21
              Originally posted by Tant01
              Energy release involving the whole body? Are we still talking about a backfist?

              I've been doing some research into the TCM and CMA and there is a very subtle code for the secret teachings of yin/yang.... "Heaven and Earth"

              It's not at all about actual fighting. More about the code and keeping the secrets out of the hands of the lower class. Now don't take that the wrong way because it might be a figment of my imagination! But, it seems to me that the whole idea of self control is toward the goal of enlightenment through the flesh. In fact they believed it would lead to immortality and union with the creative force of the cosmos...

              Martial artists have taken a branch of the teachings to a whole different aspect of life. It's the destructive nature opposite of the (pro)creative nature that balances everything out, eh?

              Yin essence is concentrated in what again? A kidney? Uh huh, that's where the seminal fluid originates...

              Excuse me, prenatal Chi...

              Maybe I'm out in left field here but there must be something to it?
              Nah, the backfist is just the easiest jin to get...then you work on adding the explosive discharge or whip of the rest of the body...its extremely hard to impossible to describe in words...As i have said before ALOT of the yin/yang theories were added by scholors after the arts were already in decline...the crap the scholors added pretty much sent everyone looking in the wrong direction...

              Fajin is like hitting with the power of the body harnessed into one action like a sneeze or shaking water from your hands.

              As for all the harmonies and flows...they make interesting study when my body is too tired for any more work, but aside from health benifits and sexual benifits i dont put alot of thought into TCM theory for MARTIAL study.


              • #22
                its not alot its A LOT!!!!!!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by kuk sool won
                  its not alot its A LOT!!!!!!

                  A lot of what?


                  • #24
                    Or NOT.

                    Originally posted by kuk sool won
                    its not alot its A LOT!!!!!!

                    or maybe it's bait?

                    Strain out the gnat and swallow the fly...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by kuk sool won
                      its not alot its A LOT!!!!!!

                      OOOOOooooo my bad sorry, why dont you explain fa jin instead of me since my spelling bothered you so...


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by BoarSpear
                        OOOOOooooo my bad sorry, why dont you explain fa jin instead of me since my spelling bothered you so...

                        Do you mean Fa Chin?

                        Couldn't resist...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Tant01
                          Do you mean Fa Chin?

                          Couldn't resist...
                 either......... ............. just kidding...people are unreal eh?


                          • #28
                            Yeah, but funny...LOL

                            Lets yank that other leg now so's you can walk straight...


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Tant01
                              Yeah, but funny...LOL

                              Lets yank that other leg now so's you can walk straight...
                              but i like running around in circles


                              • #30
                                So we ARE talking about Fa Chin....

                                The circular motion to whip the weapon into striking range is just storing energy or adding force to the spring tension of the tendons and ligaments.

                                So going in a circle is both literal and figurative. Funny...

                                Now if we add a nice staff or other flexible weapon? hmmmm?

                                Fa Jin!

                                While "release" is a standard and usefull term to understand Fa Jin (chin) it was explained to me as energy transfer? As an object thrown carries the force it will release the energy over time and fall harmlessly to the ground or it will impact with a target and transfer the force in a very short time.

                                Perhaps I should have paid closer attention to the words? Chinese is Greek to me?

                                Am I far away from the correct understanding of Fa Jin? Not muscular strength but tendons spring tension and short arcs?

                                And Fa Jin being the "release" or letting it go...?

                                Thanks. This is interesting to me.

