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Ba Gua / Fa Jin question

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  • Ba Gua / Fa Jin question

    First let me appologize for posting this thread. I know the last Ba Gua thread got completely out of controll and shut down, I would ask for only educated replys because I am in no way trolling for an argument, only answers.
    After BoarSpears post on the FaJin punch, I was impressed and wanted to do some reserch. After about a month of practicing this techniqe, my speed has increased remarkably. Then the post on Ba Gua for self defense came about, so I read some more about internal styles and found a link between Ba Gua and Fa Jing. I also saw some things that I felt were worth knowing and abilities That I would like to posess. I would like to find out more information on these two subjects. Can anyone help me? Please don't troll on my thread, and I promise to never troll on yours. Thanks.

  • #2
    Hey man you shouldnt have to apologize for starting a thread on the TCMA in the CMA forum

    Its true that baqua contains some Fajin attacks, but it also has the toughest training program to see the benifit. Taiji is right there in second place for time spent learning the skill I suggest you look into some Hsin yi to find the cannon fist techniques then try the Bagau /Taiji path...

    lemmie know and i'll do all i can to point you in the right direction...


    • #3
      I did see that video about the Fajin punch but the guy didn't come off as credible though he may have been, I just don't know what/who he is.

      I think that being able to strike that hard was pretty remarkable, and if you can throw anything my way on develoing such a skill I would be gratefull. It sure seems very interesting and I'm getting into TCMA a lot lately.


      • #4
        Originally posted by danfaggella
        I did see that video about the Fajin punch but the guy didn't come off as credible though he may have been, I just don't know what/who he is.

        I think that being able to strike that hard was pretty remarkable, and if you can throw anything my way on develoing such a skill I would be gratefull. It sure seems very interesting and I'm getting into TCMA a lot lately.
        Have you tried the exercise I explained to get an idea of the movement?


        • #5
          No I haven't even seen it, I'm interested in getting introduced to Fajin though, so what is it? por favor?


          • #6
            The simplest way to "find" fajin is by holding your hand palm down at waist height in front of you and explosively turning the hand over and making a fist.
            That isnt fajin of course but after about 10,000 of those puppies you ought to understand the concept just start doing this for 5 to 10 minutes a day, try to make a fist as fast as you can as you turn the hand over...after awhile it will start to make popping sounds in the air. you can easily see how this becomes a backfist, with practice you can learn to put the whole body into a whip strike like that. There are ALOT of different jins, im just trying to explain an easy way to grasp the concept from the internet alone


            • #7
              this all sounds interesting, iv'e always wanted to do a Chinese art but there are no schools in the area, would it be possible for some people to post links with step by step instructions or even a video showing my how these punches are done?


              • #8
                I noticed someone asked what fajin a nutshell its explosive energy discharge. The idea is that you store energy in movement and explosively release this energy into a strike...

                The internal arts tend to emphasize evasion and deflection of incoming strikes so as to remain inevident or uncommitted...

                Only when the opponent has left himself vulnerable will they strike, then it is done in a viscious explosion of whole body power directed at a vital point.

                whipping strikes are not the only Fa jin strikes by any means, they are just the one you need to understand first to grasp the concept.

                essentially fa jin strikes are the key to understanding non telegraphic attacks in the CMA.

                In SOME CMA systems yin and yang also define opening and closing of the waist, thus defining the strikes associated with those waist movements as either yin or yang. When the body is "shook" like a dog shaking water from its back you can stike with those movements essentially whipping your limbs into your opponent as you relax, sink, aim and release the stored energy.

                Strikes like that are extremely fast and with some practice can be devastating...they also come from unusual angles with NO warning or telegraphic windup. these strikes can be strung together into a punishing flurry of chops, punches, raps, pinches and gouges and of couse SLAPS

                if you know how to charley horse a muscle by striking with a snappy strike, youre on your way...we all did it as kids...that game isnt funny in the hands of a man who trains kf and ironpalm Having someone 'frog" or "charley horse" your vegas nerve or lungs or brain stem etc isnt fun.


                • #9
                  I'm sure you take a CMA and I am interested in knowing which style/school. Also, who taught you the method of Fa Jin?



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by danfaggella
                    I'm sure you take a CMA and I am interested in knowing which style/school. Also, who taught you the method of Fa Jin?

                    My family has a blend of Taiji/baqua/hsin yi built on a mongolian wrestling base that i have been practicing since 1963. i learned the concept of fa jin from my grandad.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BoarSpear
                      My family has a blend of Taiji/baqua/hsin yi built on a mongolian wrestling base that i have been practicing since 1963. i learned the concept of fa jin from my grandad.

                      W h o A r e Y o u?

                      Care to share a proper name?



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Tant01
                        W h o A r e Y o u?

                        Care to share a proper name?

                        why im BoarSpear of course

                        Sure dude pm on the way....Im a little opinionated to throw my name out on the net... The rest of the family would gang up n hang me for sure



                        • #13
                          Your an older fellow then, you must have a day job as well, I always wonder what expereinced martial artists do for a living, mind sharing?

                          Also, is that Fa Jin exercize for backfist only? I'm trying to get into it and I would like to know any kind of benefitial practice/concept!



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by danfaggella
                            Your an older fellow then, you must have a day job as well, I always wonder what expereinced martial artists do for a living, mind sharing?

                            Also, is that Fa Jin exercize for backfist only? I'm trying to get into it and I would like to know any kind of benefitial practice/concept!

                            an older fellow just joking Anyway, i teach, i sell knives and occasionally i bounce during special events (gettin a little old for it but its fun)..I built my life around the arts from the time i was a kid...the day i got out of the navy i began doing things that allowed me to incorporate training and teaching into my everyday life. I travel to gun and knife shows, etc to meet people its work, but its what i love so its really play.

                            oh yeah, the fa jin exercise....yes it has other apps than the backfist, but until you have the backfist down they wont make might try horses hoof punches though...they travel the same lines as a handshake (sneaky).... its a vertical backfist delivered under the ribs or an uppercut technique its nearly invisable.
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              oh i think i understand the concepts of it now, a teacher of mine does it all the time, you keep you hand relaxed and whip it out in one quick motion?

