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Beer, Weed and the Internal

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  • Beer, Weed and the Internal

    Let's say you've been kayak'in all day at the beach and in between fishing and wave ride'in you've put away a little beer. You haven't drank too much beer but you have a good buzz. After that long hard day of play you either don't train cuz you have a buzz or you train with that buzz.

    Would you do any internal work with a buzz?

    Now how about on top of the beer buzz, you take a nice bong hit...not too much, just enough to have a good buzz.

    Would you do any internal work with a beer/weed buzz?

    PS I would never dream of doing illeagal things like smokeing those bad marajawana cigarettes...this is only for educational purposes only!

  • #2
    You are the type to get all your buddies killed in combat. LOL


    • #3
      yeah I agree, but seing as ppl that do drink and smoke if there not stupid like these kids that do it to be kool they wont get there buddies killed in combat cause him and his buddies wont make it into combat being a booser and smoker.

      and becides I dont know why ppl get sand in there vagina over ciggorets, beer, and pot?


      Its is impossable to die from smoking pot, pot will not kill from doing to much.

      Which is why I think this countrie is full of bullshit.

      Iam gonna buy my own island some day just nothing bigger than a football field would be nice.

      So I dont have to deal with oppression and ppl telling me I cant do that.

      Sorry to rant like that but I just hate it when ppl get so uptight about stuff that grows in the dirt.

      AND WTF does this have to do with Chinese Martial Arts ?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Hardball
        You are the type to get all your buddies killed in combat. LOL
        I'm talking about fishing, not combat. If my/buddies life is in danger, the last thing I would do is drink beer.

        What does "LOL" mean?

        Originally posted by GakiAkuma
        AND WTF does this have to do with Chinese Martial Arts ?
        Tai Chi, Bagua, qigong among, others is the internal work I am talking about.


        • #5
          LOL means it was a joke and I was just funning with you. (Laugh out Loud)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Hardball
            LOL means it was a joke and I was just funning with you. (Laugh out Loud)
            wow. That helps me understand a lot of these posts, a lot better. You do Tai Chi right? I know your main thing is jujustu but, do you ever do that internal stuff after a few beers?


            • #7
              Originally posted by knifethrower
              wow. That helps me understand these posts a lot better. You do Tai Chi right? I know your main thing is jujustu but, do you ever do that internal stuff after a few beers?
              I love slow forms/katas. I do 9 different forms daily including chong gi, dan gun, sil lum tao, Heain 1 through heain 5 and I do a form called Mil Fre. I believe these forms have some internal benefits especially when I do them at the ocean or in the woods however I don't know the specific benefits. I just know they help me feel relaxed and good about myself including my spirit. Beer or weed are not necessary.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Hardball
                Beer or weed are not necessary.
                They are not necessary but, do you believe them to be harmful? Yes beer will damage your liver but, is that harm magnified by the internal work?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by knifethrower
                  They are not necessary but, do you believe them to be harmful? Yes beer will damage your liver but, is that harm magnified by the internal work?
                  I have no idea. Anything in moderation should be o.k. but just remember, if you smoke weed everyday then you are hooked. If you drink beer everyday then you are hooked. For me, the best thing for internal healthy is raw veggies, especially green leafy veggies and plenty of tea. Visit a health food store or a vitamin store--they are the experts, not me.


                  • #10
                    Anything that keeps you from training is bad!! to much of anything is bad no mater what it is!! I think alcohol interferes with training the most though...BEER?? UGH Who can move after drinking that crap? Mezcal man, you move real nice on that

                    as for weed, i smoked it for about 20 yrs on a daily basis, i tapered down to takin a toke if someone handed it to me a couple years ago, now i have quit entirely. I found it helped shorten the time it took to relax and get into training when i had a ton of things on my mind.


                    • #11

             would be like studying triple integral's after a night out! With no intention..!


                      • #12
                        being buzzed can help u meditate for sure. stick with pot, get high, and just put on some relaxing music and meditate. i think this is also why rastafarians smoke bud, so they can better meditate. nothing wrong with that, if it helps you it helps you.


                        • #13
                          Actually, it reduces relaxation but makes you THINK you are relaxed, thats why it takes so long to get to sleep after a night out even though it feels like you have been lying there for 5 minutes (or slumped, depending one what state you are in.)

