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Tungs Fast Form and more....videos

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  • Tungs Fast Form and more....videos


    Here is a fairly good variety of Taiji styles...the Tungs is worthy of note, you dont see it often...this is slower and sort of Tai chi-ish in execution but the movements are all there.

  • #2
    Every time I see a Taiji form it always looks graceful but I rarely understand the purpose. It's cool to see a few combat applications- I wonder how many MA in the U.S. are even aware that they exist. Those take downs looked very similar to a lot of our Tiger applications. Thanks for posting this clip, if you have any more I'd enjoy seeing them.


    • #3
      Did you check all these out? Make sure to watch the tungs fast form and applications...IF you didnt already...


      • #4
        I'm having trouble getting it to play on my work cpu; I'll have to wait until I can see it on my lap top.


        • #5
          There are way more applications than there are movements in that form ,but why did the guy use those

          Nice form though but I see what you mean buy tai chiish


          • #6
            Good to see some application's- they can't all be trip's and throw's tho.!?



            • #7


              • #8


                • #9


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Maybe i was a little gruff, I assumed you were trolling, perhaps youre just new.

                      this discussion has been done to death...see this thread for everyones opinion, mine included



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MmaFighter152
                        "Sport Guy", funny!



                        • #13


                          • #14
                            [QUOTE=MmaFighter152]However, the CMA hand to hand, mono y mono fighting is indisputebly ineffective[QUOTE]

                            Riiiiiiiight... so you've taken a close look at every last MA that ever came from China and in your expert opinion not one of them has any validity what so ever I think someone in that BJJ class must have held onto a choke a little too long on this one; the poor boy is obviously brain damaged.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MmaFighter152
                              if you are interested in no weapons, 1on1 fighting, then study and train BJJ and Muay Thai to incorporate into what already know about fighting. This is what progressive MArtists do, and my advice to you since you are a MA.
                              Muay thai has been about fighting since its inception and the only rule changes have been the use of boxing rings, gloves, KO rules (opposed to death) and no gouging. The art evolved from a weapons system called krabi-krabong; if the fighter lost their weapons, they could try to attack the weapon wielding arms, stun with headbutts, break legs etc.

                              Muaythai was originally a weapon system.

                              I think its a great art because it focuses on physical conditioning and realistic sparring.

