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Basic Throwing Techniques of Sanshou

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  • Basic Throwing Techniques of Sanshou allows computer users to send large files to anyone. Videos, pictures, documents or any other file that is too large to send as an email attachment can be sent through

  • #2
    nice post more


    • #3
      Trollin trollin trollin....


      • #4
        can u explain i lost it somewhere


        • #5
          i had train judo for a bit, i said that its nice one


          • #6
            Originally posted by MmaFighter152
            Its not something you just explain, but to make it easier, if you really want to learn how to throw someone who is trying to counter or throw you, then sign up for a Judo class or practice with a wrestling team. But to make it even easier, just go to a BJJ academy and you can learn any throw you want practice it and execute in a live situation, plus you will learn crucial ground fighting. BJJ does everything that judo or wrestling would do.
            again dude, please keep your mma preaching to the bjj threads....BJJ is not the greatest martial art, or the only one regardless of the hype....BTW if BJJ which came from GJJ is so great, why does Roylar rely on butt scooting so much? perhaps because standup and throwing are not his strong points? Ever seen a wrestler or a judo guy rely on butt scooting for 15 minutes of a fight?....i guess you think that means wrestling and judo are lacking.....


            • #7
              Originally posted by MmaFighter152
              U think of MMA like its some sort of new religion or fad sweeping the MA community. Im not preaching, the man wanted to learn throwing techniques so I gave him the most truthful advice. And Royler Gracie is probably the worst fighter in the Gracie family, hes pretty much only good at submission grappling, cuz he cant stand up strike or takedown good fighter, unlike RICKSON GRACIE(410-0-0) who was undeniably the best fighter in the world. And by the way BJJ is GJJ. Its almost as if TMArtists resent MMArtists for no sufficient reason.
              ............................... .......
              Attached Files


              • #8

                Originally posted by MmaFighter152
                .... RICKSON GRACIE(410-0-0) who was undeniably the best fighter in the world. .......

                That's funny....


                • #9
                  I mean, how many of these "fights" were exhibitions or seminar matches?


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by MmaFighter152
                    Its also true dum-dum

                    So you're saying he never lost to Ron Tripp? And all the exhibitions and seminar matches should count? O kay then...................

                    (Dumb Dumb.... ) ever try spell checker?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MmaFighter152
                      Anyways, tell me, what aspect of MMA fight are unreal?

                      Gee, where to start? It takes place in a nice flat, clean ring or octagon, which means no obstacles broken glass or other random goodies on the ground. No eye gouges, no groin strikes, no fish hooking, no biting, no small joint manipulation, it's only one on one and there are never weapons. Not only that the fighters wear gloves. Oh yeah, and there's a ref. who's there to stop the fight if someone starts getting seriously injured. That doesn't sound very realistic to me...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MmaFighter152
                        Its also true dum-dum

                        ............................. I believe Helio has said its closer to 10 fights...


                        • #13
                          Just the facts please...

                          Originally posted by MmaFighter152
                          Because Rickson knocked his ass out from mount in a fight
                          Really? Is THAT what happened? LOL

                          Rickson has lost a sambo match to Ron Tripp. He was thrown in under a minute by Uchi Mata for a total victory after attempting a ko soto gake style reap in the 1993 USA Sambo Nationals in Norman, Oklahoma.

                          ...Rickson has claimed in the past that the rules weren't explained to him, despite winning a gold medal at the Pan American Sambo Championships in his weight class at age 19. He claims the rules to Sambo can vary with the tournament, and that if he had known falling on his back was a loss it wouldn't have happened...

                          Funny how the documented history doesn't mean crap to the BJJ players... excuse me, I mean "Jiu-Jitsu fighters"...


                          • #14
                            You mean SAMBO???

                            Originally posted by MmaFighter152
                            but in a submission tournement, Ron Tripp submitted him
                            But, but 410 -0 - 0???


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sagacious Lu
                              Gee, where to start? It takes place in a nice flat, clean ring or octagon, which means no obstacles broken glass or other random goodies on the ground. No eye gouges, no groin strikes, no fish hooking, no biting, no small joint manipulation, it's only one on one and there are never weapons. Not only that the fighters wear gloves. Oh yeah, and there's a ref. who's there to stop the fight if someone starts getting seriously injured. That doesn't sound very realistic to me...
                              you forgot to mention butt scooting around the ring, and the other guy stopping when you cry uncle...or are choked out or knocked out...and of course the lava and alligators...

