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CMA Videos...Baqua old footage...

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  • CMA Videos...Baqua old footage...


  • #2
    Originally posted by BoarSpear

    This is the first of drops out now and then and there is no sound...(its all in chinese anyway) aint the best picture either but hey....these take AWHILE to transfer and load so the next ones might be a few days
    The language is actually cantonese or mandarin, chinese isn't a language . I tried to download the video but it won't open for me.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
      The language is actually cantonese or mandarin, chinese isn't a language . I tried to download the video but it won't open for me.
      what is it with you people and semantics? no shit chinese isnt a language, but it was simpler to type chinese than a full explanation, the point was the art, not the language.

      BTW genius, since ya wanna nit pick, you cant download Vsocial vids watch 'em. Maybe try clicking on the little button that says PLAY


      • #4
        WHAT?!!!! NO SOUND?!?! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!! HOW THE FUK AM I SUPOSE TO KNOW WHAT KOJAK IS SAYING??? I WANT MY FUKIN MONEY BACK!!!! oh I forgot, you do this shit for free don’t you Boar

        When Kojak moves, it looks like he’s moving on a basic level. I know very little about Bagua so I could be wrong; is it suppose to look like Tai Chi? I’m thinking YES.

        He might be moving that way on purpose so as not to fuk up his lesson. I think his lesson is the applications. I could be wrong but, that looks like the lethal sh*t. You know, throat strike, neck break, and not just a simple eye gouge…it looks like it’s done at a slightly different angle.

        Who’s the goofy white guy Kojak is working with?


        • #5


          • #6


            • #7
              You posted this guy before and I was lucky enough to find it and download it into my computer. It wasn't this clip though...I don't think...

              Do YOU walk in a circle like that when you train?

              Are there a certain number of steps (in the circle) to take or is it not that regimented.

              I heard bagua has good foot work. I’ve heard you can get to the guys back pretty quick if you do it right. Is that circle walk part of that?


              • #8


                • #9
                  I've been getting slammed with work something fierce this week so I've only had a chance to look at the first link so far. Thanks for posting this; this is the first time I've been able to get a look at a Baqua practitioner. One thing that stands out to me is that it looks like he loves his slaps. Is it safe to assume that he advocates iron palm training?


                  • #10


                    • #11

                      Is this the style that teaches applications off of pi quan, beng quan etc?

                      Been told that its a complimentary art to xing yi which is more striking, whereas ba qua is more long-fist, grappling.


                      • #12
                        [QUOTE=Tom Yum]Is this the style that teaches applications off of pi quan, beng quan etc?



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BoarSpear
                          but the trip is great
                          Fuk Yeah, dude...

