I get the impression when I visit this forum sometimes that alot of the writers aren't actually here to learn, teach or exchange views.
They simply like to dictate to other Martial Artists that are posting good clean solid input and tell them they are wrong. Infact quite often there is no right or wrong just different.
As a Martial Arts student it is your responsibility to decide what is right for you. Not what is right and wrong for everyone else. Some "know it all" writers often like to dictate their way to people.
Alot of the time what is writen is missinterpreted. This is definately understandable sometimes and is often almost certainly expected, but never once to my knowledge has a writer appologised and said ok I get it now or sorry I missunderstood what you wrote.
I personally think that alot of the genuine Martial Artists on this Forum don't just want to argue, fight or just learn to fight. Fighting is fun sometimes admitadely especially when you learn from it. However it is just part of traditional Martial Arts not the whole thing.
I understand not every Martial Artist is advanced or "A natural", I also understand that no Martial Art or human being for that matter is perfect. However I also know this "know it all" aproach to learning is the beginning of a journey to nowhere at all.
Please don't think I am critisising this forum as a whole because i'm not. I believe that this forum holds alot of excellent insight and positive attitudes. However there are also alot of player haters that often enjoy forcing their shallow oppinions down peoples throats.
The great thing is that not all Martial Artists have their heads up their own arses and they don't all think they're something that they're not. A Master of Tai Chi said to me once he was a beginner Though I suspected because of his excellent teaching knowledge he was an expert and it turned out he was.
This guy merely knew even as a Master he still had alot to learn. He had a very respectable attitude to learning which is why he was a Master and then went on to become a Grand Master.
If a Master can admit he doesn't know everything then why can't his disciple? It is simple, what one hasn't experienced one cannot truly understand, and what one can't dream of one cannot experience. Please can you tell me how anyone can know it all or be perfect as this is something I honestly don't understand?
One thing I do know though is that alot of fighters sometimes get their heads filled with shit by their teacher to make them think they're some kind of super-human. This is a dangerous game because if the illusion is some how shattered then that individuals soul may also become shattered.
Confidence is one thing, though false confidene is a dangerous territory to enter into as it may only cause you pain and imbarrasement and also in extreme cases emotional scars. Remember a person that no longer wishes to fight is often a more balanced individual.
Fighting for most people is merely a learning process it is something we as Martial Artists do to develop, teach and also learn. It is not supposed to hurt.
Masters or Grand Masters in many evolved Traditional Martial Arts are actually healers not trained killers. Though any healing art involving accupressure points can be used or developed into a deadly killing art also.
I once made the mistake of taking stupid remarks that people made personally. Then I stopped and found that life was alot more fun. I must admit that I am guilty of delusions of grand dure (not sure about spelling) as I often rant on obsessively as if I am a sage and I clearly am not.
They simply like to dictate to other Martial Artists that are posting good clean solid input and tell them they are wrong. Infact quite often there is no right or wrong just different.
As a Martial Arts student it is your responsibility to decide what is right for you. Not what is right and wrong for everyone else. Some "know it all" writers often like to dictate their way to people.
Alot of the time what is writen is missinterpreted. This is definately understandable sometimes and is often almost certainly expected, but never once to my knowledge has a writer appologised and said ok I get it now or sorry I missunderstood what you wrote.
I personally think that alot of the genuine Martial Artists on this Forum don't just want to argue, fight or just learn to fight. Fighting is fun sometimes admitadely especially when you learn from it. However it is just part of traditional Martial Arts not the whole thing.
I understand not every Martial Artist is advanced or "A natural", I also understand that no Martial Art or human being for that matter is perfect. However I also know this "know it all" aproach to learning is the beginning of a journey to nowhere at all.
Please don't think I am critisising this forum as a whole because i'm not. I believe that this forum holds alot of excellent insight and positive attitudes. However there are also alot of player haters that often enjoy forcing their shallow oppinions down peoples throats.
The great thing is that not all Martial Artists have their heads up their own arses and they don't all think they're something that they're not. A Master of Tai Chi said to me once he was a beginner Though I suspected because of his excellent teaching knowledge he was an expert and it turned out he was.
This guy merely knew even as a Master he still had alot to learn. He had a very respectable attitude to learning which is why he was a Master and then went on to become a Grand Master.
If a Master can admit he doesn't know everything then why can't his disciple? It is simple, what one hasn't experienced one cannot truly understand, and what one can't dream of one cannot experience. Please can you tell me how anyone can know it all or be perfect as this is something I honestly don't understand?
One thing I do know though is that alot of fighters sometimes get their heads filled with shit by their teacher to make them think they're some kind of super-human. This is a dangerous game because if the illusion is some how shattered then that individuals soul may also become shattered.
Confidence is one thing, though false confidene is a dangerous territory to enter into as it may only cause you pain and imbarrasement and also in extreme cases emotional scars. Remember a person that no longer wishes to fight is often a more balanced individual.
Fighting for most people is merely a learning process it is something we as Martial Artists do to develop, teach and also learn. It is not supposed to hurt.
Masters or Grand Masters in many evolved Traditional Martial Arts are actually healers not trained killers. Though any healing art involving accupressure points can be used or developed into a deadly killing art also.
I once made the mistake of taking stupid remarks that people made personally. Then I stopped and found that life was alot more fun. I must admit that I am guilty of delusions of grand dure (not sure about spelling) as I often rant on obsessively as if I am a sage and I clearly am not.