Originally posted by Shard
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What's better than Kungfu for self defense?
It really doesn't matter all that much what martial art you learn from, there is more than one way to roll a rock down the hill. What really matters is that YOU and your TEACHER have the same goals. If you want to learn how to pick an opponent apart and make them suffer then you need to MAKE SURE your teacher has and is willing to share this skill. If you only need martial arts to improve your health or to improve your spiritual life then you find a teacher who deals more with that side of the art. The perfect teachers for me are skilled at both and really hard to find.
Originally posted by thescottishdudeI thought that karate and kung fu were very similar. I do think that they teach self-defense, apart from katas and forms as they are way too traditional for self-defense teaching in my opinion.
My experience is that: Just because you can't see subtlies in the forms, doesn't mean they are not there. Forms, are the knowledge past masters have got from experience, in which they have passed it on with these sequences of body movements. Rather than word of mouth (Do you know what the game 'Chinese Whispers' is?)
I get what you're saying, I'm okay with forms in martial arts but I hate it when you go months with just doing forms and nothing else in your class.
I also read that 80% of fights end in wrestling on the street, so should you perhas study kungfu or karate mixed with a wrestling art like aikido rather than doing both kung fu and karate?
I don't think traditional martial arts address situations of today. Especially kung-fu. Most school are all about forms.
Now - granted you can pick out techiques and theories from these forms but not even people who have been studying for 5+ years actually sit down and strip a form apart like that and the few who do they don't even take it a step further to go over the techniques over and over again for it to become second nature.
From a self-defense point of view - IMO - its up to the individual, the situation, and how lucky they are.
To answer the thread title and to pick out a "style" - I would recommend Krav Maga for self-defense.