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Fighting Application: Xing Yi Quan

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  • Fighting Application: Xing Yi Quan

    Xing Yi Quan:

    Metal (pi quan). to split / to cut / circular force

    Wood (beng quan). to smash / straight line force

    Water (zhuan quan). to penetrate / upwards force

    Fire (pow quan). explosion force / to conduct beating

    Earth (heng quan). to cross / horizontal force forward

    The technique of the style Xing Yi Quan then is characterized by its aggressive form, where the practitioner attacks in the first chance with a decisive blow. The style aims at the economy of movements and the concept of attack and simultaneous defense. The realistic conception of the style allows it not to have any form of limitation. Eyes, throat, knees, testicles, as well the neck are primary targets.

    In the modern world the trainings of the Xing Yi Quan benefit the health, makes the mind strong and create physical conditions for a real confrontation in any situation.

    Since the principles of this Art were gleaned from battlefield experience, and because the Art was designed to be applied against a potentially armed and armored opponent, it favored direct, incapacitating techniques which would quickly end the encounter. Striking precise vital points (often protected by armor), complicated leverage techniques, prolonged grappling encounters and the use of force against force were all impractical under the above mentioned battlefield conditions. Continuous, vicious attacks with shocking strikes and quick debilitating takedowns were the techniques of choice.

    The powerful 'shocking' strikes of Xing Yi Quan will damage and disorient the opponent no matter where they connect. These blows are generally not aimed at specific 'vital points,' but rather through the enemy's center of mass; this insures maximum shock and transfer of energy into the opponent. Xing Yi Quan grappling techniques involve rapid, bone jarring takedowns. The lifts and hip techniques of the wrestling arts are not commonly found in the Xing Yi Quan arsenal. From the point of view of the warrior on the battlefield, the longer he is engaged in a grappling encounter, the longer he is exposed and vulnerable to attack from a third party.

    Xing Yi Quan techniques are based on continuous attack, or simultaneous attack and defense if the opponent manages to launch an attack first. Techniques which block first and then counterattack with a 'one-two' timing are not emphasized. The Art also contains a set of techniques that allow the Xing Yi fighter to attack the opponent even as he retreats. These techniques are introduced in the "Jin Tui Lian Huan" (Advanced Retreat Linked Form).

    Application videos:

    Alligator takedown:

    Side takedown:

    Combat application:

    Weapons application:

    More information:

  • #2
    Hi all,

    quick clip of some xing yi stuff we covered in last nights class.

    kicking leg points and dragon take down apps.




    • #3
      Nice as always chris, THANK YOU.

