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Myth Buster

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Oraenor
    This may sound wrong but that looks alot like pork.
    Formaldehyde tends to take the pink out of a cadaver...


    • #92
      Attached Files


      • #93
        Originally posted by stabbychick
        I think you should do this... go to a restaurant/ bar, bring yer video camera, and start a big food fight! Then you can post the video for our entertainment.
        Okay, but only if you provide the weapons and video camera.


        • #94
          Originally posted by BoarSpear
          right after I send 'em to the rest of the people at the bottom of my post.
          Hey numbers, you may want to study Gray's Anatomy and memorize the nerves plexus locations.


          • #95
            Aiming for the jaw with an upward palm strike leaves us with pretty much the same problem as an upward plam to nose.

            Neck shots can be fatal or knock people out. The problem with Most SD seminars/instructors is that they teach one to aim for the front of the neck.

            For starters, almost anyone who does any decent MA tucks their chin in, which effectively means the front of their necks are covered.
            And Not to mention hitting someone to the front of the neck will do little more than irritate them. It doesn't cut off enough air nor does it cut the air supply off for long enough for the assilant to be knocked out or to have any significant effect.

            What does work? A medium Jab to the side of the neck. Why? Even if you do tuck in your chin, you are not protecting the side.
            And a hit to that point, even with boxing gloves, temporarily messes up the blood flow to your brain. You're opponent won't be KOed instantly but i can assure you, he'll get light headed from the first punch and by the 3rd he'll start seeing spots and his reflexes seriously slow down.


            • #96
              Myth: Groin strikes are a garanteed instant incapacitator.
              I have found this veried widely from person to person. I have seen a guy wearing a protective cup get tapped with a contoled kick get dropped like a ton of bricks to guys who will take a full force kick in the nards and it just seems to piss them off even further. Add adrealine and/or intoxicating substances to the mix, and we have an attack that can work, but no garantee will work, or work as well as were led to believe.


              • #97
                Originally posted by stabbychick
                It was usually told right alongside "put all your keys between your fingers and punch!"
                It cut me a little bit under the lip, but not enough to leave a permanent scar...and definitly not enough to cause a stab like puncture wound, more like a bunch of tiny lacerations. Of course...if he had nailed me in the could've gone through. IT would hurt like a bitch, but it probably wouldn't have killed me...or stopped me.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Troll Virus
                  Small statistic for you, feel free to verify them for yourselves.
                  Taught some seminars and classes.
                  I reckon around 15% of people are immune to specific pain compliance techniques just by their biomechanical makeup/genetic disposition alone.

                  For me personally, the 'filtrum' doesn't work, whereas the 'chicken wing' escort/carry, that I find excruciating, simply did not work on a good 15% of people it was tried on over a few seminars.

                  The 'myth' as always in MA, is letting someone lead you down the garden path with their sureties.
                  Experience is all.
                  I've seen people that can bend their fingers back all the way to the top of their the HELL would you get them to drop a weapon (i.e. a strip or a finger lock, etc) without defanging the shit out of their hand?


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by BB Wolf
                    Myth: Groin strikes are a garanteed instant incapacitator.
                    I have found this veried widely from person to person. I have seen a guy wearing a protective cup get tapped with a contoled kick get dropped like a ton of bricks to guys who will take a full force kick in the nards and it just seems to piss them off even further. Add adrealine and/or intoxicating substances to the mix, and we have an attack that can work, but no garantee will work, or work as well as were led to believe.
                    I have to agree with you on that as I have been hit there with little effect until a minuite later...maybe I'm a numbnut or that it just varies from person to person.Those female self defence classes with over reactive guys dont help either!

                    A funny myth is that Girls need a special MA as they are weaker/ built different....So not true!


                    • Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                      While I am a big advocate of having your keys ready in advance, I don't think using them for self-defense is a good idea.
                      Man Hits Would-Be Carjacker in Face with Ring of Keys
                      March 23rd, 2006 @ 11:27am
                      by Associated Press

                      A strong arm and a good aim foils a carjacking in Tucson.

                      A 47-year-old man told Tucson police that a man walked up to him armed with a knife and demanded his truck.

                      According to a police report, the victim responded by winding up and pitching his ring of 50 workplace keys at the suspect. The keys hit the would-be carjacker in the face and he took off.

                      The incident occurred Tuesday morning on East 30th Street near South Craycroft.


                      • There are exceptions to every rule, eh?

                        I once kicked a knife out of the hand too but it's not the best disarming technique...


                        • Originally posted by Tant01
                          There are exceptions to every rule, eh?

                          I once kicked a knife out of the hand too but it's not the best disarming technique...
                          I just like proving Mike wrong whenever I can.


                          • Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                            It may be wrong indeed, but I've seen a lot of "people insides." We look a lot like pork in there, too.

                            Now you are bragging, don't let your wife hear you talk like that.


                            • .............................


                              • Originally posted by stabbychick
                                Hehehe... I believe we were discussing keys that people usually carry. If you have a ring of 50 workplace keys, go ahead and fram the hell out of 'em!

                                Just don't try and put 'em between your fingers.
                                50 keys is like...maybe 4 pounds? huck 4 pounds of metal at somebody and hit them in the face...that just MIGHT work. lol...

