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Myth Buster

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  • #16
    Originally posted by treelizard
    Of course your key isn't your best primary weapon, but what if you can't sneak a knife into the building you were just in past the metal detectors and security guards? Keys, rocks, snapple bottles, hairspray and lighters, lol.
    WTF i dunno do they allow freakin metal INK pens in your office building? WTF are you thinking??? You may lose your keys in the struggle what? not to mention it wont work bent or gummed up with someones eyeball...but the ink pen in the other hand is a FAR better weapon that the mcgyver nonsense you just pulled out of your purse.... Im sure the rocks arent going to bother security at all...what are you palestinian? rocks? Where do you get 'em, your head?

    oh wait i get it, its your pet rock...or is it your love and light crystal collection that is really your ninja killer rocks in disguise?


    • #17
      Stop giving away all my secrets!!!!


      • #18
        Originally posted by treelizard
        Stop giving away all my secrets!!!!
        maybe you should carry a joint to give them, according to you it killed Bruce Lee.
        Attached Files


        • #19
          Originally posted by BoarSpear
          maybe you should carry a joint to give them, according to you it killed Bruce Lee.
          I said STOP giving away my secrets!!!!


          • #20
            And how in the hell did you find out about my magic rocks? That's strictly Kunoichi stuff. It's part of a male warrior's nunya business.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
              I do find it funny that Treelizard is now suddenly in favor of poking people in the eyes - with weapons, no less!
              Actually the debate I keep getting into with my friend who teaches WSD in Santa Cruz is over which eye strike is better--she teaches to keep your thumbs on the BG's eyes and dig 'em in for a while, whereas I'm all about getting your hands free as soon as possible after the strike. She said the extra momentum you get from striking and then pulling back isn't necessary for eye strikes. Thoughts?


              • #22
                Originally posted by treelizard
                And how in the hell did you find out about my magic rocks? That's strictly Kunoichi stuff. It's part of a male warrior's nunya business.
                BWAHAHAHAHA stop giving money to the New age flakes out there will ya?? Jesus H Christ
                Attached Files


                • #23
                  I said it's nunya business!!!!

                  Originally posted by BoarSpear
                  BWAHAHAHAHA stop giving money to the New age flakes out there will ya?? Jesus H Christ


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by treelizard
                    Actually the debate I keep getting into with my friend who teaches WSD in Santa Cruz is over which eye strike is better--she teaches to keep your thumbs on the BG's eyes and dig 'em in for a while, whereas I'm all about getting your hands free as soon as possible after the strike. She said the extra momentum you get from striking and then pulling back isn't necessary for eye strikes. Thoughts?
                    Yeah find another instructor Leaving your hands behind to be grabbed and broken by a bigger stronger attacker is ludicrous.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BoarSpear
                      Yeah find another instructor Leaving your hands behind to be grabbed and broken by a bigger stronger attacker is ludicrous.
                      Agreed... She's not my instructor, just a friend. Another friend who teaches self-defense advocates just kicking the shins and swinging forward a lot when someone picks you up. I practiced this on a wrestler and of course he didn't let go or lose his balance (though I did bruise up his shins a bit). So I think I'd prefer the headbutt-in-the-nose technique someone was talking about.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                        Don't read too much into this, but I believe in getting in and getting out fast. Of the eyes, that is...
                        Sorta like shootin' and scootin' huh?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by treelizard
                          Agreed... She's not my instructor, just a friend. Another friend who teaches self-defense advocates just kicking the shins and swinging forward a lot when someone picks you up. I practiced this on a wrestler and of course he didn't let go or lose his balance (though I did bruise up his shins a bit). So I think I'd prefer the headbutt-in-the-nose technique someone was talking about.
                          so a wrestler tried to pick you up and you kicked him in the shins for it?

                          jubaji gettin outta lina again?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                            A good grab to the crotch, followed by an effort similar to trying to crack walnuts against each other has...dramatic effects as well. You gotta mean it, though.
                            "Monkey steals peaches"

                            baqua uses a combination of movements called White ape offers fruit, shakes tree, steals peaches. This is essentially a shoulder or hip strike and elbow attack to bounce the opponent back and as they are sent stumbling you slap/grab twist and snatch the errr peaches


                            • #29
                              LOL, I asked a wrestler to pick me up to see if kicking him in the shins and then swinging my legs forward like I'd been taught would make him lose his balance. We were on matts. Anyway, it didn't work.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by treelizard
                                Actually the debate I keep getting into with my friend who teaches WSD in Santa Cruz is over which eye strike is better--she teaches to keep your thumbs on the BG's eyes and dig 'em in for a while, whereas I'm all about getting your hands free as soon as possible after the strike. She said the extra momentum you get from striking and then pulling back isn't necessary for eye strikes. Thoughts?

                                Yes... two schools for eye attacks. One is poke em in the eye (distraction) so you can kick them in the nuts (stun) and RUN (ala Bruce Lee)

                                The more extreme "poke" is to hurt them (stun) but still leave the eyeballs in the orbits. Follow up or flee as you determine the need...

                                And THEN there is the gouge! Both thumbs in as deep as they will go and literally scoop out the eyeballs! (Practice on dead critters but not your friends) The term I have used for the result of this is *Orbital expulsion... I can't confirm medical terminology though?


