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Myth Buster

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  • Fact or myth?:

    Karate Gi's are evolved from the chinese farmer's clothing in Okinawa when Karate was first introduced.


    • Originally posted by Oraenor View Post
      Fact or myth?:

      Karate Gi's are evolved from the chinese farmer's clothing in Okinawa when Karate was first introduced.
      No clue. But why do some fighters prefer to wear a Gi in a fight and others do not? For example, Gracie wore a gi when he fought Sakuaba and I fought it was a disavantage because Sakuaba kept on using the gi as a distraction or leveage.


      • Originally posted by Oraenor View Post
        Fact or myth?:

        Karate Gi's are evolved from the chinese farmer's clothing in Okinawa when Karate was first introduced.

        When Karate was "introduced" onto Okinawa, they didn't wear a gi The gi that was used lateron was adopted from Judo

        Quote from
        Kano knew if he modified Jujutsu (the gentle art) into Judo (the gentle way) he could accomplish his goal and legalize it. What Kano did was to have his students wear a uniform called a "gi" which is tied closed with different colored belts representing training accomplishments. He then demonstrated the sports aspect of Judo to the Japanese government. The Japanese government immediately embraced the new "way" and judo became an overnight success.

        During Funakoshi's demonstration, he had all his students dress in the same gi as the Judo students, then he put the belts on them and had them demonstrate


        • In my experience, you can usually find a good weapon in the hands of the victim attacking you.


          • Originally posted by Sly Dog View Post
            In my experience, you can usually find a good weapon in the hands of the victim attacking you.
            Yeah, of course...and their shaky outstretched arms are easy to strip them from. Mwa ha ha ha...I kick puppies too....and old people...I push them and the wheelchairs they rode in on off tall buildings.


            • Originally posted by Garland View Post
              Yeah, of course...and their shaky outstretched arms are easy to strip them from. Mwa ha ha ha...I kick puppies too....and old people...I push them and the wheelchairs they rode in on off tall buildings.
              Gessh then you have to move them to the roof first I just push them into the canal with their rolator/walking rack


              • [QUOTE=BoarSpear;217688]
                Originally posted by gregimotis

                I wouldnt know of anyone in the public eye outside Erle Montaque to get you started anyway.

                Ah yes. His grappling instruction is especially ... um ... interesting...

                (for those who actually know how to spell his name)

                YouTube - MTG77: Fighting Against A Grappler: Erle Montaigue


                • [QUOTE=jubaji;297971]
                  Originally posted by BoarSpear View Post

                  Ah yes. His grappling instruction is especially ... um ... interesting...

                  (for those who actually know how to spell his name)

                  YouTube - MTG77: Fighting Against A Grappler: Erle Montaigue
                  How "special".
                  it's "different" if that's what you mean.


                  • Originally posted by BoarSpear View Post
                    It's a sad day when Americans are seriously discussing using keys for SD
                    Look at it this way, should Mike up and lock this thread, we can use the key to reopen it!

