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  • Hello Everyone,

    Good afternoon all,

    sorry I ahev not posted recently but being a fully qualified fitness instructor and personal trainer kinds keeps one on ones toes hehehehehe.

    I have had to throw in the towel with my martial arts for a while but after 3 months *from a recent car accident* Im ready to get back into the swing of things, have done wing chun but am looking to do a different style *now dont all jump up at once* what are peoples views on their most favoured style?

    Im looking more self defence then Gradings so looking to do anti-weapon (escrima) and how to get out of grabs, locks, throws etc etc the same old jazz like that!

    oh and by the by heh seems another woman I know who was with my old MA school has seen the light thought this might make for some light reading (the person who wrote this email out of respect for her has had her identity protected - took a hell of a lot of guts and balls for her to have written that email to myself.)

    Hi ****,

    It's a long over due appology, better late than never.

    I don't want to go into detail. All I want to say is that I'm sorry for the
    way you were treated when we were working together for Paul.

    I have had a difficult year working full time for the WT Martial Arts
    School, apart from the kids classes, it has not been a happy time for me.

    As of Friday, I will no longer do the admin for Paul. He has a complete
    lack of faith in my abilities, is non-communicative, unprofessional and
    dismissive of any suggestions other than from fellow members of the "boys

    A year or so down the line and I realise some of what you must have gone
    through including many broken promises.

    So for the times you were sad, I'm sorry and I hope you are well.

    So yeah anyway im back im bad and im ready to kick some booty!!


  • #2
    well you said how to get out of grabs and things of that matter i would say jiu-jitzu because it will show you how to get out of it and then if you want to get them in a hold or choke,and the style of jiu-jitzu i think you should take is brazilian jiu-jitzu.


    • #3
      Welcome back Little Dim One!

      As for which art? Go and ask here

      Check out the forum and there'll be a great chance that someone in your area can suggest something that meets your requirements.

      Anyway, why not stick with Wing Chun? Or even Wing Tsun? Or don't you wish you'd listened to your Uncle Bri and got away from that silliness long ago mate?

