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To people who think kung fu/chinese martial arts are useless...

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  • To people who think kung fu/chinese martial arts are useless...

    To people who think kung fu martial arts are useless... only if they have enough of a brain to understand what i am about to say,

    Its not like in a real fight all the guy would use is the fancy stuff, like who in their right mind would. they could just use some simple punches and kicks but incorperated with the speed and physical power they had trained for. Of course if they were to do like spinning flippy kicks over the guy they'd get their butts kicked, but kung fu isnt crap, with the training, as i said, they train hard and they get great speed and power so they become stronger. Saying that "some" moves of kung fu, not the fancy fist movements and stuff would be good in a fight, but stuff like they way they train for the fancy movements, that could make them much more limber for evading a simple punch or kick from any guy on the street. It's not in the martial art, it's all in the fighter themselves, if they are to incorperate the useful stuff, and just not even think about the fancy useless stuff, then kung fu or something like that would prove useful. there i have said it. Think of what you wish of me, but thats what i think.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Buradzuri-kun
    To people who think kung fu martial arts are useless... only if they have enough of a brain to understand what i am about to say,

    blah,blah,blah CMAs are good, etc, etc...

    there i have said it. Think of what you wish of me, but thats what i think.
    What's with the tone? You came to the Chinese Martial Arts forum to say that and expected a big challenge or something?


    • #3

      (Lol in light of recent threads I think this is hilarious)


      • #4
        This has been done to death already.

        No offence dude but this has been done numerous times already and it proves only one thing......

        There are 3 types of people that will post in this thread

        1. People who train in CMA's and like them.

        2. People who don't train in CMA's and don't like them.

        3. People who don't give a crap and want to make fun of you.

        So that wraps it up in a nice little package.

        Search for the previous threads that were started with similar topics. You can watch them fall apart like Skylab.


        • #5
          Originally posted by kingoftheforest
          3. People who don't give a crap and want to make fun of you.
          Hey...I can't help it. It's not because this guy does's because he's a crybaby. It's fun to take shots at people who whine and cry.

          I know, I'm sick.


          • #6
            You hear it alot in school.

            G-money you are the exception to the rule.

            You make fun of everyone no matter religious prefrence, style or art practiced, or just because.

            You are an equal oppurtunity annoyer. And it's always worth a laugh.


            • #7
              Koma1 "medium" repped me. Oh no!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Buradzuri-kun
                It's not in the martial art, it's all in the fighter themselves,(
                I'd like to suggest that the way you train is more important than what you train.


                • #9
                  The way I see it, there are three types of martial arts. Traditional, self defense oriented and and sport or combative. People choose the avenues of their training based on their individual wants or needs. I have a great friend who not only owns and operates a TMA School but he also holds part interest in a grappling school. I practice Kempo wich is more along the lines of a self defense art. We share a mutual respect for our commitment and our accomplishments in or particular styles. I think that if your out their calling yourself a martial artist and lack the respect for what others have sacraficed or worked hard to achieve, you've missed something along the way. It is o.k. to know that your art is "better than" mine. Or to feel superior . But it really isn't necessary. Those feelings are only born out of insecurity. We've all taken jabs about posts, but with no real threat, they'd be best left undefended.


                  • #10
                    and now for the comedic relief!


                    • #11
                      and we're back to square one. Somebody post more pictres of hedgehogs, quick!


                      • #12
                        i think its freakin dangrous to teach someone any type of traditional martial art to peaple and say they can defend themselfs, what if they run into a mma fighter and think they can kill them with some deathblow, the traditional artist can get really injured


                        • #13
                          also the only reason that more peaple think that chinese martial arts are still usefull is because there narrowminded and dont know that a grappler can defeat a striker wihout any effort.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by gibsonman
                            also the only reason that more peaple think that chinese martial arts are still usefull is because there narrowminded and dont know that a grappler can defeat a striker wihout any effort.
                            without any effort? what rock did you crawl out from under? seriously, buy a clue or shut the **** up...m'kay?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by gibsonman
                              i think its freakin dangrous to teach someone any type of traditional martial art to peaple and say they can defend themselfs, what if they run into a mma fighter and think they can kill them with some deathblow, the traditional artist can get really injured

                              BAN HIM.

