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Slap happy chappies

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  • Slap happy chappies

    Just interested in what you all think of this:-

    The jury is still out as far as I am concerned, but thought there might be some interest from here.

  • #2
    Thanks a bunch man! This is the best example out there of the gentlemanly art of "da pimp hand."


    • #3
      Hi Tj,

      Thanks for sharing that. I didn't view all the clips, however, the distintive Pak Sau (slapping/clapping hand) sound was there. During practice, I've been on the receiving end of many a pak sau, and they do STING and leave bruises no matter howmany armpads you're wearing. I've also seen two broken arms from excessively training the pak sau. The few clips I did watch showed examples of the pak sau against a stationary target, more often we apply it against punches. It hurts more, because the attacker is also moving towards the slap ...

      BTW - you can see a few examples of how we train it here and here ...the latter has slowmotion and multiple cam angles. If you watched the other videos, I'm sure you'll recognize the sound.



      • #4
        I know those were mostly slaps, but palm strikes can be extremely effective, especially if backed up with good power/mechanics. (Iron Palm training makes it even worse) And also, it was kind of funny seeing all those people get slapped around!


        • #5
          Slaps kick ass

