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Shaolin vs TKD

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  • Shaolin vs TKD

    Horrible quality video and I dunno about you guys but the colours are very blurry and disorted for me, but definately worth a watch I think. Love it or hate it, you've got to admit Kung Fu is incredibally good to watch ^_^.

    Just wish they showed the entire thing, doesn't show who won or lost .

  • #2
    Wait wait

    Here's the same fight, but set to Kung Fu Fighting


    • #3



      • #4
        Why do you say it's fake? I'd say that if you were going to fake something you'd make the fight a bit more eventful than that...
        But seriously, I'm curious as to why you think it's fake?


        • #5
          'cause it looks pretty damn fake to me.


          • #6
            Care to eleborate?


            • #7
              Originally posted by jubaji View Post
              'cause it looks pretty damn fake to me.
              I disagree, its a real event on korean TV which I'm guessing its some form of Chinese propaganda. To me both fighters are inexperienced and lack the courage and will to give it that extra edge, the reason are those fancy kicks used on both parties, lack of retaliation or counters and many sitiation of the shaolin guy following the defender without and guard.
              All I can say is "Only on TV"


              • #8
                It is not fake. But it is not real either. It is a demostration set up by the two countries.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mephariel View Post
                  It is not fake. But it is not real either.

                  Well, isn't that helpful?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mephariel View Post
                    It is not fake. But it is not real either. It is a demostration set up by the two countries.
                    The monk was very relaxed. You can see where he would want to attack; blocks the kick and then brings his hands up to counter strike but just keeps them up. Also when the TKD throws the high spinning wheel kick, the monk bends down as to sweep his planted leg but doesn't.

                    The monk would have killed that guy.

