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Wing Chun power

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Red Rum View Post
    Good points....

    I'm glad I signed up to this forum with valuable contributions like that.
    That was actually more of a response than your cartoonish comments merited.


    • #32

      Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
      What you just told us here is that you have no idea how to throw a proper punch, and in fact don't even know what one looks like.

      Which is about what you'd expect from a wing chunner!


      • #33
        "On December 13th 2003 we held a Seminar with Mr Paddy Monaghan the World Middleweight Bare-Knuckle Champion, organised by Sifu Danny Khalid, without his work this event could not have happened, hosted at our Full Time School in Manchester By Grandmaster Samuel Kwok, after meeting this Gentleman and he is in every sense of the word we went on to start the seminar..This started as normal with introductions then to our complete surprise Paddy gave a gift to Samuel Kwok a picture hand painted and then had been signed by Mohammed Ali personally. What a great honour this was ..then we went on to have a short demonstration of Wing Chun From Master Kwok. With the help of Sifu Paul Smith from Scotland, Paddy then went on to perform a demonstration with the help of paul and his son Tyrone."

        Wing Chun Kung fu is a dynamic system of self defence and fitness open to all ages, skill and fitness levels. Try our beginners courses and start your journey.


        • #34
          I can't seem to make the Kamon link work.

          But the reasoning that WC is better than boxing because you can take a boxer down is total nonsense. You can take a WC guy down too..... That's exactly why Kamon has so dilligently studied the art of BJJ.

          Its like saying a jeep is better than an armoured car..... and "proving" it by driving a tank. Durrrrrr.

          As for the "World Bare Knuckle Middlewieght Champion?" Just who gave out that award?

          Double Durrrrr.............


          • #35
            Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post

            As for the "World Bare Knuckle Middlewieght Champion?" Just who gave out that award?
            Probably the same kind of people who give out 'World Boxing', 'World Wrestling' and 'World MMA' titles.

            But the reasoning that WC is better than boxing because you can take a boxer down is total nonsense.
            Comparisons are odious.
            Who here, on this thread, is comparing boxing to WC?

            Everyone here ( Well, they'd need to blind not to know) knows that ThaiBri has a scant 1 years experience of 1 school of WC, within 1 system of WC, taught by students of a student of a student in WC.
            He didn't train with the main guys in that system, he didn't question his training until after he left (anonynously on the net), he didn't take anything positive from it.
            He didn't challenge the Instructors he now deems to have been so poor, to any form of confrontation.

            I can see why he chose to take on a secondary identity on here as 'Phil Elnore'.
            It's the same thing all over.

            Boo Hoo Bri.
            Dry your eyes and move on!


            • #36
              You are wrong on so many levels.

              Originally posted by Red Rum View Post
              I have trained wing chun for a while now and have found it the best art for self defense. I agree that if a boxer gets into his rythm he will be tough to take down, but what if he is grappled? Most boxers get into a clinch and wait for a referee to break it up...

              Boxers also find it hard to hit from cold (ie they are more dangerous when they are warmed up).
              Or in a place surrounded by people.

              No art is perfect, and there are flaws to every system. A wing chun fighter would find it hard to get in a ring and use only wing chun.

              Similarly a boxer would find it hard to fight in a crowded club (if he swung a punch, he would probably accidentally hit five people in the process!)

              In Kamon Martial Arts we train boxing and we have boxers who have fought at professional level. But it is recognised that if you want to fight at street level, boxing will only get you part of the way there.

              Video clips never demonstrate the full speed and power of the art
              This is a clip that we put together a while ago.

              It is a basic video showing how Kamon works. I am one of the assailants. We started off going slow and it didn't look real. It then got to the point where I swung in a punch full power and we were dropped hard.

              I appreciate that I only punched once, but to be honest Kevin Chan was hitting so hard I didn't have time to think of striking again!!

              It's also filmed as a demo video, so it's not as messy as a real confrontation

              I have trained in other arts including boxing, BJJ, Muay Thai and they are all good, but I feel that wing chun is the one that I'd pick for a streetfight

              This post made the comparison with boxers you idiot.

              The people who dish out world championships in Boxing are globally recognised professional and sanctioned organisations, unlike any old Mary calling himself a "world" champion you idiot.

              I was taught by the very top students of the very top UK representative with a direct lineage to Yip Man you idiot.

              I had to tell you I was trolling as Phil Elnore, as you were the only one unable to work it out..... you idiot!

              Haw haw haw haw haw!


              • #37
                the problem not lies in the art, it lies in you

                i hope i wrote that one right, oh boy *sigh* my english....


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post

                  I was taught by the very top students of the very top UK representative with a direct lineage to Yip Man you idiot.
                  Then if you wish to talk lineage;
                  My own training was further up that chain than yours, you idiot.
                  Now how about your specific critique?
                  When you see pictures of Sam and Paul like this, are you man enough to diss them even online?

                  The people who dish out world championships in Boxing are globally recognised professional and sanctioned organisations, unlike any old Mary calling himself a "world" champion you idiot.
                  Multiple organizations. WBO, WBC & WBA.
                  To be fair, they at least talk about 'unification' of belts, you idiot.

                  I had to tell you I was trolling as Phil Elnore, as you were the only one unable to work it out..... you idiot!
                  How proud you must be of that eh?
                  You're a senior member here.
                  Yet you delight, not only in trolling, but in rubbishing someone you have never met.
                  Grow up you idiot.

                  Seeing as you couldn't be bothered. here's some baccy for your pipe;

                  Oh and here's some of the stuff you either weren't taught, or weren't paying attention to;

                  Chi Sau is the most important part of the system.
                  Chi Sau is not a form of kata.
                  Chi Sau is not a form of sparring.
                  Chi Sau is the bridge between techniques from the forms and real fighting.
                  The forms are always the same.
                  Chi Sau is free development.
                  Every session is different.
                  Some sessions look similar but they are different.
                  The difference between Chi Sau and fighting is that a fight produces a winner and a loser by points or K.O., and it is not important in Chi Sau which person gets hit. Chi Sau is only a form of training.
                  The main objectives are good hand techniques, positions, sensitivity and reflexes.
                  If the basics are wrong the defence will be poor.
                  If two people play Chi Sau with the sole aim of knocking each other down the real point of Chi Sau training will be missed.
                  Chi Sau develops good hand techniques from the forms, e.g. tan, bong, fook and provides a method to promote a better understanding of the basic techniques and learn to recognise mistakes.
                  Through Chi Sau more advanced techniques can be gradually introduced.
                  Sharp reflexes are essential in a fight. Chi Sau helps to develop together both reflexes and sensitivity of the arms.
                  Relaxation is the key to sharp reflexes—even is the hand techniques are correct they become useless if the arms are tense.
                  E.g. when attacking with a punch, the arm should be relaxed until the last moment and then relaxed. The power is only applied briefly. The maximum damage is on impact. There is no point in continuing to apply forward energy after missing contact as this will not have much effect and there is the added danger that the opponent can apply a lap sau.
                  E.g. 1 - Defending. When using a biu gee to de fend against a straight punch, the arm must move fast to stop the punch. After the punch is stopped the blocking arm can be relaxed again. If the attacker continues to push forward, his energy can be used against him by using a turning lap sau and gum sau.
                  E.g. 2 - Defending. Although the position of a technique is correct if the energy is applied wrongly the technique will not be effective. If the opponents tan sau is correct in position but is pushing forward, he will not be able to defend against a lap sau. If his energy is correct (he releases after blocking) he will be able to detect through contact reflexes and respond with a bong sau.
                  Training method. Both face ‘square on’. One person punches the other blocks with a biu sau , emphasis on tensing up on contact then relaxing.

                  By correct use of energy it is possible to Chi Sau or fight for a prolonged period.
                  The speciality of wing chun is close distance fighting, this distance is the same distance as Chi Sau training. Playing Chi Sau develops good understanding of fighting distance and position.
                  Close ’in fighting’ requires high level of skill to apply energy at close range. This skill can be developed in two ways. The first form (second section) deals with the development of close range energy. This also applies to biu gee techniques such as kop jarn, man sau, palm strikes and biu gee strikes. The skill is further developed by Chi Sau training.
                  Training Chi Sau using tension in the arms is a waste of time as it will not be possible to train reflexes, feelings or good techniques.
                  Tension of bicep muscle indicates wrong energy.

                  By Master Samuel Kwok


                  • #39
                    What makes Troll Virus so funny is that he really takes himself seriously... it's like in his world he's actually making valid points.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
                      What makes Troll Virus so funny is that he really takes himself seriously... it's like in his world he's actually making valid points.
                      i kinda got that same impression from you when you were trying to complain about how my marijuana use was causing you so much stress in your life.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
                        I was taught by the very top students of the very top UK representative with a direct lineage to Yip Man you idiot.
                        If that statment was even remotely true you would not dis respect the Art of Wing Chun the way you do on these Boards.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                          i kinda got that same impression from you when you were trying to complain about how my marijuana use was causing you so much stress in your life.
                          In that case I suggest you make it a point to carefully reread my posts in that thread when you're sober because it was perfectly clear to everyone else who read it. At no point did I say that your marijuana use bothered me in the least; I actually said I thought it was your decision and that I wouldn't judge you for it if you were paying attention. That's beside the point though; if you want to talk about that thread we can do it in that thread, it's really pretty bizarre that you just randomly brought that up here. This isn't even the same forum.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
                            What makes Troll Virus so funny is that he really takes himself seriously... it's like in his world he's actually making valid points.
                            So glad you're amused.
                            If I were you, I'd take me seriously.

                            Do you have anything to contribute towards the topic?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Hardball View Post
                              If that statment was even remotely true you would not dis respect the Art of Wing Chun the way you do on these Boards.
                              That's true.
                              The TOP guy in Thai Bri's Wing Chun was someone I trained with first hand on a regular basis.
                              On a rare evening, I had his undivided attention and was offered the opportunity to ask anything, try anything.
                              I've seen this same thing at every seminar I attended, where guests could challenge and have a go.
                              Never saw Thai Bri though.
                              Maybe these events clashed with his internet posting, who can say.

                              For the record, let me state once again that I am NOT a 'chunner'.
                              I went to it looking for certain things, and I found them, with interest.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Hardball View Post
                                If that statment was even remotely true you would not dis respect the Art of Wing Chun the way you do on these Boards.

                                When I first came to this site I would have agreed with you Hardball, but the more I learn the more I wonder if the reason Bri hates WC so much is because he understands it. I have a tendency to respect another person's views out of habit, but there are some things that shouldn't be respected because they just don't work. I'm forced to consider the possibility that WC may be one of them.

