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Wing Chun power

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Troll Virus View Post
    A question;
    If we meet up, regardless of outcome, would you please leave the CMA section of this board alone?
    Nope. It needs me.

    Tom. I know what you are saying, it is the fighter and not the style.

    That is exactly why I get so fed up with people telling me how Wing Chun is the ultimate style, and how it has all the answers.

    But the style is also relevant. Imagine developing a "running" style whereby your followers ran around on their hands. No matter what a great "runner" they turned out to be, they'd still be amssively handicapped when racing even the average ordinary runner.

    Anyways, I await the YouTube cips with excitement!
    Last edited by Thai Bri; 03-27-2007, 05:46 AM.


    • #62
      i cheked out you toube on wing chun vs some other styles, one was pretty poor (kikcboxer vs wing chuner) since i didnt know who was what i watched it whit little interes, secon was karate vs one wing chun guy, the wing chun fell and couldnt get up (i think he got hit in solar plexus or what is called) i dont know, we should get a wing chun guy that trains about 5 years at least and some other guy and see what happens

      thai what kind of youtoube clips you wanted?


      • #63
        Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
        Nope. It needs me.
        Yeah, like a motorbike needs an ashtray.

        Here's Alan Orr in action.
        Where I see Wing Chun in this, is in principle. The forward pressure is constant.
        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

        Watch the first kick;
        Thai Bri also posted this clip, and somehow thinks it's poor form to kick a man standing on one leg?
        Not marquis of queensberry rules eh Bri?
        Never happens in MT eh?

        Watch out for 'sound levels' on this clip, it's really loud.
        This is Wai Po Tang from the UK.
        Note; no stances, no mysticism. Hit hard, run fast.

        If you find this all a bit weird, try going in about three or four minutes.

        Again, go half way in, and you'll find Sam Kwok (the man Thai Bri shows such direspect to) in action.
        Grandmaster Kwok's demonstrations at the first and second World Wing Chun Conferences in Hong Kong - 1999 & 2005

        Paul Smith, one of Sams top students demonstrating in China. Paul also competes BJJ.
        A short Demo taken from the promotion of the Ip Man Tong in Foshan, China with the Samuel Kwok International Martial Arts Association


        • #64
          I agree, most of the "flying" comes from the rib cage compressing and the flexing back. It would snap before he flew that distance.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Mike Brewer
            This is what a true knockout punch ought to look like. Note the distinct lack of any backward flying victims/recipients.

            Troll, this is painful. It really is. You spin lies and half truths..... and extraodrinarily stupid interpretations of what you see and read.

            Look at the clip posted by Mike. These are numerous examples of undeniably effective techniques against undeniably resisting opponents. We are still waiting to see you post any effective Wing Chun AT ALL against a resisting opponent.

            ps - the western boxing punches thrown by Alan Orr to an opponents torso don't count, even if you do make the ridiculous claim that forward pressure somehow MUST be Wing Chun.

            Let's repeat the challenge. It seems to have been lost in the translation. Let's see YouTube footage of effective Wing Chun against a resisting opponent, against one from outside Wing Chun.

            No, not a supposed Wing Chun practitioner using something else...... No, not a ridiculous demo.....

            Come on TV. You said you were up for this!

            By the way you are the one who disresepcted Sam Kwok. You said he was somehow not a true representative of Wing Chun. All I said is that I trained under his lineage and did not rate what was taught.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Troll Virus View Post
              Everyone here ( Well, they'd need to blind not to know) knows that ThaiBri has a scant 1 years experience of 1 school of WC, within 1 system of WC, taught by students of a student of a student in WC.
              I thought I'de best quote it in case you try to re-write it.

              Anyway.... let's not get caught up in minutae.

              A boxing practitioner can easily find YouTube footage of effective boxing. So can a BJJ practitioner. So can a JudoKa. So can a Wrestler. So can a Thai Boxer. Easily!

              So, where is the Wing Chun footage?

              We are all waiting. Time is ticking on.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                Right on the money. Especially with that pad in the way, I think most of that guy's flying comes from his legs - jumping backward to make the hitter look good!
                It's a CMA thang!
                Call it a 'trick' if you will.
                Let's face it, if you know what someone is going to do in advance, then you take advantage of it.
                These kinds of parlour tricks are not sole estate of Wing Chun however.
                I think it's only fair to point out, that demo clips are just MA marketing.
                Designed to impress the masses rather than the critics.
                When I dared to make mention that Master Skens Muay Thai demoes were more TKD than MT, how Bri Thai howled.

                Troll, this is painful. It really is. You spin lies and half truths..... and extraodrinarily stupid interpretations of what you see and read.
                I do?
                Instead of making that statement, why not show where that is so?

                Look at the clip posted by Mike. These are numerous examples of undeniably effective techniques against undeniably resisting opponents. We are still waiting to see you post any effective Wing Chun AT ALL against a resisting opponent.
                So the clips of Alan Orr don't count in your book or what?

                ps - the western boxing punches thrown by Alan Orr to an opponents torso don't count, even if you do make the ridiculous claim that forward pressure somehow MUST be Wing Chun.
                Aha, "western" punches.
                They'd be superior to 'Eastern' punches somehow right?

                Let's repeat the challenge. It seems to have been lost in the translation. Let's see YouTube footage of effective Wing Chun against a resisting opponent, against one from outside Wing Chun.
                Was that the challenge?
                You don't seem to have bothered to look at anything I posted to date, so why would I want to bother?
                The fact is, you won't know WC until it smacks your dentures out.
                You are the one making the claims and to be fair, youtube would seem to support them.
                You can't hold me responsible for the footage out there, but you should at least critique what I did post ?

                By the way you are the one who disresepcted Sam Kwok. You said he was somehow not a true representative of Wing Chun.
                You should really retract that.
                Every Anti Wing Chun post you have made on this board, of which there have been many, show your disrespect for Sam Kwok.
                Seeing as I do have a great deal of respect for the man, you should find it easy to illustrate where I have erred.

                All I said is that I trained under his lineage and did not rate what was taught.
                You've said it many times.
                That's fine.
                You should have teeth long enough to understand that learning second or third hand is not the same as first hand.
                In summary;
                YOU are in no position to make judgement on Wing Chun, when all you have is one years practice and a few youtube video snips of non-related WC practitioners.

                You're like a monkey, throwing its own shit about.

                Throwing my mind back a few years, let's say I dominated you in the clinch?
                How would you, or even I, know whether it was something I gained from WC?

                MA do NOT give superhero costumes you strap on to make you Captain America, invinvible from harm.
                What they SHOULD do, is bolster your ideals and humanity to the point where you can show a little respect for people who either, train as hard as you do, or train harder.

                That's why, to me, you are a whining, miserable loser.
                You don't seem to care about anyone except yourself.

                Let me sound the "Haw Haw Haw" horn for you, to save you the bother.

                p.s. I guess it's too much to ask that you go back to your WC class and give your former instructors a pasting with your Muay Thai Black Belt on?
                You could post the video on youtube and become a legend eh?

                Time is ticking................


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Mike Brewer

                  This is what a true knockout punch ought to look like. Note the distinct lack of any backward flying victims/recipients.

                  These are mostly 'brain spinners'.
                  They're also all boxing (a very restricted format) knockouts.
                  I'm not pointing that out to be negative, it's simply fact.
                  Punching is not neccessarily intended to knock someone out.
                  A punch can cause pain, or create opportunity for other things.

                  Like someone did on here recently, you can take various forms of punches and attempt to meter them for relative scales of force, but that means zip unless there is a functional delivery system behind them.

                  Can't really substantiate that, other than mentioning a trip to the fairground with a big fat mate.
                  He was heavier than me by a good 40lbs and taller by 12 inches or so.
                  When we found one of those punching paddles games, I maxxed it out with an inch punch, but he couldn't match me with a run at it.
                  Like I said, comparisons are odious.

                  Any statistics out there for WC people killed because their art was crap?


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Troll Virus View Post
                    Here's Alan Orr in action.
                    Where I see Wing Chun in this, is in principle. The forward pressure is constant.
                    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                    Wingchun in this video wasn't as pretty as the chi-sao drills and what have you, but as far as I could tell (and that's limited) everything he did from stand up was wingchun.

                    He landed alot of punches, allbeit not knockout, they were enough rock the other guy and put him on the defensive.

                    Good on Mr. Orr for taking the fight and pushing forward!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Mike Brewer

                      Yes, I know that these are "limited boxing punches" but I imagine you'd find that boxing punches have virtually the same effect as nearly any other punches (except of course, the kind that push), no matter how limited the sport in which they are applied might be. In other words, if you were to objectively look at most "street" knockouts, they'd likely resemble those boxing knockouts a lot closer than the wing chun demo in question.
                      We start punching things at an early age.
                      I remember my dad trying to show me how to punch when I was four years old.
                      Anything where you close your fist and launch it at someone is a punch and I don't see that it matters where it comes from, as much as how effective it is.

                      Looking at the punching of Alan Orr and the clip of Wai Po Tang, these are not classic boxing technique and would be caught on guard or slipped and countered by a boxer 'in a boxing match'.

                      Demos are intended to sensationalize.
                      Isn't that how most people get started in MA?
                      They see something awesome looking and want to be able to do it themselves.
                      If you want to blame someone for 'push punching' then I think it probably has to be Bruce Lee.
                      Does that mean he couldn't punch?
                      Does that mean WC people can't punch?

                      All that said, I know a guy who once inch-punched a mugger through a hedge.
                      Clearly, it's a low percentile thing.


                      • #71
                        go to youtube and type in "wing chun wooden dummy" Check out the version by master carlos lee since it has the best rating. Anybody who disses Wing Chun Blatantly is clearly out of touch with reality.


                        • #72

                          Heres the clip. I am so out of touch with reality I know how to cut and paste.

                          Its all spinning arms about and shaking fingers. Irrelevant to a real fight.

                          He calls it "Rubbing" the wooden dummy. I think he is right to do so.

                          Troll - you are clearly now going to change your views. I would if you could show me something that would help me learn and develop. You can't. For you up will always mean down, and black will always mean white.

                          I love arguing the toss about martial arts. People who are the most stringent believers in a style often show the least understanding of that very same art! One inch punched someone through a hedge indeed..... The one inch punch was never meant as a fighting tool in the first place! Haw haw haw!

                          Good luck to ya!


                          • #73
                            Oh yeah, re the "challenge."

                            It looks like we CAN find people using Wing Chun against resisiting opponents. But the people using it get the shit kicked out of them.

                            Haw haw haw!


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post

                              Troll - you are clearly now going to change your views.
                              I am?
                              What do you think they are?

                              I would if you could show me something that would help me learn and develop.
                              I think what has been shown you, is that you have a tendency to dismiss things you either don't understand, or are unwilling to put effort into.

                              You can't. For you up will always mean down, and black will always mean white.
                              I walk my own path.
                              Always have done.
                              That's one reason why I don't bash specific MA, because I think that's a particularly low form of behaviour, especially for an adult.

                              I love arguing the toss about martial arts.
                              Mature people prefer to debate.

                              People who are the most stringent believers in a style often show the least understanding of that very same art!
                              Not rocket science this.
                              Understanding leads to belief.
                              Shu Ha Ri.

                              One inch punched someone through a hedge indeed.....
                              The man I mentioned is probably one of the greatest MA people I have ever had the pleasure of training with.
                              You'd like him, but I doubt he'd like you.

                              The one inch punch was never meant as a fighting tool in the first place!
                              You don't say.

                              Haw haw haw!
                              No doubt that'll be written on your tombstone.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
                                Oh yeah, re the "challenge."

                                It looks like we CAN find people using Wing Chun against resisiting opponents. But the people using it get the shit kicked out of them.

                                Haw haw haw!
                                Like Alan Orr?


