Here we go again. Trying to convince us that something that clearly is not Wing Chun actually is. Ground and pound has no more to do with Wing Chun trapping than playing blind man's buff. We all have arms and legs, and they can only move in certain ways. So I suppose it is easy for the wilfully blind to fall into the trap (great pun...) of drawing parallels that aren't there.
To all the None Trolls..... Yes, people who have been in the WC world have gone onto become great fighters.
But none of them fight like you are taught to fight in Wing Chun, and there ability is down to the techniques they gained from the other arts they were exposed to. In fact, that is why Wing Chun guys move on so offten anyway, beause they cannot find what they need within Wing Chun.
To all the None Trolls..... Yes, people who have been in the WC world have gone onto become great fighters.
But none of them fight like you are taught to fight in Wing Chun, and there ability is down to the techniques they gained from the other arts they were exposed to. In fact, that is why Wing Chun guys move on so offten anyway, beause they cannot find what they need within Wing Chun.