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Vid: Applied Wing Chun

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  • Vid: Applied Wing Chun

    Hi everyone,

    SiFu Lee discusses Forms, and training in this video.


  • #2
    i like that teacher, but wing chun still seems too complicated and too fancy inmop. seems like a lot the things they try to achieve can be done with more efficient and simpler techniques like the ones found in western boxing.


    • #3
      Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
      i like that teacher, but wing chun still seems too complicated and too fancy inmop. seems like a lot the things they try to achieve can be done with more efficient and simpler techniques like the ones found in western boxing.
      At firs tlook yes, and WIng CHun may not be suited for your goals and aspirations. However, the beauty of WC is that it is designed for the weaker and smaller person. Whereas boxing when tech. is equal favours the bigger strogner guy, as evident in the diff. weight classes that have been enforced.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Yu Law View Post
        Whereas boxing when tech. is equal favours the bigger strogner guy

        Yeah, like everything else.


        • #5
          yeah i was just going to say, what if two wing chun guys of equal skill but unequal sizes were to fight?


          • #6
            Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
            yeah i was just going to say, what if two wing chun guys of equal skill but unequal sizes were to fight?
            It wouldnt matter, eventually there would be a winner like in any sport, fight competition, but the size of the individuals would not give the bigger guy a significant advantage. His reach would be longer of course, but WIng Chun is about using your OWN body as an advantage (distancing would be built into muscle memory.

            The bigger guy may actually have a disadvantage, since WIng CHun is designed for the smaller guy. But like I said the size of the individuals do not necessarily matter, the force of which the attacker comes at u plays a crucial role in hwo u react. I've practiced with guys that were about the same level and one beign sig. bigger, he was actually easier to perform tech. on b/c he was comgin at me harder.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Yu Law View Post
              It wouldnt matter, eventually there would be a winner like in any sport, fight competition, but the size of the individuals would not give the bigger guy a significant advantage. His reach would be longer of course, but WIng Chun is about using your OWN body as an advantage (distancing would be built into muscle memory.

              The bigger guy may actually have a disadvantage, since WIng CHun is designed for the smaller guy. But like I said the size of the individuals do not necessarily matter, the force of which the attacker comes at u plays a crucial role in hwo u react. I've practiced with guys that were about the same level and one beign sig. bigger, he was actually easier to perform tech. on b/c he was comgin at me harder.
              so would you say you are satisfied with wing chun as decent art for unarmed self self defense? and if you are, then can you tell me what aspects of wing chun you find most useful for defending yourself from an unarmed attacker ?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Yu Law View Post
                but the size of the individuals would not give the bigger guy a significant advantage. .

                ai-ya, another one............................


                • #9
                  Another video clip

                  Another video for you to enjoy, (or not)


                  • #10
                    In my, very humble, opinion that Vid is not particularly impressive.


                    • #11
                      I don't care if your wing chun works in agaisnt a bigger guy or not. But the reason for weight classes in boxing is definately not as proof that Boxing doesn't work for the smaller guy.

                      The reason for a boxing match is to test skill. Scientifically if you want to test for something the only variable you change is the variable you want to test, in this case "skill". Every other variable is supposed to remain the same. Thats why gloves are standard sized, thats why they try to pit two opponents of equal weight together.

