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All the crap you thought was real.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
    Well there was "The Boxer's Rebellion".......

    we know how that turned out.....
    Iron Shirts of the "Fist of Righteous Harmony" against the Lead Shot of Seven Nations?

    I know which side I would have been on, though the snazzy yellow sashes might have swayed me and we all know that fashion sense can be fatal.


    • #17
      So called spear attacks are done with blunt spear heads and wood so flexible that you wouldn't be able to use it to poke your way out of a wetpaper bag.

      The thing is there is nothing special about their training. A bit more conditioning because they don't spend their time fighting but they are not the superhumans you make them out to be.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Shard View Post
        So called spear attacks are done with blunt spear heads and wood so flexible that you wouldn't be able to use it to poke your way out of a wetpaper bag.

        The thing is there is nothing special about their training. A bit more conditioning because they don't spend their time fighting but they are not the superhumans you make them out to be.
        The whole point of the spears being flexible is so that you can see they are not faking it. If the spears are not flexible, then how do you know they are not just touching the tip and making a strained face? The whole point of it is so that you can see them supporting the pressure of the spear.

        I never said they are superhumans. There are no such thing as superhumans. This is reality, not a comic book. And I am not saying that nobody in the world can do what they do...just pointing out to the fact that they have real skills through training.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Mephariel View Post
          I never said they are superhumans. There are no such thing as superhumans. This is reality, not a comic book. And I am not saying that nobody in the world can do what they do...just pointing out to the fact that they have real skills through training.
          Many if not all the demonstrations they do are tricks. Acts that require conditioning and a good understanding of the way things work, but tricks none the less.

          And what exactly do you mean by real skills?
          Real fighting skills?
          Cause if that is the case, breaking bricks, playing with spears and hanging oneself doesn't no anything to help improve one's fighting.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Shard View Post
            Many if not all the demonstrations they do are tricks. Acts that require conditioning and a good understanding of the way things work, but tricks none the less.

            And what exactly do you mean by real skills?
            Real fighting skills?
            Cause if that is the case, breaking bricks, playing with spears and hanging oneself doesn't no anything to help improve one's fighting.
            No, I mean skills to break things, resist things, etc. Those comes from years of working the body. Of course breaking bricks and playing with spears don't improve fighting skills. The only way to learn how to fight is to fight. Forms and set patterns don't do you jack in a real fight. Hell, even the Shaolin monks said that fighting is about spontaneous timing and reaction and you cannot "train" for it.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
              I know of literally millions of professional fighters and soldiers who would rightfully disagree with this statement.

              In my experience, most of the time someone says something like "it's impossible to train for that" it's because they suck at it. Reference any grappling discussion regarding multiple attackers or weapons for another example.
              I don't think you understand what they mean.. Professional fighters train strength, speed, stamia, techniques, and reaction time etc. They don't train fighting application sets. They train the tools that makes you a fighter. They don't train throwing a punch and countering as in a set. Sets are useless in a real fight. Katas and set patterns are useless. In other words, cooperative or "dead" training to fight is useless. The only way to train how to fight, is to fight. In other words, training is actually done by simply fighting. Some called this "active training" or "Alive training". You can't train to fight, but you can train the skills and physical prowness necessary for you to apply in a fight. When you step into the ring, everything is about reaction, timing, power, techniqnes and speed. Learning fighting pattern doesn't do you jack.

              This is exactly the same as Shaolin philosophy:

              From Monk Shi Yan Ming:

              Forms are forms, and fighting is fighting. In a real fight, there are no stances and no routines - just the single goal of knocking out the other person as quickly as possible. In the ring or on the street, your opponent will not oblige you by getting into the position or stance you learned to deal with in class.

              Learn how to express your full power in the basic movements before you begin to fight. You must have a strong foundation because there are no beginning, middle and advanced stages in learning how to fight. The only way to learn how to fight is to fight. Just as practicing applications will slow you down, so will practicing blocking the same kick over and over, or having your opponent tell you what strike he will perform before he does it. It is essential to make your reactions spontaneous.

              So when I say you can't train for a fight, I don't mean you DON'T train anything at all. I mean in order for you to learn how to fight, you have to fight. That it.


              • #22
                This was funny. People will believe what they want to believe.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                  This was funny. People will believe what they want to believe.
                  Exactly. No matter how many times Monks demonstrate or what they do, people will never believe. I remember people seeing those videos and they say, "fake" without even thinking about it.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Mephariel View Post
                    Exactly. No matter how many times Monks demonstrate or what they do, people will never believe. I remember people seeing those videos and they say, "fake" without even thinking about it.

                    No, I was talking about people like you who are easily duped by 'demonstrations' that are so obviously staged and fake that its comical.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                      'demonstrations' that are so obviously staged and fake that its comical.
                      Sounds like my dating life...

                      Thread name included...
                      Last edited by Tom Yum; 03-20-2007, 06:22 PM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                        No, I was talking about people like you who are easily duped by 'demonstrations' that are so obviously staged and fake that its comical.
                        It is also comical you have no clue how they did it then, huh? LMAO. Is it CGI? LOl. They do it right there in front of you. Unless you need glasses or something, it is real.

                        What is fake about it? What is "real?" If guy hits a boxer's body with a stick and the stick broke, is it fake? No. So why would a guy hitting monks with sticks be fake? It is just conditioning. Conditioning is fake? that is news to me. Monks demostrated that they have pretty good control over their body through conditioning.

                        There is nothing those monks do that are magical. There is nothing fake either. How exactly did the monks duped me? I know they are just humans. They are not doing anything anyone else can't do with the right kind of training. North Korean bodyguards can do everything that the monks can do in their training routine.

                        But you are right jubaji. People will believe in what they want. People like you that believes that the monks are doing magical tricks that can't be true, when in fact they are doing nothing of the sort. Don't be duped by it.


                        • #27
                          So, just how many bridges do you own by now?


                          • #28
                            I'll go so far as to admit alot of that stuff is staged. There may be some realness to some of it. But alot of it is real in the same sense that WWE is real.

