I had a very interesting talk with a high ranking kung fu teacher today, and I have to say it was very rewarding and enlightening.
I am sure that many of us see kung fu as a rather ineffective martial art or stands no chance against the other MMA's that you would see in the ufc.
but the fact is:
Kung fu is a martial art that takes a lot of time and energy , blood and sweat, to become a master at it. unlike say boxing which can be learned in a much shorter time.
Kung fu is all about being one with the world, flowing with nature. boxing does not teach this at all, kung fu teaches one how to meditate and focus the mind being able to relax the body and internalise ones own chi
we all know that the power of the mind is unbelievable, just think of a time that you have been really really angry or in a rage, did you not have unbelievable strength and stamina? yes you did, why you may ask?
because your mind was totally focused on that anger and was able to start functioning at a higher rate than is the norm.
kung fu can teach one how to gain more control of ones mind and with that the possibilities are endless.
boxing or muay thai has very little or no emphasis on the spiritual side of the martial arts, it is a well known fact that a much looser and more relaxed martial artist will be quicker and more powerful of that who is always tense (just another example of what relaxing parts of meditation can do)
if you look at the shaolin monks, what they do is unbelievable, they are always so calm and at peace, but they can jump higher than any man, kick harder, punch harder, break stones on their bodies, break stones with their bare hands.. no mma man could do this
they have discovered and unharnessed the power of the mind, once you control the mind, nothing is impossible.
Kung fu definetly has more moves to learn than say boxing, muay thai, kickboxing, and takes much longer to learn, which is why an amateur boxer would beat an amateur kung fu man. because the boxer just practices only a few select moves over and over and over,
but to learn kung fu takes much more dedication and time, which already shows the strength and willpower of the person, by the time you have learned all these moves, you have already won half the battle by inner strength alone.
Kung fu may be viewed as much more complicated , but it should be viewed as an art of more possibilities.
you may argue that no kung fu man has ever made it against a ufc man, the fact is , a real kung fu man is enlightened and at peace he would not use his art to fight for show he is already far above all other martial artists and does not have to prove himself, those who you see that have been beaten are those that have gone looking for a fight or action and therefore have little skill or knowledge.
yes, I am expecting some serious debate on this one, but I hope that through all my ramblings you will learn something just like I have
I am sure that many of us see kung fu as a rather ineffective martial art or stands no chance against the other MMA's that you would see in the ufc.
but the fact is:
Kung fu is a martial art that takes a lot of time and energy , blood and sweat, to become a master at it. unlike say boxing which can be learned in a much shorter time.
Kung fu is all about being one with the world, flowing with nature. boxing does not teach this at all, kung fu teaches one how to meditate and focus the mind being able to relax the body and internalise ones own chi
we all know that the power of the mind is unbelievable, just think of a time that you have been really really angry or in a rage, did you not have unbelievable strength and stamina? yes you did, why you may ask?
because your mind was totally focused on that anger and was able to start functioning at a higher rate than is the norm.
kung fu can teach one how to gain more control of ones mind and with that the possibilities are endless.
boxing or muay thai has very little or no emphasis on the spiritual side of the martial arts, it is a well known fact that a much looser and more relaxed martial artist will be quicker and more powerful of that who is always tense (just another example of what relaxing parts of meditation can do)
if you look at the shaolin monks, what they do is unbelievable, they are always so calm and at peace, but they can jump higher than any man, kick harder, punch harder, break stones on their bodies, break stones with their bare hands.. no mma man could do this
they have discovered and unharnessed the power of the mind, once you control the mind, nothing is impossible.
Kung fu definetly has more moves to learn than say boxing, muay thai, kickboxing, and takes much longer to learn, which is why an amateur boxer would beat an amateur kung fu man. because the boxer just practices only a few select moves over and over and over,
but to learn kung fu takes much more dedication and time, which already shows the strength and willpower of the person, by the time you have learned all these moves, you have already won half the battle by inner strength alone.
Kung fu may be viewed as much more complicated , but it should be viewed as an art of more possibilities.
you may argue that no kung fu man has ever made it against a ufc man, the fact is , a real kung fu man is enlightened and at peace he would not use his art to fight for show he is already far above all other martial artists and does not have to prove himself, those who you see that have been beaten are those that have gone looking for a fight or action and therefore have little skill or knowledge.
yes, I am expecting some serious debate on this one, but I hope that through all my ramblings you will learn something just like I have