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Why Kung fu is the ultimate martial art.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Jiu-fu fighter View Post
    the fact is , a real kung fu man is enlightened and at peace he would not use his art to fight for show he is already far above all other martial artists and does not have to prove himself, those who you see that have been beaten are those that have gone looking for a fight or action and therefore have little skill or knowledge.

    That's the oldest bullshit cop-out excuse-making nonsense in the book!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Jiu-fu fighter View Post
      I am willing to have a good conversation here, tell me why I am wrong

      No I don't believe in miracolous powers, I believe that to gain a greater control of ones minds can be very beneficial to the martial arts and life

      why can some men break solid thick boards with their hands , or even rocks, they say it has little to do with strength but that they are able to focus and be in the moment.
      once again the shaolin monks and their feats, which many of can be seen on youtube
      being able to relax, go from zero to sixty in a second, have more focus, heal much quicker, ,, all benefits of being in control of the mind

      I don't believe in miraculous chi at all and no I don't need to grow up, I have said nothing stupid, I have made my points and if you could just see them I would be happy

      so ready to talk?
      Where are you going with this?? Are you suggesting Kung Fu is the best self defence style or are you talking about it from a pure MA point of view where you can talk about lots of pretty techniques and spiritual concepts etc? If it's the latter great!!
      If it's the former then forget about it.


      • #18
        ok, I guess I can tell that I am strongly opposed on this one, but yes I will go out on a limb and suggest it is one of the best martial arts there is, that is of course if you have a good teacher who knows what they are doing.
        it has useful relaxation and meditation techniques such as :quigong, taichi, it has self defense forms, fighting forms,....etc..

        kung fu is also one of the oldest martial arts thousands of years old, we all get a bad impression from lame ass kung fu movies and wushu which is more of a dance than a fighting art. but the real practitioners are people you don't want to mess with

        I have taken kung fu, if only for a year, but I know its benefits and my teacher was quite amazing in his abilities.
        I have also taken a harder art kickboxing for a little less than a year, and on top of that grappling such as chinese wrestling (shoot wrestling), brazilian jiu jitsu, so I can use this to add to my points, and at least show you guys that I am not just some stupid troll who sits on his computer talking about stuff that he has no idea about.

        so even though you may totally disagree with me, show some respect

        p.s I will also be a man about what i said earlier and take back any shit I may have lashed at the other arts


        • #19
          It doesn't help that you are using such a generic term 'kung fu' to explain the art. Like Jub said it doesn't make you sound like you know what your talking about. I know people who can break stones on their body, many of them either end up in a mental institute or have a congenital indifference to pain. It depends on what you want from a martial art, for example, self defense or spiritually. Make yourself clear on why you think it. If an art stays true to its roots then the art becomes outdated for self defense purposes, older martial arts were meant to be used in defense situations where the attacker wanted to kill you, not just a drunken bar fight, you dont see too many people with swords in bars anymore. The more you say the bigger your grave is getting.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Jiu-fu fighter View Post
            so even though you may totally disagree with me, show some respect
            Begging for it is not the way to get respect, young fella.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Jiu-fu fighter View Post

              kung fu is also one of the oldest martial arts thousands of years old, we all get a bad impression from lame ass kung fu movies and wushu which is more of a dance than a fighting art.
              And on top of everything else, it sounds like you don't even understand the terms you are using.


              • #22
                Kung-fu isn't the only martial art that pits you against bricks and stones and pulling trucks with your dick.

                Breaking boards and stones is easy, we all know the mechanics that go behind it, and we know that people that break bricks tend to do it over and over again to build up stronger bones.

                It all looks fantastic and superhuman until you know what is going on.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Jiu-fu fighter View Post

                  so even though you may totally disagree with me, show some respect
                  First Off: Respect is earned. It can not just be granted to you because you feel like you deserve it. Really consider this young grasshopper for it is the first step toward "Enlightenment" Of course if your were training in boxing you would have already known this. Read that sentence again.

                  Second: If you want spiritual/self growth then join a religion. I don't care which one as long as they preach how to edify oneself. Also science in the realm of psychology, human anatomy and physiology can help you become a more capable human being also. Might I suggest you go rent "What the Bleep Do We Know" I really think you might enjoy it.

                  Third: I have talked with several local MMA competitors who were great fighters and highly intelligent. Held bachelor and doctorate degrees in various fields and had a very kind/charitable demeanor about them. So are you saying these people really aren't enlightened because they didn't train in Kung-Fu where they broke blocks of wood and stone in various ways?

                  Fourth: Jiu-fu fighter, just because you want to see your world in a certain way doesn't mean we have to agree with you or be respectful to you when you are spewing out B.S. This isn't the politically correct forum of self defense. Where everyone's right as long as they "feel" it is so. Do you understand what I mean by this?

                  Fifth: Just how old are you?


                  • #24
                    Are we (CMA's) the only ones that have people like this??!! No offense Jiu-fu, but the reason people are taken back by your comments is simply the fact that you are using very generic terms. Not all kung-fu is created equal. And not all teachers in a certain school of thought are created equal. Please be very VERY specific.


                    • #25
                      Why is everyone dogging jiu-fu fighter for stating his opinion?

                      He's enthusiastic about the martial arts, relatively new and could become a good contributor to the Chinese martial arts section.

                      Jiu-fu's observations have valid points.

                      Some Gong-fu teaches meditation, breath control and how to stay calm under stressful situations - a huge plus for the martial artists mindset. If the man wants to do gong-fu, let him do it and get out of his way. It may be one of the best journey's of his life.

                      Maybe jiu-fu doesn't want to be a big bad ass, but instead is looking for greater use of what he has. In this case, gong-fu is not a bad decision at all.

                      In terms of fighting powress, its more about the individual and not the style. Some styles requirer shorter-training time to be effective, but it depends on how deep you want to get into it. There are even Tae kwon do stylists who are very fierce and powerful fighters, despite the fact that many TKD dojangs are McDojo.

                      You should PM Boar, a Chinese MA man who has put his art into practice.
                      Last edited by Tom Yum; 01-02-2007, 02:21 PM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                        And on top of everything else, it sounds like you don't even understand the terms you are using.
                        He is a beginner, jubaji. That's expected.

                        Look at shuaijiao and qinna. These are the parent styles to jujitsu and aikido, but are also tied to wrestling.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by WildWest. View Post
                          Where are you going with this?? Are you suggesting Kung Fu is the best self defence style or are you talking about it from a pure MA point of view where you can talk about lots of pretty techniques and spiritual concepts etc? If it's the latter great!!
                          If it's the former then forget about it.
                          Let the man explore gong fu and see what he can take from it. It maybe what he needs at this point.

                          Again, not all gong-fu is ineffective. Alot of the time its the individual who makes the fighter, not just the art. Keep in mind that the WW2 combatives system was influenced by traditional Chinese and Japanese arts.

                          The current system used by the South Korean SF is also influenced by traditional Chinese and Korean arts. They're battle proven in close quarters, according to accounts from the U.S. military during Vietnam.
                          Last edited by Tom Yum; 01-02-2007, 02:59 PM.


                          • #28
                            [QUOTE=Tom Yum;252661]Why is everyone dogging jiu-fu fighter for stating his opinion?

                            Because he states his way is "The Way" for a MA practitioner in any form. And that's just naive, and you better believe there is going to be opposition to such public statements.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                              Why is everyone dogging jiu-fu fighter for stating his opinion?.

                              I don't think that's what's happening here. He posted several very specific claims and then insisted that each one be addressed and that's what some of us are doing.

                              I don't think anyone is telling him not to pursue KF or that it is a waste of time or ineffective or any of that. I would hope no one is saying that.


                              • #30
                                Here's the man's first post in its entireity:

                                PS - I cleaned up the spacings since I'm a sucker for details and other reasons, but I didn't change his spellings, word choice or grammar.

                                Originally posted by Jiu-fu fighter View Post
                                I had a very interesting talk with a high ranking kung fu teacher today, and I have to say it was very rewarding and enlightening.

                                I am sure that many of us see kung fu as a rather ineffective martial art or stands no chance against the other MMA's that you would see in the ufc.

                                but the fact is:

                                Kung fu is a martial art that takes a lot of time and energy , blood and sweat, to become a master at it. unlike say boxing which can be learned in a much shorter time.

                                Kung fu is all about being one with the world, flowing with nature. boxing does not teach this at all, kung fu teaches one how to meditate and focus the mind being able to relax the body and internalise ones own chi

                                we all know that the power of the mind is unbelievable, just think of a time that you have been really really angry or in a rage, did you not have unbelievable strength and stamina? yes you did, why you may ask?
                                because your mind was totally focused on that anger and was able to start functioning at a higher rate than is the norm. kung fu can teach one how to gain more control of ones mind and with that the possibilities are endless.
                                boxing or muay thai has very little or no emphasis on the spiritual side of the martial arts, it is a well known fact that a much looser and more relaxed martial artist will be quicker and more powerful of that who is always tense (just another example of what relaxing parts of meditation can do)

                                if you look at the shaolin monks, what they do is unbelievable, they are always so calm and at peace, but they can jump higher than any man, kick harder, punch harder, break stones on their bodies, break stones with their bare hands.. no mma man could do this. they have discovered and unharnessed the power of the mind, once you control the mind, nothing is impossible.

                                Kung fu definetly has more moves to learn than say boxing, muay thai, kickboxing, and takes much longer to learn, which is why an amateur boxer would beat an amateur kung fu man. because the boxer just practices only a few select moves over and over and over, but to learn kung fu takes much more dedication and time, which already shows the strength and willpower of the person, by the time you have learned all these moves, you have already won half the battle by inner strength alone. Kung fu may be viewed as much more complicated , but it should be viewed as an art of more possibilities.

                                you may argue that no kung fu man has ever made it against a ufc man, the fact is, a real kung fu man is enlightened and at peace he would not use his art to fight for show he is already far above all other martial artists and does not have to prove himself, those who you see that have been beaten are those that have gone looking for a fight or action and therefore have little skill or knowledge.

                                yes, I am expecting some serious debate on this one, but I hope that through all my ramblings you will learn something just like I have
                                I know my reading comprehension is inferior to most, but the guy is saying the following:

                                - He spoke with a high-ranked gong fu instructor.
                                - The gong fu instructor said that the art takes time to learn.
                                - " said that gong-fu is a philosophy and a method of self-improvement by developing a disciplined mind and self-control.
                                - " said that shaolin monks demonstrate above philosophy with impressive physical demonstrations.
                                - He concludes something to the effect of those who develop the gong-fu philosophy and fighting skills with it, do not seek fights.

                                Lastly, he expects some level of objection or critique on what he's posted.

                                You guys are going above and beyond objections at this point. Let's keep it somewhat professional, eh.

                                That is all.
                                Last edited by Tom Yum; 01-02-2007, 03:05 PM.

