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Why Kung fu is the ultimate martial art.

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  • #76
    Originally posted by ACP View Post
    I guess I should chime in here. Not in defense of an ignorant argument from the first post,.
    Please do not call my argument "ignorant", as I have said I have done kung fu for a year, I have experienced a little of it, I have talked with sifu's from different styles of kung fu. I have also researched into it, I am not some computer dweeb talking about something that he has little knowledge of.
    and clearly based on what you have said you also believe kung fu as a great martial art too.

    I may start threads that many may not agree with , but I am not ignorant


    • #77
      kung fu is my ultimate art since I ultimately use it


      • #78
        Originally posted by Oraenor View Post
        kung fu is my ultimate art since I ultimately use it
        Oh so its all about you know, I see...


        • #79
          Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
          Oh so its all about you know, I see...

          Whats your ultimate Tom Yum? Thai Soup Style with chicken?


          • #80
            Originally posted by Oraenor View Post

            Whats your ultimate Tom Yum? Thai Soup Style with chicken?
            You can't handle the TOM YUM!!!

            ...Reason being that I make it really, really spicy.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Jiu-fu fighter View Post
              To me kung fu is the ultimate martial art based on my philosophy of the martial arts, to better myself physically, spirtually, and mentally.
              I believe that kung fu would help me reach this

              for others I am sure that there are different arts that would benefit them better.

              I also respect that many would disagree with my view
              If your saying kung fu is the ultimate martial art because it makes you better physically, spirtually, and mentally then ninjutsu is also a "ultimate art" too.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                You can't handle the TOM YUM!!!

                ...Reason being that I make it really, really spicy.

                I am the ultimate art if I wore a leopard skin g-string. Therefore Tom yum is second ultimate art. Its a 22:1 hit ratio, causes blind damage and sexual arousal at the same time.Convinced?


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Oraenor View Post
                  I am the ultimate art if I wore a leopard skin g-string. Therefore Tom yum is second ultimate art. Its a 22:1 hit ratio, causes blind damage and sexual arousal at the same time. Convinced?
                  1. You mentioned nothing about the number of alphabets in your art....
                  2. Convinced should be written...CONVINCED??????

                  Not bad...


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by ACP View Post
                    This man can do feats that I have only seen in movies, he can use joint locks with a quickness and precision that I have never seen in any master, teacher of the martial arts. His understanding of how to apply what seems to be a punch in a traditional form to use it eight different ways is absolutely mind blowing. After 40 plus years in Chinese martial arts Baji and Chen taji I would say that he is the best Martial Artist I have ever known, and that means Self Defense or Traditional Martial Arts. As for me beating a man twice my size using the style after three, four, five, or even ten years of training that I don't know, but I am certain that with training every day for the next 20 plus years it is an almost unstoppable martial art. My 2 cents worth.
                    That's because TMA are not in the mainstream of MA. There are master instructors out there who are really good at what they do and whom can pull off their techniques in a real fight.

                    They are few in number, simply because you have fewer people who have been with one system for 20+ years. Even around the 10+ year mark, people train in other places for different reasons.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                      That's because TMA are not in the mainstream of MA. There are master instructors out there who are really good at what they do and whom can pull off their techniques in a real fight.

                      They are few in number, simply because you have fewer people who have been with one system for 20+ years. Even around the 10+ year mark, people train in other places for different reasons.
                      Very true. Time is a huge factor in any endeavor, especially anything worthwhile.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by ACP View Post
                        I guess I should chime in here. Not in defense of an ignorant argument from the first post, but in defense of REAL Chinese Martial Arts. First my background, I have studied Ninjutsu 2 years, Judo 2 years, Kali 8 years, Shotokan Karate 5 years, and now most recently Baji Kungfu 2 and a half years.
                        First of all I have never believed in Chi from the start of my training years ago till now, but just in two short years with a private kung fu teacher that is Chinese and American only for the last 8 years, I have started to change my mind on the subject. This man can do feats that I have only seen in movies, he can use joint locks with a quickness and precision that I have never seen in any master, teacher of the martial arts. His understanding of how to apply what seems to be a punch in a traditional form to use it eight different ways is absolutely mind blowing. After 40 plus years in Chinese martial arts Baji and Chen taji I would say that he is the best Martial Artist I have ever known, and that means Self Defense or Traditional Martial Arts. As for me beating a man twice my size using the style after three, four, five, or even ten years of training that I don't know, but I am certain that with training every day for the next 20 plus years it is an almost unstoppable martial art. My 2 cents worth.
                        Whos your sifu? Probably someone worth keeping in mind and recognition


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Oraenor View Post
                          Whos your sifu?
                          Whose your daddy!! Whose your daddy!!


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                            Whose your daddy!! Whose your daddy!!
                            No no........

                            WHO IS THE MASTA!?!?!?!?!



                            • #89
                              Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View Post
                              No no........

                              WHO IS THE MASTA!?!?!?!?!

                              Bruce Leroy.

