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southern style wing chun or kamon wing chun?

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  • southern style wing chun or kamon wing chun?

    I am confused as to whats the difference between the two can people please tell me what the difference is? As I have two of these clubs in my local area and thinking of joining one of them, I need to make the correct decision as to which one.

  • #2
    Originally posted by british12 View Post
    I am confused as to whats the difference between the two can people please tell me what the difference is? As I have two of these clubs in my local area and thinking of joining one of them, I need to make the correct decision as to which one.
    Theres styles of wing chun?


    • #3
      A multitude. And most of them hate the others.

      Such is the deep spritual meaning of the martial arts.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
        A multitude. And most of them hate the others.

        Such is the deep spritual meaning of the martial arts.
        YOu are right there....most of them hate each other and there are so many "branches" of wing chun.....................does anyone know the difference between the two mentioned? I would love to know I want to nake the right decision on which club to join.


        • #5
          I had some experience with "Malaysian" Wing Chun (Cho family style) when I was working in Singapore. First big difference with the "Hong Kong" (Yip Man branch) style is that the forms are totally different. The same essential elements (pak sau, bong sau, fook sau etc.) are in there though. Chi sau is done a little differently (not the tan sau/ bong sau/fook sau rolling motion, but something else that is a little hard to explain). My impression was that the Malaysian style wasn't as obsessed with the centre-line as HK style.

          This book by Robert Chu and Rene Ritchie (Complete Wing Chun) has some decent information about some of the lesser-known branches.

          Not only do the different branches hate one another, but competing instructors within the same branch often get involved in nasty feuds.


          • #6
            And now a specific (more or less) reply to your question

            About Kamon Wing Chun

            From what I've gathered from the website - The head instructor is of the Hong Kong/Yip man lineage.

            He's got a brown belt in Brazilian Jiujutsu.

            Geoff Thompson has kind things to say (but nothing specific, on the testimonials page).

            He's making a ton of money, from the looks of it (make what you will of that).

            But there seem to be many many branches, so you most likely won't be learning from the man himself.

            "Southern" Wing Chun is a little vague. Does that refer to southern China (which is where Wing Chun was supposedly developed at any rate)? Southern England?


            • #7
              I can't help. The worst thing in martial arts happened to Wing Chun. It became popular.

              Now every man and his dog claims to be an expert teaching the only true way.

              By the way if you search out other Wing Chun threads you'll see why I wouldn't go to ANY Wing Chun club anyway.


              • #8
                Originally posted by aseepish View Post
                About Kamon Wing Chun

                From what I've gathered from the website - The head instructor is of the Hong Kong/Yip man lineage.

                He's got a brown belt in Brazilian Jiujutsu.

                Geoff Thompson has kind things to say (but nothing specific, on the testimonials page).

                He's making a ton of money, from the looks of it (make what you will of that).

                But there seem to be many many branches, so you most likely won't be learning from the man himself.

                "Southern" Wing Chun is a little vague. Does that refer to southern China (which is where Wing Chun was supposedly developed at any rate)? Southern England?

                Thanks for your response are the two websites and local clubs in my area who do it, the one for southern wing Chun is the following:- and one which you have already seen is: Your help will be much appreciated. Thanks.


                • #9
                  Is Ip Man the same as Yip Man?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL] View Post
                    Is Ip Man the same as Yip Man?
                    Yep! It's just two different ways of romanizing the same Chinese character.


                    • #11
                      The term "Southern" seems to be in contrast with "northern". The instructor seems to be under Ip [Yip] Ching, who is the son of Ip [Yip] man. So the two schools would be in the same general category of "Hong Kong" wing chun. There might be some technical differences between the two branches.

                      My advice would be to visit the two schools, talk to the instructors, and make your decision based on which one you think you would feel more comfortable training with.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by aseepish View Post
                        My advice would be to visit the two schools, talk to the instructors, and ......
                        And then run off like mad, saving yourself a few wasted years by going into another art.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
                          I can't help. The worst thing in martial arts happened to Wing Chun. It became popular.

                          Now every man and his dog claims to be an expert teaching the only true way.

                          By the way if you search out other Wing Chun threads you'll see why I wouldn't go to ANY Wing Chun club anyway.

                          Being popular does not make an art ineffective, rather too many dishonest people out there. I think as a traditionalist, you better be learning true traditional stuff and cut the substitutes down like wild grass otherwise you'll get all this ryukyukendojuitsu style wing chun snake oil salesmen. Whats even worse is Hippies teaching this BS that take all the violence out of it and put some of their weird hippe spirituality into Kung Fu Sesame Street.
                          Most people would claim their lineage to be Yip Man's lineage for the whole authenticity but what they dont tell you is that they probably got kicked out of the school because they got lazy or that they were being dicks.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by aseepish View Post
                            My advice would be to visit the two schools, talk to the instructors, and make your decision based on which one you think you would feel more comfortable training with.
                            Ditto that advice I have been teaching Wing Chun professionally for over 23 years and I can only vouch for how I teach, my Sifu and Sigung and my instructors. The most important aspect of choosing an art/style/branch/system is that you respect the instructor and more importantly that they respect you.

                            When you first walk through the door it is easy for an experienced martial artist to pull the wool over the eyes of a beginner just using hand speed and false philosophy, but over time they are found out by those with open minds and commonsense, it can take time to find the right instructor that suits your personality.

                            You should train where you feel safe and where there is a sense of "family" amongst the other students, 'like' tend to attract 'like' so you can pick up on the atmosphere of the school by watching a session or participating. Be wary of anyone who asks for large payments in advance.

                            Remember it is your time and your money and it is always your choice where to spend either.

                            Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
                            By the way if you search out other Wing Chun threads you'll see why I wouldn't go to ANY Wing Chun club anyway.
                            Did not think you were that small minded or unable to discuss the merits of a system rather than just fall foul of the usual politics of bigotry that I have encountered in MMA.

                            I understand you had a bad experience yet the intensity of your hatred of Wing Chun remains irrational, against the personalities in Wing Chun who are the money orientated I can understand, but the system is simply the understanding of personal body mechanics related to violent confrontation.

                            We have had some good discussion, yet am I in the "ANY Wing Chun club" category?


                            • #15
                              You're a Geordie. That's why there is so much hatred.........

