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Austin Goh Videos

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  • Austin Goh Videos

    Some interesting Wing Chun videos, finally.

    Austin Goh is a good teacher, with a realistic view of training. You can have an idea of how and why WC works. Some of this trapping looks more like Vunak's trapping than the other "traditional" WC trapping. And finally there's a master who clearly says and shows that chi sao is only an exercise.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

  • #2
    How long have you been training with Austin?


    • #3
      I trained with his european representative, Giovanni Zapparrata and I met sifu Goh in a seminar. I trained in his WC for about two years before leaving my country and studying other MA.

      Are you one of his students?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Tee Sok View Post
        Some interesting Wing Chun videos, finally.

        Austin Goh is a good teacher, with a realistic view of training. You can have an idea of how and why WC works. Some of this trapping looks more like Vunak's trapping than the other "traditional" WC trapping. And finally there's a master who clearly says and shows that chi sao is only an exercise.

        I have seen Austin Goh's demonstrations from extra footages in "the Prodigal Son".The clips I saw on the extra footages made him appear to me as a WT guy.Another disturbing part was that his initial demonstration was of tai chi, not wing chun which led me to believe that his heart does not endorse his art.
        In these clips, once again he's wearing not enough clothing to cover his flabby pale body.His chi sau is not like vunak I'm sorry to say, vunak has more power and structure but more rigid.Chi sau has always been a sensitivity drill, and WC and even McDojo WC will tell you that.
        Nothing new here that he's teaching, more like things that every wing chun teacher should atleast have the basics of.

        On a sad note, most WC school's chi sau these day resemble zombies playing patty cakes....just waiting for Thai Bri to spew his wisdom on his hatred for WC


        • #5
          Well every WC is different. Not only because there are different styles, but because every sifu develops his own.

          What I was trying to say is that in the clips Austin Goh shows how to finalize trapping, and it looks like Vunak's assault phase. Vunak's is more brutal l agree.

          Speaking of Austin Goh, I don't know much about his past activities.
          What you said about Prodigal Son is a surprise, it's one of my favourites and I saw it many times. Never heard of Goh working there.

          He didn't study WC only. He is a master of tai chi and Malaysian stick fighting (he is half Malay), and surely studied other systems during his youth.
          Also I think that since he was a bodyguard and a bouncer, he surely knows about real fighting situation.

          I think in these clips his chi sao is rigid and wide because he wants to show movements clearly. I say that because my teacher did the same with me, while with advanced students his chi sao was very tight.
          Well the other WC schools I've been to did nothing more than pak sao-punch or tan sao-punch........and chain punching. I got a clear understanding of chi sao only with Goh's system, believe it or not. That's why I posted these clips.

          WC is not only chain puches and center line, or hidden secrets....

          I have been unlucky with WC, because I think most schools' interest is mainly business and image. As Thai Bri said, fame ruined the reputation and the quality of WC and it is very true.

