does anyone know what kung fu school has the one arm form? I think it was created by a sifu that had an enthusiastic student who was cripply/broken/lost one arm that wanted to learn kung fu.
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One arm kung fu
Originally posted by funnytiger View PostFirst post...
I'm pretty sure I've seen a video of a Hung Fut one armed form. I believe it was performed by Sifu Tai Yim.
- ft
I have never heard that Hung Fut has such a form but I wont put it out of the equation. It may be it since alot of hand movements are open hand and footwork is mostly foot hooks and sweeps.
I thought it may have been a northern system but who knows.
The name of he form has Mo Chung in it or Wu Song in mandarin.
One armed MA exists
In around '62 I knew a guy in Houston. He had been in Japan during the war. He showed me an 8mm film of Tomiki sparring with old timers at the Kodokan. Tomiki had one hand behind him, stuck in his belt. The art was, I learned, something Tomiki got in North China during the WW II. Whether this art became a basis for Tomiki's "Tomiki Aikido" I don't know.
Also in Okinawa, some Shrin teachers would have you simulate fighting with a broken arm by putting a hand behind you stuck through your belt. Try it sometime if you do a fist art. It's fun.
Amazing how many people know people who knew people who knew people who were in Japan during, or just after the war, were all working for shadowy intelligence groups, were professional killers, and still had time to pop over to HK for 'rooftop' matches and gang hits.
I wonder if there is just one really old guy out there who was very, very, very busy 60 years ago or so.
In wing chun, we practice dan chi sao (single sticking hands) which is one handed. The idea is that you swap hands and train both hands in preparation for double chi sao, but you can technically train one hand
The first form can also be done on one side.
Is there any reason you asked (ie do you know someone who wants to train martial arts on one hand?)
Certain lineages of Hung Fut have a one armed form. Hak Fu Mun (Black Tiger) also has a one armed form. In Black Tiger once you learn this form and it's applacations, you can only fight/spar in class with one arm. You must use your weak arm, this form helps to even out your fighting ability with both arms.
Here's a video clip of one of Hung Fut's one armed forms.
Originally posted by Tom Yum View PostThe characters in your sig read (*ahem* - adjusts for mandarin dialect)
shao lin hei hu men
Translating to "The gate of the shaolin black tiger"
Got any history on the style? Seems interesting.
Shaolin Black Tiger Gate is Sil Lum Hak Fu Mun created by Su Hak Fu of Canton. Su Hak Fu is known as the Master of Black Tiger style or Tiger Claw in the Kwangtung Sup Fu (Ten Tigers Of Canton). Su Hak Fu is also the man that taught Wong Kei Yin and his son Black Tiger. You might know Wong Kei Yin's son he became quite famous for his kung fu. His son name is Wong Fei Hung the famous Hung Gar master.
You can find more info here on this website.