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Why I don't practice kung fu anymore

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Troll Virus View Post
    Sadly, they can't be bothered.
    If people wanted to find somewhere they'd be offended every which whey they turned, there are certainly worse forums they could go to, but without allowing people a little slack, why would they stay here?
    I think, like SL and TB, you think of the forum in terms of 'What Suits You' rather than the needs of others.
    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    If 'discussion' in your mind is limited to repeating over and over again, "Gee, isn't 'X' great? Yeah, its sure great!" even the most zombified adherent is gonna run out of things to say mighty quick. You can't be afraid of questions and different points of view. Taking a hard look makes a position stronger or causes a change in point of view. Not necessarily a bad thing. Is your opinion of CMA so poor that you feel it can't stand before scrutiny even after all this time?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
      What the hell are you talking about? I'm talking about a system that has questionable training practices.
      So if it's such a big issue for you, then what are you doing about it?

      How I portray it? I'm just quoting from the school brochure. You can't give me the line of crap about how "they're not trying to learn self defense they're just there for self-improvement" because the school makes it very clear what it's goal is.
      See above.

      Of course. They're all over the place.
      So tell us about your training and all those fights you've been in then?

      Yeah, I trained hard at something that works and my skills improved, I guess that makes me a real loser :P
      If you're happy with your training then tell us about it.
      If it's that good, then that's what you'd be doing and you wouldn't give a jot what other people were doing.
      You're happy right?

      I left when I ran out of training partners. There's just no getting around the fact that you need people to practice with in order to get better.
      Best of the best eh?
      They made a film about that!

      Anyone that's really knowledgable should be able to understand where I'm coming from. If someone finds this thread so offensive that they won't so much as try to communicate with me than they're obviously too insecure to have a mature discussion anyway.
      Way to isolate yourself bud!

      What about Bullshido? Why do you keep bringing it up? I haven't mentioned the site because I don't see what it has to do with this thread. You have a real issue with that site don't you?
      Actually, it was you who first brought it up (not on this thread).
      How about dealing with the comment though?

      I also feel it relevant to point out, that your overly expressed perspective would be relatively pedestrian on Bullshido and can't help wondering if you are not exercising your own ego by'standing out' on
      I think that's called 'Attention-Seeking'
      Is this where you cry for help on Bullshido?
      Post links about the bad Andy poking fun at you?

      Could you just deal with this on your lonesome?


      • #18
        Originally posted by Troll Virus View Post
        Actually, it was you who first brought it up (not on this thread).
        How about dealing with the comment though?

        Is this where you cry for help on Bullshido?
        Post links about the bad Andy poking fun at you?

        Could you just deal with this on your lonesome?
        I really don't feel the need to defend myself because your personal attacks are pathetic. I do think it's hilarious that you have such a complex about Bullshido though- something about that place really pisses you off for some reason. What makes you so sure I even post over there?


        • #19
          Soem of the common nonsense arguments from TMA in evidence. Arguments such as "they're are good fighting arts!.... but they're not about fighting.... they'r about self improvement........." and the old favourite "if you don't have my beliefs you are trolling."


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
            I really don't feel the need to defend myself because your personal attacks are pathetic. I do think it's hilarious that you have such a complex about Bullshido though- something about that place really pisses you off for some reason. What makes you so sure I even post over there?
            You brought it up previously.
            I don't have a complex about it, but you clearly do.
            It's hilarious to me how seriously Bullshito, and all who nutride her festering corpse think everyone should take them.


            My previous posts are littered with questions you have failed to even attempt to address.

            You know, about the thread topic you started?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Troll Virus View Post
              You brought it up previously.
              I don't have a complex about it, but you clearly do.
              It's hilarious to me how seriously Bullshito, and all who nutride her festering corpse think everyone should take them.
              Now you're just lying. The conversation you're talking about is in the thread about "aliveness" in the Urban Combatives forum. You were bashing both Matt Thornton and Bullshido and I called bullshit on you. If anyone actaully gives a shit you can find the post in question on page 3. Of course, you and I both know that it doesn't really matter and the only reason you're bringing that up is to try and gloss over the fact that you haven't refuted any of the points that I've made so far.

              My previous posts are littered with questions you have failed to even attempt to address.

              You know, about the thread topic you started?
              You haven't bothered to address any of my points, why should I answer your questions? Frankly I ignored them because they aren't relevant. They're all about me personally and even if I'm the biggest tomato can ever to step into the ring that doesn't invalidate the points I've made about Hung Gar. If you're so adamantly opposed to what I'm saying why don't you offer an alternative view of the system? You're just trying to shift attention away from the style we're discussing and onto me because you can't refute any of my points. If you can't articulate why you disagree than you have to admit that I'm right.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
                Now you're just lying. The conversation you're talking about is in the thread about "aliveness" in the Urban Combatives forum. You were bashing both Matt Thornton and Bullshido and I called bullshit on you. If anyone actaully gives a shit you can find the post in question on page 3. Of course, you and I both know that it doesn't really matter and the only reason you're bringing that up is to try and gloss over the fact that you haven't refuted any of the points that I've made so far.
                Not at all.
                Here's what you said on that thread;
                For that matter why bring up Bullshido? You've brought it up just to bash the site on here before. I really don't understand why it's so important to you that you would bring it up just to disparage it. It sounds like you're just bitter because you got made fun of over there. Get over it man, it's just a web site. My guess is that for you to be this butt-hurt over the term aliveness you must never have trained with it; why else would a simple word bother you so much?
                Here's my reply;
                I wouldn't say I'm directly bothered about What Matt says or does, but the results generated by the poor material he has written, it's use 'out of context' and it's misunderstanding does.

                For that matter why bring up Bullshido? You've brought it up just to bash the site on here before.
                TV-So your a little sensitive on that score?
                Sorry, I didn't know.

                I really don't understand why it's so important to you that you would bring it up just to disparage it. It sounds like you're just bitter because you got made fun of over there.
                TV-Well it depends on how you look at it. The way I look at it, it was more the other way round.

                You haven't bothered to address any of my points, why should I answer your questions?
                I addressed everything that vaguely resembled a point.

                Frankly I ignored them because they aren't relevant. They're all about me personally and even if I'm the biggest tomato can ever to step into the ring that doesn't invalidate the points I've made about Hung Gar.
                See that's what I'm interested in though.
                I'm interested in YOUR opinions, not someone elses.

                If you're so adamantly opposed to what I'm saying why don't you offer an alternative view of the system?
                I can't.
                I trained one fist form in Hung Gar.
                Like I said, that's why I'm interested in your opinion.

                You're just trying to shift attention away from the style we're discussing and onto me because you can't refute any of my points.
                No I'm not.
                You can't hold the style up as a sheild to protect your opinion though.

                If you can't articulate why you disagree than you have to admit that I'm right.
                So lets get to that point then, m'kay?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Troll Virus View Post
                  Not at all.
                  Here's what you said on that thread;
                  Not that it really matters but I wrote that in response to this post from you because it was so weird that you brought it up out of no where:

                  My guess would be Bullshydo/Thornton Nutriders.
                  The theories espoused by SBG stroke the egos of those who would far rather 'straight blast' anonymously on the internet, than square up to an old lady practicing Tai Chi in the park on a Sunday.

                  Alive/Aliveness is/are ridiculous.
                  You can't use either in a sentence in the intended sense.
                  Why invent words or these phrases, when existing words like reality/realism etc serve better, if not for self-grandisement?

                  It gives the illiterate 'know-it-alls' something new to cling to I suppose?
                  So you can stop pretending that anyone other than you has been bringing it up. Of course, this is beside the point and the only reason you're talking about it is because you're trying to change the topic. Frankly I'm just about done with you; you don't have anything to say about my critique of the system you just want me to try to justify myself to you so you can belittle me. You asked me what I'm doing about Hung Gar? What a bizarre question, why would I DO anything? What I did was leave the school and I'll tell anyone who asks why; it isn't my place to do anything else. They aren't going to change the system just because I think there's a better way to do things. What fights have I been in? I'm not a thug that gets into a lot of brawls. I'm a boxer and I box with my teammates on a regular basis. No, it isn't the same as a "real" fight but it certainly allows me to gauge my progress. Any other altercations that I may have been involved in aren't any of your business, but the details of my personal life don't have any bearing on the points that I've made.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
                    Not that it really matters but I wrote that in response to this post from you because it was so weird that you brought it up out of no where:

                    So you can stop pretending that anyone other than you has been bringing it up.
                    Where have I done that?

                    Of course, this is beside the point and the only reason you're talking about it is because you're trying to change the topic.
                    First you accuse me of not responding to your points, yet when I do, I'm??? the one changing the topic???

                    Frankly I'm just about done with you; you don't have anything to say about my critique of the system you just want me to try to justify myself to you so you can belittle me.
                    See ther'e big ol mr ego in there again eh?
                    You are just about done with me?

                    You asked me what I'm doing about Hung Gar? What a bizarre question, why would I DO anything? What I did was leave the school and I'll tell anyone who asks why; it isn't my place to do anything else. They aren't going to change the system just because I think there's a better way to do things. What fights have I been in? I'm not a thug that gets into a lot of brawls. I'm a boxer and I box with my teammates on a regular basis. No, it isn't the same as a "real" fight but it certainly allows me to gauge my progress. Any other altercations that I may have been involved in aren't any of your business, but the details of my personal life don't have any bearing on the points that I've made.
                    An insightful post.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Troll Virus View Post
                      Where have I done that?

                      I quoted it and highlighted it in red in my previous post you jack ass.


                      • #26
                        Nice one! TV caught out yet again!

                        Haw haw haw!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
                          I quoted it and highlighted it in red in my previous post you jack ass.
                          Sorry, I didn't realise both you and Thai Bri had reading comprehension skills.
                          Let me spell it out for you;

                          You said;
                          So you can stop pretending that anyone other than you has been bringing it up.
                          I said;
                          Where have I done that?
                          Back to school boys.


                          • #28
                            Weak. You never admit when you are wrong.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
                              Weak. You never admit when you are wrong.
                              You've yet to be able to prove me so.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Troll Virus View Post
                                Sorry, I didn't realise both you and Thai Bri had reading comprehension skills.
                                Let me spell it out for you;

                                You said;

                                I said;

                                Back to school boys.
                                That's in post 34, come on, what the hell is the point in denying what you said when it's clearly posted where everyone can see?

                                Originally posted by Troll Virus View Post
                                You brought it up previously.
                                I don't have a complex about it, but you clearly do.
                                It's hilarious to me how seriously Bullshito, and all who nutride her festering corpse think everyone should take them.

