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Why I don't practice kung fu anymore

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
    That's in post 34, come on, what the hell is the point in denying what you said when it's clearly posted where everyone can see?
    Yes it is.
    You just seem not to be able to read a sentence and understand what it means.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Troll Virus View Post
      Yes it is.

      Of course it is, you were just wasting our time acting like a dipshit. You can pull stupid ass stunts like that if you want but don't be surprised when no one takes you seriously.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
        Of course it is, you were just wasting our time acting like a dipshit. You can pull stupid ass stunts like that if you want but don't be surprised when no one takes you seriously.
        Do yourself a favour.
        Go back and read the posts again and be sure you understood what was written.
        I'm buggered if I'm going to give you remedial english lessons or explain it all yet again.
        If you didn't have a collossal bug up your ass, you wouldn't be making such an idiot out of yourself.


        • #34
          If anyone looks like an idiot (among other things) on this and a few other threads lately, its you troll-boy. You seem to be on a mission lately to make yourself look as bad as possible. Don't let your screen name get to you.


          • #35
            Yeah, apparently TV just can't keep from sticking his foot in his mouth. It's not for nothing though, every time he posts he bumps my thread which just ensures that more people will read it.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
              Yeah, apparently TV just can't keep from sticking his foot in his mouth. It's not for nothing though, every time he posts he bumps my thread which just ensures that more people will read it.

              Yeah, and the more people who will probably agree that your bleating about Kung Fu is akin to Sharp Phil and all the whining he did when he left Wing Chun.


              • #37
                Wow, you've got a lot of pent up hostility. It's no wonder you can't get along anywhere you go.


                • #38
                  This is true. I mean, we all like a laugh. But this is disruptive.


                  • #39
                    Yes, highly disruptive. Why don't we get back to the original point of the thread?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                      Yes, highly disruptive. Why don't we get back to the original point of the thread?
                      Why not?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                        If 'discussion' in your mind is limited to repeating over and over again, "Gee, isn't 'X' great? Yeah, its sure great!" even the most zombified adherent is gonna run out of things to say mighty quick. You can't be afraid of questions and different points of view. Taking a hard look makes a position stronger or causes a change in point of view. Not necessarily a bad thing. Is your opinion of CMA so poor that you feel it can't stand before scrutiny even after all this time?
                        Not what was on my mind.

                        About seven years ago, I was on a hunt for very specific information on CMA.
                        (I know some people here used KFO too.)
                        I went searching back through the archives of KFO and came across a post from it's early days.

                        There had been some very high level discussion on CMA, which had been disrespected, resulting in a group of people 'walking off with their incense sticks' so to speak.
                        They agreed never to share information again.
                        Yeah, yeah secrets of the masters n all that. I know.

                        One of them in particular, I know for a fact, had the information I sought, but due to the general distrust he'd gotten of people on the internet, he wouldn't help me.

                        To me, if you've got a problem with the efficacy of a system, of any description, then you have the option of going and doing something about it yourself.
                        If it bothers you that much, go kick a monks ass.
                        He'll accept it and you'll get whatever gratification you wanted = result.
                        If it's a Master or a style you have a problem with and you feel really strongly about it, then go and kick their asses = result.
                        See if you can toe the line.
                        Prove that you are right and they are wrong.
                        Try as you might, you can't do any of that on a forum.
                        Groovy word bending games are not MA.

                        I find that it's more useful that a forum offer information.
                        Information on the CMA section here is lacking, simply because potential contributors are scoffed at, which is a crying shame.

                        Also, I don't really care about the 'fight' factor in CMA.
                        I've gotten a lot more from CMA than that.
                        I know other people have too.

                        I caught a comment from EF wishing there were more 'fighters' on here.

                        I wish there was more of just about everything.
                        More fighters.
                        More thinkers.
                        More funsters.

                        I wish there were less;
                        Armchair Strategists.
                        Insulting posts.
                        Enormous egos.
                        Gangbang posters (you know who you are, you can't win on your own, so you grouphump).

                        In short, if I want to know what CMA are not, I can pretty much work that out for myself, with no assistance.
                        What I do want to read about, is what they are.
                        Anyone standing in the way of that, get's zero respect from me.


                        • #42


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                            How constructive!


                            • #44
                              So Sag, was there one specific moment when you had your change of heart or did it build up over time?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                                So Sag, was there one specific moment when you had your change of heart or did it build up over time?
                                Yeah Sag, what he said?

