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Free Wudang/Taoist Book (spam)

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  • Free Wudang/Taoist Book (spam)

    .............Spammers may be banned without warning.


  • #2
    it's just a general instruction of Wu dang.
    give us some details about what it's talking about?


    • #3
      This person has spammed pretty much every other martial arts forum on the planet with this.

      It seems to be nothing but a way to get your email address.

      Spammer be gone


      • #4
        Thanks Dale for the heads up


        • #5


          I clicked on your link and leaned about a fight betewen a snake and a crane. Are you serious or just another joker? Snakes and cranes are fine, but this is not a serious martial art, is it?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Happy Cat View Post


            I clicked on your link and leaned about a fight betewen a snake and a crane. Are you serious or just another joker? Snakes and cranes are fine, but this is not a serious martial art, is it?
            They take themselves seriously.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Happy Cat View Post


              I clicked on your link and leaned about a fight betewen a snake and a crane. Are you serious or just another joker? Snakes and cranes are fine, but this is not a serious martial art, is it?
              The legend of how Zhang San Feng witnessed a fight between a snake and a crane. Have you not heard this legend?

              Anytime you would like to cross hands feel free to come look me up. My addresses where I teach and my phone number are there for all.

              I welcome anyone from Defend to stop by and see for themselves what I can and cannot do. So rather than hide behind your net personalty why not put your money where your rather loud mouths are??

              Must scare the crap out of most of you when someone is not afraid to be known and steps up rather than ducks out.


              • #8
                Originally posted by DaleDugas View Post
                The legend of how Zhang San Feng witnessed a fight between a snake and a crane. Have you not heard this legend?
                ROFLMAO, Tai Chi existed long before it was called Tai Chi, and long before the BS story of the snake and crane. Every posture of legitimate Tai Chi can be traced to Rou Quan and Rou Quan can be traced back even farther to Tong Bei, no need for BS stories about watching a snake and crane and thus developing a system of fighting are needed (or even apply). Anyone who has done their homework would be able to trace the postures and realize the snake and crane is a BS story to hide the origins, only people without a knowledge of it's history and usage would continue to propagate such BS.

                Spreading esoteric crap and BS stories about the origin of arts only serves to muddy the water, and we all know who benefits from mystery and confusion over legitimate systems.
                Last edited by TTEscrima; 11-12-2008, 09:01 PM.


                • #9
                  ranting from an internet unknown who is bitter.

                  come visit, I can help you understand better.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DaleDugas View Post
                    ranting from an internet unknown who is bitter.

                    come visit, I can help you understand better.
                    Well I certainly don't have thousands of posts across the internet from people calling my teacher and style a fraud like you do. Who (as I've mentioned before) I did "cross hands" with, he taught me lighten the wallet style, and apparently he taught you the internal arts were created by watching a snake and crane fight.

                    If anyone is serious about tracing the roots of the Internal arts and Tai Chi I'm more than willing to help point them in the right direction, just don't expect any Snakes and cranes or Jedi Knight abilities, if that's what you're looking for I suggest you keep reading web pages from Painter and his students.
                    Last edited by TTEscrima; 11-12-2008, 09:15 PM.


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by DaleDugas View Post

                      So rather than hide behind your net personalty why not put your money where your rather loud mouths are??

                      Must scare the crap out of most of you when someone is not afraid to be known and steps up rather than ducks out.
                      Phui... a little full of yourself, eh? LOL


                      • #12
                        unlike the unknowns here who seem to be nothing more than whiny little kids, yes, I know exactly what I can do, hence I back up what I can say with what I know I can do. rather than step up, all these whiny little kids do is wahhh, complain and ridicule, wahhh, rather than put their money where they whiny little mouths are.

                        I fly peacock feathers on my sun toi, and welcome any and all.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DaleDugas View Post
                          unlike the unknowns here who seem to be nothing more than whiny little kids, yes, I know exactly what I can do, hence I back up what I can say with what I know I can do. rather than step up, all these whiny little kids do is wahhh, complain and ridicule, wahhh, rather than put their money where they whiny little mouths are.

                          I fly peacock feathers on my sun toi, and welcome any and all.

                          Whiny little kids? You're the one propagating fairy tales as the history of Tai Chi on your web site Jr.

                          You're also the one who posted videos of your teacher moving people without touching them and yet you still believe he is a credible source of Martial Arts knowledge?!!

                          Thousands upon thousands of legitimate martial artists across the world and internet laugh at the antics of your lineage and you think we're the ones who need to grow up?

                          Suppose you explain your lineages teachings of Tai Chi for us, explain how you got a system of Tai Chi from Zhang San Feng. Where did it come from? Surely you aren't sticking with the story that Yang found the document on the floor of the Chen's and had it translated so he could correct the Chen style and thus created Yang style. If you knew anything about the internal arts you'd realize all that crap has been PROVEN to be utter and complete BS.

                          When you grow up and stop believing in fairy tales of 300+ year old teachers and tales of watching animals fight to develop the internal arts you might be taken a little more seriously. I realize your teacher was an actor in the Benji series but your entire lineage lives like they're in a cheesy 70's kung fu flick, grow up Jedi, people can't be moved with the power of your mind, unless of course they're mindless weaklings or children who need to believe in fairy tales.

                          You fly your peacock feathers high tough guy, I'm throwing the BS flag on your entire lineages teachings. Run away and ignore the issue and prove me right, or man up and explain how your lineages Tai chi evolved from Zhang San Feng. You explain it, and show how all the evidence you're lineage is full if BS about the origin of your Tai Chi is wrong and I'll gladly apologize.


                          • #14
                            All you can do is whine and whine rather than show anyone anything. You must have a thing about hiding rather than facing people....

                            why not let me come visit you and show you how my skills work.

                            Legends are just that legends. Your Rou Quan references are loaded with them as well. Who cares about legends other than the cultural aspects they define. The concepts behind the tales. Something you would have no clue about.

                            Means nothing when my skills outweigh yours.

                            You keep going on and on with this big bad bravado yet we only see it coming from some unknown internet coward.

                            Why not post up where you are and who you are. And none of that old chestnut of " i fear not unless someone steal my id and make havoc with my life." You started this crapfest, when you make a bed you get to lie in it.

                            Ill bring myself and my students and we can cross hands with yours. I will video it and place it on youtube, here and every other ma related forum.

                            can you put up or shut up.

                            we all know you cannot shut up.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DaleDugas View Post
                              All you can do is whine and whine rather than show anyone anything. You must have a thing about hiding rather than facing people....

                              why not let me come visit you and show you how my skills work.

                              Legends are just that legends. Your Rou Quan references are loaded with them as well. Who cares about legends other than the cultural aspects they define. The concepts behind the tales. Something you would have no clue about.

                              Means nothing when my skills outweigh yours.

                              You keep going on and on with this big bad bravado yet we only see it coming from some unknown internet coward.

                              Why not post up where you are and who you are. And none of that old chestnut of " i fear not unless someone steal my id and make havoc with my life." You started this crapfest, when you make a bed you get to lie in it.

                              Ill bring myself and my students and we can cross hands with yours. I will video it and place it on youtube, here and every other ma related forum.

                              can you put up or shut up.

                              we all know you cannot shut up.
                              ROFLMAO. Internet challenge. Hey dude use your Jedi powers to make me submit to your will.

                              Rou Quan full of fairy tales of 300 year old masters??? NO. Is Rou Quan dependent on stories of snakes and cranes for its techniques and lineages? NO. It does however contain a set of traceable techniques in a particular order that can be traced forward and backward in history. Your bluff and lies just blew up in your face. You clearly have zero knowledge of the history of your art or Rou Quan or you wouldn't have made that completely unfounded and incorrect statement.

                              Whats funniest of all is you bitching about someone spamming the forum, when that's the only reason you and your huge banner adds are here in the first place.

                              The fact that you require mysterious teachers and magical powers to sell your art says the techniques themselves lack the ability to stand alone so you add Jedi mind tricks to make yourselves more confident. I traveled well over thousand miles to cross hands with your teacher, And like most intelligent martial artists who have visited your teacher and reported their experiences, I left with my heart full of laughter.

                              Guess I'll provide a little history lesson so people can trace the techniques and concepts before and after Rou Quan without relying on fairy tales and 300 year old masters to explain their arts existence...well all the arts except the ones that require BS stories to muddy the water.

