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About Creating a style...

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  • About Creating a style...

    To all,

    Just a word about Martial arts styles, and their origins and creating a style.

    Lets put it this way. There are traditional styles that have been passed down, from men who just made up moves that worked for them in combat, and from what they developed as they practiced. Then they became somewhat known and taught their styles. This is the same principle from all martial arts training, even in Shaolin way back. No man just picked out of the air some sacred style that was written in the stars etc.

    So again, lets say a man is living in a jungle and he watches the monkey's jump around and fight and defend their food and area etc. So he developes a fighting style by watching them do so. Then he is attacked by some other people in the forest and his monkey style is what saves him. He develops it further every time he has an encounter with the attackers and eventually he perfects it against all attackers. This man is now a master of his own monkey style. Now he meets a few young men who see him fight against some attackers in the jungle and they want him to teach them, so he does and then it grows and grows etc. Until it is a famous style and handed down by tradition.

    This can be the same path for any person on the earth that wants to practice a fighting defense and attack. He can learn from any source and from nature or his own study. he can then truly be called a martial artist . But the difference from him to lets say a man who has studied a style that has been handed down from many centuries, is that the traditional style has gone through many changes and developments to make it even more effective. The new style has to be tested and proved. It may even work better than the traditional one, depending on the man and his genius with techniques. But only the man who uses it for his own combat will know that. Until it has been tried by many.

    So if a man says he teaches a form of Kempo, or a kung fu style etc. And he calls it Body mechanics kung fu, or arm locking Kung Fu etc etc. It doesn't really matter. If he has the elements of defense from different techniques he has learned, or that he has developed himself, and has perfected the style to some degree, and has applied them in combat against others then it is viable for combat. Any man can develope any fighting style he wants for his own defense and it is still a fighting technique. How well it works or not, is dependant on many things. But there are some traditional Kung Fu styles that may work better than others and may work better for different people than others.

    We cannot say such men would be frauds, or that they know nothing about martial arts. The fraud would be the man who does not know anything about lets say the Hung Style and says he does know. But as far as a man developing his own style, we can only say that they have not been tried over many years, and so their style may have weakness that they are not familiar with. But could not the same thing be said for any style, traditional or otherwise.

    I have learned very traditional styles, such as Hung Gar, Northern Shaolin, White Crane Seven Star Praying Mantis, etc etc. But I have also developed my own fighting style from a mixture of all the things I know. I even developed a Praying Mantis fighting style (other than the seven Star mantis) from many sources and from actually watching the Praying Mantis myself. The only weakness in that style to others would be the years of testing and trial in combat. I have tried it and tested it, I overcame most of my Kung Fu classmates with it and eventually overcame one of my instructors with it. So it has some testing and effectivenss.. But most people would be weary if they do not see the years of tradition. So I stick mostly with traditional forms etc. But for my own fighting I would trust in what I have developed also in combat as well as the traditional fighting I have learned.

    I think that any master will eventually develope his own form of fighting, even if he is trained within a tradition. This form will have many of the elements of the tradition he learned, but you will always find innovations and new things. this is what all masters should do and the direction they should go. they must use the forms as an alphabet of sorts and then lean to make words and stories so to speak.

    But we can never be trapped within a form alone, or a fighting system. To do so would limit us and not allow others with different body types to develope more from the style, or perhaps even another totally different style.

    Here is a good exercise for any martial artist. Take a form you know, a traditional one and make another form up using just the moves from that form. Then try to make new moves that you develope for it.

    Then try to make up your own short form for yourself, using techniques that you use mostly in sparring and that you trust in. tape the form , watch it and see what comes out. I think you would be surprised at how this helps you develope your own style.

    Ok, later,

  • #2
    Here we go again...

    MMA and KUNG FU - Page 95 - The Dragon's List Kung Fu Community

    One more time.... TMA vs. MMA.... - Page 17 - The Dragon's List Kung Fu Community


    • #3
      What I am talking about here is entirely different.

      Who are you, what was your handle in the Dragons list?

      You are becoming irritating.


      • #4
        You should call your style Wolfgang's laying in the gutter looking at the stars while drinking sake style. After all you're the King.
        Last edited by TTEscrima; 12-14-2008, 03:46 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
          You should call your style Wolfgang's laying in the gutter looking at the stars while drinking sake style. After all you're the King.
          Who is Wolfgang, and what does anything you said have to do with anything I said?


          • #6
            Originally posted by TigerClaw View Post
            Who is Wolfgang, and what does anything you said have to do with anything I said?
            Here's a hint Fallen Angel..... ..... ...... now use that for your first 7000 posts, oh wait you already did didn't you Chikara. Oh BTW, I see you chose to spend your Birthday trolling as usual. As much time as you spend on the net here, I'm surprised you have time to spend even more elsewhere, you must really be sad and lonely.
            Last edited by TTEscrima; 12-14-2008, 05:05 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ttescrima View Post
              here's a hint fallen angel..... ..... ...... Now use that for your first 7000 posts, oh wait you already did didn't you chikara. Oh btw, i see you chose to spend your birthday trolling as usual. As much time as you spend on the net here, i'm surprised you have time to spend even more elsewhere, you must really be sad and lonely.
              lmaooooooo ... well if you looked like Randy from "My Name Is Earl" you'd have to tattoo your forearms up and seem as tough as you could, too TTE.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Uke View Post
                lmaooooooo ... well if you looked like Randy from "My Name Is Earl" you'd have to tattoo your forearms up and seem as tough as you could, too TTE.
                Gotta love his Hulk wannabe act too. You've gotta wonder if all the drinking sake alone burned his vocal chords or if he just thinks it makes him sound cool.
                Last edited by TTEscrima; 12-14-2008, 07:37 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
                  Gotta love his Hulk wannabe act too. You've gotta wonder if all the drinking sake alone burned his vocal chords or if he just thinks it makes him sound cool.
                  You're damn right it sounds cool Brooottthhheeerrr!!!!!!


                  • #10
                    Off track (and topic)

                    Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
                    Here's a hint Fallen Angel..... ..... ...... now use that for your first 7000 posts, oh wait you already did didn't you Chikara. Oh BTW, I see you chose to spend your Birthday trolling as usual. As much time as you spend on the net here, I'm surprised you have time to spend even more elsewhere, you must really be sad and lonely.
                    You might rethink where you're going with this (please)...

                    Before you need to pull both feet out of your mouth?

                    (proverbially speaking)

                    Thanks kindly.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
                      You might rethink where you're going with this (please)...

                      Before you need to pull both feet out of your mouth?

                      (proverbially speaking)

                      Thanks kindly.
                      Exactly what is the complaint, Jubaji provided the links, I just read them, and the comments of the other posters who pointed out its the old trolls birthday today (their words not mine) in their happy birthday thread for him. I didn't use profanity, nor did I make homosexual references like he does, I just pointed out the info he posted on the forum he directed us to so we could read his handy work, nearly 10,000 posts but when you read them and the comments things become clear (he uses the ...) there just as much as here btw. Why is it such a big secret who Jubaji is? Well, other than the obvious reasons LOL. Suddenly he's all shy now eh? He runs around the net spouting off and slinging shit, but no ones allowed to point out his lies, or expose him for what and who he is. I see why he's embarrassed people found his pictures and videos but he posted them on the net, not me. So anyway why is he protected here, does his super moderator status on the DL somehow make him special here? If he's so embarrassed people might find out who he is and the type of shit he posts, maybe he ought to evaluate what he posts instead of running to the mods to suppress what people discovered from the links he provided while showing his ass.
                      HE chose to bring the cross forum drama here, HE provided the links to the thread, now he wants it to go away.
                      Last edited by TTEscrima; 12-14-2008, 11:35 PM.


                      • #12
                        Please... Don't get me wrong! I think Ju can take care of his self just fine.

                        There are lots of things I don't know but a couple of things I do know.

                        Like when certain lines get crossed.

                        I think it's frikin hysterical that you'd go to all the trouble to dig up poop on ju when he's clearly smeared large quantities of it right here under your nose...



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
                          Please... Don't get me wrong! I think Ju can take care of his self just fine.

                          There are lots of things I don't know but a couple of things I do know.

                          Like when certain lines get crossed.

                          I think it's frikin hysterical that you'd go to all the trouble to dig up poop on ju when he's clearly smeared large quantities of it right here under your nose...

                          Oh it was no trouble, I am having trouble figuring out which one of these idiots is him though.

                          His little hissy fit and pms certainly validated my points about his identity though eh? ROFLMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH the embarrassment to be exposed. And on his birthday at that!! BWAHAHAHA
                          Last edited by TTEscrima; 12-15-2008, 12:01 AM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
                            Exactly what is the complaint, Jubaji provided the links, I just read them, and the comments of the other posters who pointed out its the old trolls birthday today (their words not mine) in their happy birthday thread for him. I didn't use profanity, nor did I make homosexual references like he does, I just pointed out the info he posted on the forum he directed us to so we could read his handy work, nearly 10,000 posts but when you read them and the comments things become clear (he uses the ...) there just as much as here btw. Why is it such a big secret who Jubaji is? Well, other than the obvious reasons LOL. Suddenly he's all shy now eh? He runs around the net spouting off and slinging shit, but no ones allowed to point out his lies, or expose him for what and who he is. I see why he's embarrassed people found his pictures and videos but he posted them on the net, not me. So anyway why is he protected here, does his super moderator status on the DL somehow make him special here? If he's so embarrassed people might find out who he is and the type of shit he posts, maybe he ought to evaluate what he posts instead of running to the mods to suppress what people discovered from the links he provided while showing his ass.
                            HE chose to bring the cross forum drama here, HE provided the links to the thread, now he wants it to go away.
                            Ya know ... we have a new "groan" button but we don't have a macho man "Oooooh Yeeeeeaaaaah" button. We should fix that. I would press that button for your post right now, TTE.

                            Oh yeah and .... I think kung fu is really great because kung fu teaches kids the importance of prayers, training and vitamins. Those are the keys to creating a solid kung fu style. After all, what else ya gonna do when creating a wushu style runs wild over you?

                            I just wanted to stay on topic, brother.


                            • #15

