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MMA Sport fighting and Kung Fu combative, the real difference...

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  • MMA Sport fighting and Kung Fu combative, the real difference...

    In Boxing or MMA fighting there are limited techniques that are used. I know some will take issue with this statement, but it is true. In boxing there are five moves or so, and in MMA there are a great many more. But all the techniques are designed to work in a full contact environment of a sport situation. It is easy to go full contact because these moves, and with the gloves on it is not as dangerous as the many kung fu moves without gloves.

    In Kung fu, many of the techniques can only be done without gloves, such as grabbing, locking, or trapping arms, spearing techniques, clawing techniques locking the head, neck etc, vital strikes etc. Also, there are many breaking techniques that are used in Kung Fu. If we strip out all the very dangerous techniques of kung fu then it would not be a good representation of a Kung Fu technique and the Kung Fu fighter would be limited.

    Imagine a kung Fu man going into a ring with a Boxer, and he is told that he cannot do most of his kung fu, he can only use the five moves or so that are done for the sport fighting in the ring with big red gloves. And he cannot kick. I am not saying he would not be able to still do well, I believe he could. But this would not be a good representation of Kung Fu.

    So when doing sparing, even full contact sparing. it is needful to PULL techniques (or to hold back the full contact strike). If a Kung Fu fighter got into the ring with a MMA fighter, he may get into a sprawling, grappling situation and quickly flare his fingers at the eyes of the opponent, or do a pheonix strike at his temple etc., but he would pull the technique or else serious injury would follow. The other fighter would not consider this a real attack, because he is unhurt, so he continues to grapple to the ground, if he can, and as he does this the Kung Fu man locks his head and just slightly twist the neck, (pulling his technique so he does not break the neck), but the grappler does not feel the full contact and he is unhurt so he just keeps going on in his technique, then the Kung Fu man is on the ground and he sees a opening at the groin and he attacks there but pulls his technique so as not to seriously hurt the opponent, yet the grappler only recoils slightly at the attack and he is unhurt so he continues to attack. Then the Kung Fu man sees an opening at the throat and attack it, but pulls his clawing technique so as not to seriously hurt the grappler and the grappler does not feel hurt so he ignores it and attacks more, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.

    So in this situation, we can see that the grappler would have been seriously hurt many times if not dead in combat. But because he did not feel the full force of the attack, he assumes it did not work on him and so he continues. That is sort of how things work out in real fighting full contact and real fighting sport . I understand that the fights are SPORT and not real life SURVIVAL COMBAT. But I think that is part of the problem. When you ask a combative fighter who thinks and trains for survival to forget all that and just jump into a totally different kind of fighting environment and fight SPORT fighting with many rules and restrictions, this is different and cannot truly represent the techniques he would use in real combat.

    But against a grappler outside of the ring, many times the fight will not get to the ground as I believe. There are many Kung Fu techniques that are available from a stand up position. But if it does go to the ground, it depends on how skilled each person is in real combat situations, not sport fighting, but combat fighting. Many times it will be whoever can get to the vitals first, or the breaks etc. Again I am speaking of masters of their styles, not novices.

    Anyway, that is how I see it. there is a big difference from Kung Fu to Sport MMA. Even though there are many techniques from Kung Fu that can be used in such a situation, there are other techniques that would need to be pulled or held back. And so the SPORT fighting with rules and restrictions which is designed for full contact fighting in a Sport environment, is much different than Kung Fu that is not a SPORT and was not designed for full contact SPORT fighting, but for full contact SURVIVAL COMBAT FIGHTING.

    So, I hope this discussion will forever clarify the issue and why we may not se many Kung Fu practitioners in such arenas. For me it is not just these things but a moral issue and the fact that I teach others to use Kung Fu only for self defense and helping others.

  • #2
    There is an incredible irony here - in that you present kung fu as superior to MMA in terms of 'real combat' - yet refuse to engage in anything resembling remote combat in your practice and teaching of kung fu (apparently on moral grounds). In fact you bemoan the fact that MMA practitioners are too combative. Surely you can see the contradiction here?

    I appreciate what you're saying here, but I think the net result is that students will struggle to implement these moves effectively when confronted with real aggression.


    • #3
      Originally posted by sunwukung View Post
      There is an incredible irony here - in that you present kung fu as superior to MMA in terms of 'real combat'

      I am not saying "superior" or not, I am saying there is a difference to sport fighting and real life survuval combat fighting. You mut s agree with this. Outside of the ring, I said it depends on how well each has perfected their art, and their ability to attack vital areas faster. I did not say Kung Fu fighters can overcome MMA fighters all the time.

      I do see Kung Fu as a superior fighting style to all other martial arts on the planet. However, this is my personal preference. But as to each individual in either style, (kung fu or MMA), that superiority depends on the man or woman in it..

      Originally posted by sunwukung View Post
      In fact you bemoan the fact that MMA practitioners are too combative. Surely you can see the contradiction here?
      I don't say they are too "combative". In fact I do not see alot of combative aspects in their fighting, as I said, they have certain techniques that are designed for such spot fighting, not combative survival fighting.

      What I say, is that there is a arrogance and proud attitude I have noticed with many of them, and a non combative surviv al sport fighting. I see many of them as scrappers who seek their own glory and money. How many times have we seen their attitude and boasting on such shows. I see alot of it like the wrestling shows of the past, with a more aggressive attitude. This is not the way I teach or what I teach.

      But I have never said that they cannot fight. I know that many of the MMA fighters have skill and many have trained in traditional arts like Jujitsu etc.

      Originally posted by sunwukung View Post
      I appreciate what you're saying here, but I think the net result is that students will struggle to implement these moves effectively when confronted with real aggression.
      I don't think they will. If they practice the techniques right and find oppenings for them in practice, then they will be able to execute it properly. But as far as having the will or desire to execute a dangerous technique, well, that depends on the situation and the mindset of the individual. The same could be said for police who are taught to kill with a gun. Who knows how they will react in such a situation, even though they have been well trained.


      • #4
        You already made a thread about that:


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
          You already made a thread about that:

          I touch on a different aspect here.


          • #6
            You're just repeating yourself over and over, Rain Man, and spamming up the forum.


            • #7


              • #8
                Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                You're just repeating yourself over and over, Rain Man, and spamming up the forum.
                I think the majority of your comments are very similar, it is you that are spamming up the forum, with your non informative mockery and attacks. You are like a broken record and very predictable.

                You call me a "rain man", when in fact you are like Porky pig, stuttering the same stuff out constantly, even your avatar picture suggest this.

                In this post I am dealing with different things. I make the comments about why full contact sparing is not possible in Kung Fu and I bring up "Pulling Techniques", and how this would not be understood in a fighting style that is designed for the few techniques that are used in the ring. I say "designed", because the promoters and insurance companies and the networks, manipulate the action in order to promote their desired end. So certain fighting techniques are allowed and certain ones not allowed. This "designing " of the MMA fights deliberately hinders many Kung Fu styles and other survival combat fight arts, and seeks to promote the MMA over them.

                The Ultimate fighter kind of show know that it had other areas of fighting arts that it needed to compete with and to design it for a semi-full contact show, but by eliminating certain kinds of fighting they have achieved this illusion. But my initial remark of how the "ULTIMATE fighter", is anything but "ULTIMATE", still stands.

                Consider this again. Many of the techniques that have ben designed to be used for the show, are not combative and survival techniques, and this is understandable because it is after al just a show and a sport for entertainment. Full contact techniques with gloves can be used in such an arena. But take off the gloves and use combative fighting, the show would not be a show. and law suits would be on every corner, and it would far more dangerous and brutal. I think these things should be very obvious to the unbiased reader.


                • #9
                  Very good driver, yeah, yeah, very good driiiiiiver...


                  • #10
                    I like lamp too.


                    • #11
                      this thread is seriously retarded.


                      • #12
                        All I can say is: why is it when these kung fu guys imagine these fights to the death with a mma fighter or a boxer, its always the kung fu guy who seems to have the amazing revlutionary idea to go for a vital area, and the boxer or mixed martial artist (because they do sport fighting) for some reason cant comprehend the same thought and dont just stab their fingers in the kung fu guys eyes?, I mean honestly; yeah! ok! If its a proper fight and there are no rules; you can eye gouge someone, you can attack the throat, and groin and whatever vital area you want, but NEWSFLASH: THE BOXER / MMA FIGHTER CAN DO THE EXACT SAME BACK, I dont need to take kung fu to relise that if I stab my finger in your eye it will hurt you.


                        • #13
                          But don't tell the TigerClown that. He will never understand.


                          • #14
                            Combat Judo...

                            Originally posted by KenshiRyan View Post
                            All I can say is: why is it when these kung fu guys imagine these fights to the death with a mma fighter or a boxer, its always the kung fu guy who seems to have the amazing revlutionary idea to go for a vital area, and the boxer or mixed martial artist (because they do sport fighting) for some reason cant comprehend the same thought and dont just stab their fingers in the kung fu guys eyes?, I mean honestly; yeah! ok! If its a proper fight and there are no rules; you can eye gouge someone, you can attack the throat, and groin and whatever vital area you want, but NEWSFLASH: THE BOXER / MMA FIGHTER CAN DO THE EXACT SAME BACK, I dont need to take kung fu to relise that if I stab my finger in your eye it will hurt you.
                            The orbit is just another thing to grip... Bad Judo= Good Jujutsu


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by KenshiRyan View Post
                              All I can say is: why is it when these kung fu guys imagine these fights to the death with a mma fighter or a boxer, its always the kung fu guy who seems to have the amazing revlutionary idea to go for a vital area, and the boxer or mixed martial artist (because they do sport fighting) for some reason cant comprehend the same thought and dont just stab their fingers in the kung fu guys eyes?, I mean honestly; yeah! ok! If its a proper fight and there are no rules; you can eye gouge someone, you can attack the throat, and groin and whatever vital area you want, but NEWSFLASH: THE BOXER / MMA FIGHTER CAN DO THE EXACT SAME BACK, I dont need to take kung fu to relise that if I stab my finger in your eye it will hurt you.
                              Of course anyone can poke an eye, but the kung fu guy will have specifically trained to do these techniques so he can do it better. Some like poking an eye are obviously easy that don't take much training to be able to do effectively, but others are different.

