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can kung fu work in real fighting????

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  • can kung fu work in real fighting????

    I just wanted to know if anyone here has used thier kung fu skills in a real street fight? If so what techniques did you use? Can animal techniques work?

    Give specific techniques you have used when confronted in a real situation.

  • #2
    I think that's hard to say for a couple of reasons. 1. It's very difficult to remember all of the details of a fight. I've been a quite a few but I can't remember most of the details. 2. It also depends on the type of opponent(s) you are facing.


    • #3
      for sure Kung Fu can work in a real fight and it has centuries of tradition and real combat fighting to prove it. Most animal styles work in a real fight it just depends how hard you practice.


      • #4
        MY kung-fu

        Originally posted by JadeDragon View Post
        I just wanted to know if anyone here has used thier kung fu skills in a real street fight? If so what techniques did you use? Can animal techniques work?

        Give specific techniques you have used when confronted in a real situation.
        In a (non?) classical sense fighting skill is not measured by names of things.

        If you put together three or four techniques to close the gap (without getting hit, cut, stabbed or shot), get your ever critical "attachment" and dispatch the threat then that's good kung-fu. If you wait or hesitate and get maimed or wounded you have bad kung-fu.

        Unless it came from japan... then it might be judo.


        • #5
          Well, the Kung Fu itself is practical but it should be used as to strengthen yourself rather than to induce a real fight. However, if it is used as a self defense it is fine. Enough said. One of my brother did fight in a real street just because he had a someone tried to threatened his daughter life. But the details, couldn't really remember. :P


          • #6
            Originally posted by BodyMovement View Post
            Well, the Kung Fu itself is practical but it should be used as to strengthen yourself rather than to induce a real fight. However, if it is used as a self defense it is fine. Enough said. One of my brother did fight in a real street just because he had a someone tried to threatened his daughter life. But the details, couldn't really remember. :P
            You obviously know very little if anything about Kung Fu.

            When you say it is "fine". That is not right. You should have said Kung Fi =u is one of the most combative and effective fighting arts on the planet. It has centuries of tradition and application and development. Really there are not many if any other fighting arts on the planet that are are in depth as Kung Fu. As I have come to believe.


            • #7
              Originally posted by TigerClaw View Post
              You should have said Kung Fu = is one of the most combative and effective fighting arts on the planet. It has centuries of tradition and application and development. Really there are not many if any other fighting arts on the planet that are are in depth as Kung Fu. As I have come to believe.
              That is actually very funny and sad at the same time. Most kung fu taught today is nothing more than a bunch of forms followed up by more forms a little cardio work and sometimes a little kick boxing. The state of CMA today is very sad to say the least. You have so called sifu teaching forms and they don't have any clue about how to remotely make any of the techniques work.

              If your kung fu class does not look remotely close to a MMA gyms class....chances are you're just learning how to dance with some basic bad kick boxing. You'd be better served learning from a real kick boxing coach or a Muay Thai coach. You should walk into a kung fu kwoon and not even realize their learning kung fu from the drills.



              • #8
                Originally posted by jmd161 View Post
                That is actually very funny and sad at the same time. Most kung fu taught today is nothing more than a bunch of forms followed up by more forms a little cardio work and sometimes a little kick boxing. The state of CMA today is very sad to say the least. You have so called sifu teaching forms and they don't have any clue about how to remotely make any of the techniques work.

                If your kung fu class does not look remotely close to a MMA gyms class....chances are you're just learning how to dance with some basic bad kick boxing. You'd be better served learning from a real kick boxing coach or a Muay Thai coach. You should walk into a kung fu kwoon and not even realize their learning kung fu from the drills.

                This sounds more like contemporary wu shu rather than traditional wu shu. I use the term wu shu because it fits better than the term kung fu. Kung fu means having skill at something. This could mean cooking, carpentry, etc...

                Anyways getting back to the topic.....traditional wu shu should not be just all about forms. Most of the Shaolin Kung Fu that is taught today is watered down with forms with flips, aerials, etc.... (this is contemporary wu shu)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jmd161 View Post
                  That is actually very funny and sad at the same time. Most kung fu taught today is nothing more than a bunch of forms followed up by more forms a little cardio work and sometimes a little kick boxing. The state of CMA today is very sad to say the least. You have so called sifu teaching forms and they don't have any clue about how to remotely make any of the techniques work.

                  If your kung fu class does not look remotely close to a MMA gyms class....chances are you're just learning how to dance with some basic bad kick boxing. You'd be better served learning from a real kick boxing coach or a Muay Thai coach. You should walk into a kung fu kwoon and not even realize their learning kung fu from the drills.

                  LOL, you obviously know very little if anything about Kung Fu. You may have seen a few weak schools or some Wu Shu etc. But real Kung Fu is very powerful.

                  And the Sifus that I have had know the applications of the techniques and teach them regularly.

                  I also teach the applications and we do two man drills and sparring sets and two man sparring. Although we start slow at first.

                  I remember the years of hard sparring I had in one club I was at, we would often hit the hard floor and we would get wounded often.

                  I think you don't really know what you are talking about. You most likely have watched a few pathetic videos on the You tube and think that's all there is.

                  Like one of my instructors used to say, the best kung Fu men you will rarely see.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JadeDragon View Post
                    This sounds more like contemporary wu shu rather than traditional wu shu. I use the term wu shu because it fits better than the term kung fu. Kung fu means having skill at something. This could mean cooking, carpentry, etc...

                    Anyways getting back to the topic.....traditional wu shu should not be just all about forms. Most of the Shaolin Kung Fu that is taught today is watered down with forms with flips, aerials, etc.... (this is contemporary wu shu)

                    You can label it whatever you like Wu Shu (War Art) Kung Fu/Gung Fu (skill acquired in) CMA (Chinese Martial Arts) or Sil Lum/Siu Lam/ Shaolin etc.. It boils down to the same thing. I use Kung Fu/Gung fu because that's the term most use to refer to Chinese systems of martial arts. Most of what is taught today is not Shaolin at all. Many people use Shaolin inappropriately as a means to justify or legitimize their art. Just because a art passed thru Shaolin does not make it Shaolin.

                    Anyway... most CMA's not just the Shaolin arts are watered down do to a lack of qualified sifu teaching arts over the yrs. Sifu (A) has no understanding of the art, but he has now passed it down to sifu (D) who already has his generations of half taught students. It goes on and on and on....



                    • #11
                      To me the quest for truth is very well worth a black eye, broken nose or fat lip.-Cam McHargue

                      I saw him in a fight and he basically curled up into a little ball and was hit on every angle. If this is the same guy we are talking about. He is on the DL, I think. And he attacks Kung Fu often.

                      His philosophy will not find him the "truth"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TigerClaw View Post
                        LOL, you obviously know very little if anything about Kung Fu. You may have seen a few weak schools or some Wu Shu etc. But real Kung Fu is very powerful.

                        And the Sifus that I have had know the applications of the techniques and teach them regularly.

                        I also teach the applications and we do two man drills and sparring sets and two man sparring. Although we start slow at first.

                        I remember the years of hard sparring I had in one club I was at, we would often hit the hard floor and we would get wounded often.

                        I think you don't really know what you are talking about. You most likely have watched a few pathetic videos on the You tube and think that's all there is.

                        Like one of my instructors used to say, the best kung Fu men you will rarely see.

                        You spout crap like this a lot here I see... Someone does not agree with you and they "obviously" don't know anything about kung fu. LOL you are funny I'll give you that.

                        You show your lack of knowledge of CMA with every post you make.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TigerClaw View Post
                          You actually quy this guy?

                          To me the quest for truth is very well worth a black eye, broken nose or fat lip.-Cam McHargue

                          I saw him in a fight and he basically curled up into a little ball and was hit on every angle. If this is the same guy we are talking about. He is on the DL, I think. And he attacks Kung Fu often.

                          His philosophy will not find him the "truth"

                          If you are from the D-List then you know he and I argue a lot, but it doesn't take away from the quote! The truth is worth a black eye broken nose or fat lip. You won't know what you can do if you never use it.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jmd161 View Post
                            You spout crap like this a lot here I see... Someone does not agree with you and they "obviously" don't know anything about kung fu. LOL you are funny I'll give you that.

                            You show your lack of knowledge of CMA with every post you make.

                            Like most people who have no wind behind their sails, you attack me with not one ounce of proof or truth in what you say.

                            Show me even one thing that I have said that is not true and wrong in the martial arts world. Even one.

                            If you had really had proper training in Kung Fu you would not be saying the things you say . You say you know Kung Fu in one hand and then you attack it in the other.

                            Then you even have one of the most horrible attackers and mockers I have met and a rude person as well as your quote. That man Cam, is so far from being a wise sage.

                            And there are many Kung Fu practitioners who have used their Kung Fu in real fights.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TigerClaw View Post
                              Like most people who have no wind behind their sails, you attack me with not one ounce of proof or truth in what you say.

                              Show me even one thing that I have said that is not true and wrong in the martial arts world. Even one.

                              If you had really had proper training in Kung Fu you would not be saying the things you say . You say you know Kung Fu in one hand and then you attack it in the other.

                              Then you even have one of the most horrible attackers and mockers I have met and a rude person as well as your quote. That man Cam, is so far from being a wise sage.

                              And there are many Kung Fu practitioners who have used their Kung Fu in real fights.
                              I don't have to agree with someone or even like them to quote them. Many foolish people have said something of impotence in their lives. Cam and I don't see eye to eye on CMA, but it doesn't make him a bad guy. Like many people all he's seen is the crap end of CMA, so that's what he basis his stand off. If every so called master you saw sucked.... what else would you think?

                              Anyone that knows me knows I stand for CMA, but I will call out crappy CMA when I see It. I'm not going to lower my standards just to uplift CMA. That's what got us to the point we are now. So many fake sages telling you bullcrap and that the greatest master is the one that doesn't fight. My sifu and sigung both learned kung fu with one thing and one thing only in mind To FIGHT!

                              How can someone that has never fought teach you to fight?

                              simple answer They Can't!!!!


