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Wing chun-Most martial arts.

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  • Wing chun-Most martial arts.

    I would like to attack ten !!!

    YouTube - Ip Man vs Northerner

    YouTube - Ip Man vs 10 Black Belts

    YouTube - End Fight

    Take a look at these films, how powerful ah,

    you may wish to discuss feelings.

  • #2
    Nothing more than movie film clips all for show.

    Nothing real and no real contact.

    These are actors, making fake presentation for your entertainment.

    No real life here ... all fake junk ... with no contact.

    Just like all other fake movies ...
    Bruce Lee movies, and Kung Fu, and many others.

    Movie and TV hype all misleading.



    • #3
      in fact, Wing chun is in the south of china, such as Guang dong or Fu jian province.
      but after this movie, this CMA will be spread all over china. many of my friends who know i am practising CMA keep asking me about info of Wing chun, especailly where they can train in my place. but now i don't know any kind of Wing chun school in my place.


      • #4
        my teacher told me one of his students was technical director for that movie... and i told my teacher i thought it was a bit unrealistic

        it's not unrealistic that 1 martial arts expert can take on 10 random black belts. what is unrealistic is how it is shown in the movie (1 guy attacks at a time, then the moves are very rigid and set up for a movie...etc).


        • #5
          Originally posted by bumpus View Post
          Nothing more than movie film clips all for show.

          Nothing real and no real contact.

          These are actors, making fake presentation for your entertainment.

          No real life here ... all fake junk ... with no contact.

          Just like all other fake movies ...
          Bruce Lee movies, and Kung Fu, and many others.

          Movie and TV hype all misleading.

          You are wrong, many of the techniques are from actual moves in the forms. Actually I have taught one of my students a few wing Chun moves I learned, and he actually used them in a real fight and quickly overcame the attacker, he pulled his strikes and would have hit him three time. the attacker said,
          "Ok, I get it" and went away, having no control over the situation.

          I know it is a movie, but many of the techniques can be used in reality. No doubt there will be people who disagree with this, but it is true.


          • #6


            • #7
              TigerClown, you still don't get it do you. It's a movie. Wing Chun can work, but not in the way you see it in the movie.


              • #8
                Originally posted by TigerClaw View Post
                No doubt there will be people who disagree with this, but it is true.
                ...Because the mighty tigertroll says so right? please.


                • #9
                  TigerClown still doesn't know what's good for him.


                  • #10

                    It seems you have studied every style and can always come up with some story about how you taught your student a move that he then went out and totally destroyed someone with.

                    Really, anytime you want to step up and show people your "school" and your students feel free.

                    Until then you have shown yourself to be nothing but a mouthboxer.

                    Always chiming in with stories that are always way out there.....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wingchun View Post
                      I would like to attack ten !!!

                      YouTube - Ip Man vs Northerner

                      YouTube - Ip Man vs 10 Black Belts

                      YouTube - End Fight

                      Take a look at these films, how powerful ah,

                      you may wish to discuss feelings.
                      I like that Ip man movie. It was very dynamic.


                      • #12
                        Perhaps I should remove every post Bruce ever made here? If I see him again I may do just that? Now the question is... will his compulsion yeild to preserve his fragile ego?

                        I think not... but he is free to prove me wrong.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
                          Perhaps I should remove every post Bruce ever made here?

                          Ah yes, the 5th labor of Herakles!


                          • #14
                            The smell lingers, eh?

                            Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                            Ah yes, the 5th labor of Herakles!

                            there is no glory in the task... it won't bring riches or fame.

                            hmmm, compost?


                            • #15
                              I'm sure Bruce is sulking around somewhere..... Maybe he joined that Anti-MMA site, I read about somewhere in this forum.

