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Animal Styles

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  • Animal Styles

    Tiger-style Qin Na

    Interesting sample of the tiger fighting style. The screaming is a bit odd but From the looks of it, the instructor is trying to take control of the opponents leg, legs, COG/groin or head. Rolling ankle and leg locks are risky, but possible. Wouldn't call it a complete grappling style, but definitely a nice bag of tricks to add to the arsenal.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
    Tiger-style Qin Na

    YouTube - Kung fu tiger style grappling & submission techniques

    Interesting sample of the tiger fighting style. The screaming is a bit odd but From the looks of it, the instructor is trying to take control of the opponents leg, legs, COG/groin or head. Rolling ankle and leg locks are risky, but possible. Wouldn't call it a complete grappling style, but definitely a nice bag of tricks to add to the arsenal.
    Pancake muther fuc*ers. That is some bad azz stuff Tom.

    Notice how he rolls over and grabs whatever the other guy leaves out. The weird yelling noises has to do with the way the breathing is taught.


    • #3
      Mantis-style revisited

      YouTube - Praying Mantis Kung Fu - Part 1 of 2

      YouTube - Praying Mantis Kung Fu - Part 2 of 2

      Contrasting to the tiger style. More upright, Lots of infighting/striking, rather than grabbing and seizing.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mr. Arieson
        It's cool, but how come these guys don't have to make noises?

        YouTube - Aikijutsu Visits The Ninjitsu martial arts school
        Making noises or not, the techniques seem effective. Seize the head, center of gravity or legs and you control your opponent. Again, I don't think its meant to be a complete grappling art, granted we're just looking at a sample.

        The ninjitsu vid looks good, btw.


        • #5
          Goes back to TMA using more realistic fighting drills, rather than pre-arranged sequences. Nice.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mr. Arieson
            It's cool, but how come these guys don't have to make noises?

            YouTube - Aikijutsu Visits The Ninjitsu martial arts school

            Because they're not training Tiger they are training Ninjutsu


            • #7

              We do similar drills in class on a regular basis.


              • #8
                Interesting techniques, but sounds like little girls fighting!


                • #9
                  Those sounds have nothing to do with the style and everything to do with the voice of the teacher. His breathing may well have made it even worse but no style of CMA makes sounds like that.

                  The system looks like a hybrid of Shantung Black Tiger and Jow Ga combined with some internal principles.

                  I'm with you TY some of those techniques are low percentage to say the least.
                  Last edited by TTEscrima; 07-20-2009, 10:30 PM.

