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Abir Warrior Arts

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  • Abir Warrior Arts

    Interesting stuff, looks like a mixture of the Internal CMAs, Silat and some JJJ.

    YouTube - Abir Warrior Arts-Tribe of Dan twin snake arm form

    The form work really looks like some of the Taoist systems I'm familiar with.

    Applications look more like a blend of Silat, Tai Chi and JJJ.

    YouTube - Abir ragua negged jabim

  • #2
    Perhaps the most interesting aspect of his background is his knowledge of Native Israelite Warrior Arts secretly kept alive in bits and pieces by some of the world's most hidden ancient Jewish communities. These techniques were those used by his Israelite ancestors and this is documented in The Torah.
    ...and to think I just assumed he was a rabid hobo with a website.

    I feel better knowing Moses utilized compliant demos to sell martial arts to the Chosen People. I always pictured Jesus played by David Carradine ala Quai Chang.

    Is there no bounds to the silliness here?


    • #3
      Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
      Interesting stuff, looks like a mixture of the Internal CMAs, Silat and some JJJ.

      YouTube - Abir Warrior Arts-Tribe of Dan twin snake arm form

      The form work really looks like some of the Taoist systems I'm familiar with.

      Applications look more like a blend of Silat, Tai Chi and JJJ.

      YouTube - Abir ragua negged jabim
      Nice find.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Tokyo Kid View Post

        Is there no bounds to the silliness here?
        I used to think there was, and then you showed up


        • #5
          C'mon guys, check his website. He's a moron. Complete garbage.

          Let's be serious for a minute.

          "These techniques were documented in the Torah"?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tokyo Kid View Post

            "These techniques were documented in the Torah"?

            Which you of course are an expert on.


            • #7
              Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
              Which you of course are an expert on.

              No I'm not an expert on the Torah. I can refer you to one if that is an issue, which it's not. It doesn't take an expert to see that it's not an "ancient Jewish secret" laundry detergent commercial parody.

              For a minute here, let's refrain from the zingy one liners and smilies, and pretend it's not good ol' Tokyo Kid talking smack. Let's just take the subject at hand and CRITICALLY ANALYZE it. Check his other videos and even his website.

              Is it a hodge-podge of other martial arts being marketed as a secret Jewish fighting style? Or is it indeed what he claims it is. Does he actually have the credentials he claims, can he verify these? Because if it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, in my experience, it's probably a duck.

              It looks like the styles TTEscrima pointed out, nothing more.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tokyo Kid View Post

                For a minute here, let's refrain from the zingy one liners and smilies, and pretend it's not good ol' Tokyo Kid talking smack.

                Let's not and say we did.


                • #9
                  You won this round, kingoftheforest...


                  • #10
                    Hmmm there I was spreading it around and suddenly Jubaji Jr's rep went red.


                    • #11
                      YouTube - Abir - Jude fights



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Da Pope View Post
                        YouTube - Abir - Jude fights

                        Wowee! Dat looks lyk sum uv da Taoist kung foo dat I duz!

                        An it looks lyk seelot and krodee and unicorns an all da good stuf ever!

                        Mebee I cud yooz it too dafend agenst bad guyzz!!WEEEEEE!!!!

                        Gimee sum rep guyz I wuv yoooo!!!


                        • #13
                          Looks like you are getting plenty of rep.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mellow View Post
                            Looks like you are getting plenty of rep.
                            Man, I'm sure the chicks really dig the rep, you guys must be swimmin in women! When you tell the girlies you're THEE Mellow from the martial arts forums, I bet the panties just come FLYIN' OFF!!


                            • #15
                              YouTube - Abir - Jude fights

                              C'mon guys that is just plain wierd!

