ok first of all lets disect the word chin-na. chin-na means to seize and hold, the chin part of the name means "to seize" and the na part means "to hold". so from that we can establish that is is some form of grappling art. really its another branch of kund-fu. though there is more to this interpretation because it includes a broad array or tech for immobilizing and or finishing off your opponent and they include twisting limbs, tearing tendons, gouging eyes, manipulating pressure points and attacking vulnerable body parts. it differs from bjj in the way that it does not have have as much depth on the ground. but it does has more standing submission than bjj and also includes kicking, punching, and also emphasizes in "dirty fighting".
if anyone would like to add anything that would be good. exspecially from someone who trained in the art.
if anyone would like to add anything that would be good. exspecially from someone who trained in the art.
