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Tai Chi,good self-defense art or not?

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  • Tai Chi Chaun

    Fill your note book with this


    • Originally posted by 47MartialMan
      Hey, I see where there is a flux of believers thinking it is effective and those that are non-practitoners thinking it is not.

      I have seen many practitoners not beong able to do so.

      However, ine man that i had seen actually defended himself with strong effectiveness. it was in the parking lot of a late night supermarket. Needless to state that I went to his aid all too late as he knocked one of his atttackers uncomcious and the other fled. Also, that I had inquired where dihe learn his methods, he had replied his family practicesTai Ji Chuan.

      As far as calling shit as you see it-look in the mirror
      ...yeah, I doubt your bullshit stories, and, in order to write shit directed at me, you'll need to first master proper fucking elementery school grammer. It's hard to take what somebody says seriously if they cannot fucking speak the language.
      Learn English.


      • some cross dress and slap each other


        • Originally posted by 47MartialMan
          some cross dress and slap each other
          sounds like you speak from experience.

          So is anyone willing to risk the wrath of the NO-ITALLS on this forum and discuss the internal arts or do the monkeys truly rule the zoo here?


          • Originally posted by BoarSpear
            sounds like you speak from experience.

            So is anyone willing to risk the wrath of the NO-ITALLS on this forum and discuss the internal arts or do the monkeys truly rule the zoo here?

            experience no......

            so your imput is that it is effective?


            • Do the internal arts work? they have worked for me, Will they work for everyone? No, However i dont think any art does. I have external skills that got me through until i could make use of the whipping strikes that i am now capable of. Not a fast road but a rewarding one . However i still cant fly, kill people with a look (my ex sure has that down though) or kill with just a touch...put you to sleep with a keystroke maybe...


              • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                Do the internal arts work? they have worked for me,-

                When? Where? How?


                • When I needed it

                  Fill your note book with this


                  • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                    Never in my 12 years of 6 night a week average at work did in these fine establishments was i able to test my skill against anyone , especially not armed.

                    Then, the internal arts have "worked" for


                    • Fill your note book with this


                      • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                        the never had to use it once in 12 years was sarcasm .

                        Funny how quickly bullshit turns into 'sarcasm' when the lies don't add up.


                        • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                          its kinda like the 60s if you remember them you probably werent there.

                          That's what they say about Woodstock, kid.


                          • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                            uh oh ... a question from jubaji..this is kind of like an invite from the Jerry Springer show. It aint gonna turn out purty but it might be fun

                            no offense intended but i have been a guest for about a year so i doubt this is anything but cheese in a mouse trap.

                            That said, I bounced for about 12 years in various extremely classy establishments ... Titty City Columbia SC, The Shingle Shack Orlando FL, The Flightdeck Va Beach VA, The Villa Columbia SC the Boot Hill Saloon Daytona Beach Fl, The Full Moon Daytona. All with a very clean cut friendly customer base. Never in my 12 years of 6 night a week average at work did in these fine establishments was i able to test my skill against anyone , especially not armed.
                            Why does it work for me? cause im still here annoying people who think the all CMAs are crap. it kept me alert, evasive, gave me the ability to read body language and posture. It allowed to to judge distance and angles, deflected a couple of beer bottles and pool cues along the way. and while i didnt always aviod the hospital i did aviod the morgue. yeah it works for me. I dont claim any of that cant be learned in any art you bother to study. I respect all styles not just the ones i practice.
                            okay genuis let me help you out a little, see how right after the first paragraph of obvious sarcasm if you know anything about the non-cyberspace world. I mentioned the beer bootles and pool cues...the ones I evaded and the ones i didnt. If you were not bright enough to figure out from that list of establishments thats fights were on a regular basis then maybe a little more real world and a little less SIMs is in order?


                            • Originally posted by jubaji
                              Funny how quickly bullshit turns into 'sarcasm' when the lies don't add up.
                              My what a big mouth on such a sniveling little internet coward.

                              So, Did you really wrestle from mommies basement for 28 years as you Claim and go to china and ______ blah blah blah or have you just LIVED in mommies basement for the last 28 years? With all the experience you claim I see not one sensible, helpful or intelligent comment on subject in any of your posts. occasionally you are funny. So what? Its supposed to be a Martial art forum not a open mike night for people too scared to try thier comedy routines in person.
                              I bet you have never had the balls to mouth off in the real world have you? Youre real good at saving it all up for the internet though, huh? REAL SORRY ABOUT YOUR STAPLER.. MILTON


                              • Originally posted by jubaji
                                That's what they say about Woodstock, kid.
                                Watch another anime get a new name and a life doof, they also say that about the 60's. Btw your kid tag line is getting old, time for some new material. I notice you are the one with the name of an animated pig... maybe porky fits better.

