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Tai Chi,good self-defense art or not?

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  • were talking about tai chi and it effectiveness, not its history.

    Give me a reason why the history of tai chi is even important.


    • I agree that 9 out of 10 schools are very misled and mistaken regarding the meaning and application of tai chi to combat. But there are many real fighters out there.
      Yup. A good fighter with a repertoire of tai chi techniques can use them to win fights but is he doing tai chi? Fighting prowess is not generally one of the pre-requisists of tai chi mastery.


      • will tai chi help you attract more women???

        cause i know some arts can really help you attract more women, like ones that utilize the upper trapezious and latissmus muscles to a large extent.


        • Originally posted by ttruscott View Post
          Fighting prowess is not generally one of the pre-requisists of taijiquan mastery.

          According to who?


          • Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
            will tai chi help you attract more women???

            Nothing's gonna help you Cheech, except maybe getting off the weed.


            • Originally posted by jubaji View Post
              Nothing's gonna help you Cheech, except maybe getting off the weed.
              not even increasing the size of my lats and trapz and making them bigger in size than they already are???


              • The whole "repeat something that's not at all funny a million times until its funny" is something 10 year old children think is the pinnacle of humor. They are wrong and so are you, Cheech.


                • Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                  The whole "repeat something that's not at all funny a million times until its funny" is something 10 year old children think is the pinnacle of humor. They are wrong and so are you, Cheech.
                  is that why you felt the need to repeat the same four or five one liners over and over again, thousands of times, along with that same lame rolling eyes face that you made sure to keep putting at the end of every single one of your posts. yeah, the same one that tom yum and hardball think is so clever and funny, even after seeing it more than 8 thousand times.


                  • Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                    then why did you feel the need to repeat the same four or five one liners over and over again, thousands of times, along with that same lame rolling eyes face that you made sure to keep putting at the end of every single one of your posts. yeah, the same one that tom yum and hardball think is so clever and funny, even after seeing it more than 8 thousand times.
                    You're trying too hard, Dick and when you can't be the center of attention, you try harder - ain't gonna work.


                    • Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                      You're trying too hard, Dick and when you can't be the center of attention, you try harder - ain't gonna work.
                      poor tom yum, such a simple naive fellow. so easily amused. like hardball, you think jubajis posts are comedic gold, as intelligent material is too complicated for you and beyond your grasp.


                      • Break out the hammock

                        Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                        poor tom yum, such a simple naive fellow. so easily amused. like hardball, you think jubajis posts are comedic gold, as intelligent material is too complicated for you and beyond your grasp.

                        Grasping at straw DH.... you have no idea who you're talking to.



                        • Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                          poor tom yum, such a simple naive fellow.
                          Yep. Simple is good.


                          Oh la dee da Mr. Frenchman and his fancy words.

                          Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                          so easily amused.
                          It makes life interesting.

                          Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                          You think jubajis posts are comedic gold, as intelligent material is too complicated for you and beyond your grasp.
                          ...says the guy who talks about UFOs, free-energy supression and has yet to propose any ideas of new propulsion systems and their mechanisms of energy transfer....


                          • Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post

                            ...says the guy who talks about UFOs, free-energy supression and has yet to propose any ideas of new propulsion systems and their mechanisms of energy transfer....
                            thats actually not true either tom. after i watched the raw footage of nasa mission STS-75 and witnessed mile wide ufos flying around our space shuttle, i realized that the propulsion systems they were using were clearly utilizing electromagnetic propulsion systems, not the gravity distortion generators once theorized to be utilized by these machines. when i realized this i submitted a proposal for a brand new kind of electromagnetic propulsion system i named the " Hardman Drive" which allows for more efficient space flight for short distances. i cant go into too many details about the "Hardman Drive" since a lot of it is classified and stuff, other than that it was used later on in nasa mission STS 94 and it was declared to be a success.


                            • Tai chi is not an art that can be directly applied to combat. Application - to me - is somewhat pointless. Application - to me - are just tricks. Tai chi is about making your body as strong and sensitive as possible so that it can respond to any internal or external physical attacks as well as psychological.

                              The true martial arts arent about fighting, but rather defending yourself from whatever, and i mean WHATEVER poses as a threat. It strengthens your immune system to fight attacks from viruses. It strengthens your mind to allow you to think clear at the most difficult or stressful times. It strengthens your body so it can handle physical attacks the most easily, or anything else that challanges you.

                              It's about reacting, not applying silly, fancy or - at the time- ineffective application.

                              Know what i'm saying?


                              • Originally posted by taoistscholar View Post
                                Tai chi is not an art that can be directly applied to combat.

                                According to YOU?

