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Tai Chi,good self-defense art or not?

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  • #16
    yellow bamboo lol

    tai chi is just as effective as any other style its dependant on the individual who practises

    and the styles probably came from people who's names you will never know because they didnt ever feel the need to fight


    • #17
      yellow bamboo!! Mwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahah

      Yah the old ladies in the park can really kick ass.
      maybe they can kick YOUR ass!

      But they dont do the complete Tai chi Chuan only the forms, for health.

      But hey - good, well researched and thought out argument!!


      • #18

        i take back what i said about chen style being the only style able to be used in combat, this was merely what ive heard (hear-say)not something i hav learned from my shifu or having conducted any reasonable research and u r indead right about wudang taichi also being used as combat form.....I apologize for this

        secondly, i may hav exadurated the clame the quickest any1 has ever mastered taichi was 25 yrs. What my shifu actually said was "the time it takes to master taichi is around 20-25yrs"....this too i also apologize for

        though the rest of what i stated in the post previous was to the best of my knowledge correct.
        Taichi is taught at the the shaolin temple though it is kind of seperate, it is not taught as other techiniqes r taught, best way i can describe the relationship is there's shaolin internal and external gung fu at the temple and there is tai chi.
        Also what u hav probably witnessed when seeing monks perform taichi was probably a certain Shifu Yan Ming in america doing a very strange form of taichi, i believe it looked Yang. Strange thing is
        a) Yan Ming is a wu shu monk and shouldnt hav ever learnt tai chi at the temple
        b) Yang style taichi is not taught at the temple, only chen.
        i believe yan ming probably learnt this tai chi either in america or china but it wasnt from the temple or what he is specialised in.
        If it was not Yan Ming u saw then it was probably a similar case to Yan ming as to practise taichi at the temple is to devote urself to it, that is ur speciality and only that. Generally monks r unbelievably talented at taichi as they r taught it relentlessly from childhood. Also it is rare to see any f these taichi monks as it is not as popular as either traditional shaolin or wu shu shaolin.
        A tell tale sign showing wether a monk i actually a taichi monk is by the way they dress as they do not wear the same orange shaolin uniforms that r more widely known, as they r generally thought of as a seperate entity of the temple.

        Also the remark about taichi only being being fully understood is generally thought of as true, though i think u miss understood what i meant. I meant if u trully understand taichi ( hence know everything there is about taichi) u should be near unbeatable hence the direct translation (ultimate fist) and be able to contend with the best of fighters of nearly any style in the world. I did not mean that it could not be used to fight, i mean it cannot be used to fight fighters on the highest level, for which the art is capable.


        • #19
          Originally posted by jubei__kun

          i take back what i said about chen style being the only style able to be used in combat, this was merely what ive heard (hear-say)not something i hav learned from my shifu or having conducted any reasonable research and u r indead right about wudang taichi also being used as combat form.....I apologize for this

          secondly, i may hav exadurated the clame the quickest any1 has ever done i was 25 yrs. What my shifu actually said was "the time it takes to master taichi is around 20-25yrs"....this too i also apologize for

          Seems like you learned ethics the same place you learned spelling!


          • #20
            Originally posted by jubei__kun
            I meant if u trully understand taichi u should be near unbeatable


            • #21
              Delete Delete


              • #22
                Man I worked hours under cover spying on those old ladies. Don't blow my cover. And so what when they caught me spying they kicked my ass. They caught me by surprise, next time I’ll be ready.

                No wonder I got cut from the debate team.
                LMFAO!! thats rather funny!


                Good post,

                Thakyou for the information. I was completely unaware that it was taught at Shaolin.



                • #23

                  i believe this is meant as a serious post to do with martial arts not spelling and next time instead of critising others for their use of puntuation and what not; why dont u care to divulge some information that is relevant to the topic instead of making fun of others.
                  and besides what the hell did my reply on this post have to do with ethics?

                  next time try be more mature plz.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by jubei__kun

                    i believe this is meant as a serious post to do with martial arts not spelling and next time instead of critising others for their use of puntuation and what not; why dont u care to divulge some information that is relevant to the topic instead of making fun of others.
                    and besides what the hell did my reply on this post have to do with ethics?

                    next time try be more mature plz.

                    eye dun unstan choo. kud choo wryt lyk mi? 'kus eye kunt wryt lykkyu


                    • #25
                      jubaji was there a point to your last post


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by tai-gip
                        jubaji was there a point to your last post

                        Isn't it clear?


                        • #27
                          why isnt my question

                          should i write it differently for you so you can understand it


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by tai-gip
                            why isnt my question

                            should i write it differently for you so you can understand it


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by chris davis 200

                              I would say that if you were to combine you would need to do so with other internal systems. so as not to contradict your principles of combat.

                              Just my take on things.

                              I don't see any boundaries in combining it with external systems. What are half-external half- internal styles for without the combination?

                              Mabuhay ang Pilipinas,


                              • #30
                                In my opinion the half external, half internal styles have a very structured learning process, this allows you to learn how to combine internal and external body mechanics.

                                How ever if you just combine an external art with an internal art - this structured process of combination wont be there and therefor you will miss many of the 'points'. Mainly because you will be applying the wrong mechanics in the wrong places.

                                I have seen this happen many times, especially in the west.

                                Kind Regards

