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Tai Chi,good self-defense art or not?

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  • Originally posted by Tom Yum
    Do you watch King of the Hill?

    I was watching it last night and the Hill's neighbor Khan was saying something to his daughter about Bobby like "are you convinced!!!!" and suddenly it hit me.

    Sherwinc is Khan!!!!!!!

    it is only a movie but what we are talking here is a reality, a reality for you to realize.... swith to kungfu and give-up your previosly learned....


    • Originally posted by sherwinc
      it is only a movie but what we are talking here is a reality, a reality for you to realize.... swith to kungfu and give-up your previosly learned....
      Huh? You make absolutely no sense at all. Quite taking those reality altering drugs!


      • Originally posted by darrianation
        Huh? You make absolutely no sense at all. Quite taking those reality altering drugs!
        it is easy to despite what you cannot get......


        • Originally posted by sherwinc
          it is easy to despite what you cannot get......
          Hum…. Lets see you are really about 12 years old and maybe you have taken KF for a 6mo. Or have older siblings that do it and you idealize them, or you have books and you are a wanna’ be practitioner. Or in other words you are a troll!

          If none of the above are true and I think it is then you must be the worlds biggest stoner. I have said it before and I’ll say it again get into rehab!


          • I have said it before and I’ll say it again get into rehab!
            CAN I GET AN AMEN? AMEN!


            • Originally posted by darrianation
              Hum…. Lets see you are really about 12 years old and maybe you have taken KF for a 6mo. Or have older siblings that do it and you idealize them, or you have books and you are a wanna’ be practitioner. Or in other words you are a troll!

              If none of the above are true and I think it is then you must be the worlds biggest stoner. I have said it before and I’ll say it again get into rehab!
              6 months of training in KungFu? its useless..... for me, the best is 10 years of kungfu training with all kungfu... absorb what is usefull, reject what is useless, add especially what is your own.... all solid kungfu.....


              • Originally posted by sherwinc
                6 months of training in KungFu? its useless..... for me, the best is 10 years of kungfu training with all kungfu... absorb what is usefull, reject what is useless, add especially what is your own.... all solid kungfu.....
                i hope u realize bruce lee said that...and he said that to help people break away from traditional styles that he felt held people back. how can u add something to a traditional art? then it would be traditional would it?


                • I think that you can add to traditional styles.That is how they formed isnt it?
                  This does not make it not traditional just not authentic.


                  • sorry that's what i meant...or did i mean watered down?


                    • Originally posted by m.artist
                      i hope u realize bruce lee said that...and he said that to help people break away from traditional styles that he felt held people back. how can u add something to a traditional art? then it would be traditional would it?
                      do you know how wise Bruce Lee is???? He even insist it that way for you to CONVINCED and to his advantages.....

                      he knows traditional kungfu (root) so he can make branches(leaves and flowers)

                      how about you???? you start from branches(leaves and flowers) with no knowledge of (root) thru traditional way......

                      and even my kungfu instructor said that in HongKong, a group of Old Chinese KungFu Masters (taichi) there see cable television with Bruce Lee Movies in a restaurant, they often laugh the way Bruce Lee's kicks and flying kicks, they said "try kick me that way" they did not believe the way Bruce Lee.... it simply means that Bruce Lee's Movie art is Jeet Kune Do and his Actual fight art is WingChun......

                      for me, Bruce Lee's fighting method is really awesome and great, it is a very applicable, and the sad thing is..... you all non-kungfu martial arts dont see how Bruce Lee use his traditional way of fighting in most of his movies.....

                      Bruce Lee is very wise and i know it...... and i am really Convinced!!!!


                      • While your talking about roots and leaves, branches, and flowers; someone not so nearly philosophical will have your pushing up daisies. All the love and admiration you have for Bruce Lee and 50 cents, will enable you to call an ambulance when and if your ever attacked in the real world. If we are to take anything from the life of Mr. Lee, it should be to remember the amount of practice, and relentless pursuit of excellence he maintained. Regardless of what you think is useful, or what style you partake in, traditional or unconventional; you best be sure its survival capable and reality tested. At the end of the day, we can bicker about this philosophy, or that doctrine, adding to, or taking away. I for one hope that each of us train, and are ready to survive when attacked, because that is the real bottom line. The protection of ourselves and our loved ones. This requires alot more training, and alot less pondering the value of a dead man's philosophy. Bruce Lee was a fine artists. He learned and did what worked best for him. I like to think I do whats best for me. The comradery I feel for other martial artists make me hope the same goes for all of you.


                        • Originally posted by Smart Fighter
                          While your talking about roots and leaves, branches, and flowers; someone not so nearly philosophical will have your pushing up daisies. All the love and admiration you have for Bruce Lee and 50 cents, will enable you to call an ambulance when and if your ever attacked in the real world. If we are to take anything from the life of Mr. Lee, it should be to remember the amount of practice, and relentless pursuit of excellence he maintained. Regardless of what you think is useful, or what style you partake in, traditional or unconventional; you best be sure its survival capable and reality tested. At the end of the day, we can bicker about this philosophy, or that doctrine, adding to, or taking away. I for one hope that each of us train, and are ready to survive when attacked, because that is the real bottom line. The protection of ourselves and our loved ones. This requires alot more training, and alot less pondering the value of a dead man's philosophy. Bruce Lee was a fine artists. He learned and did what worked best for him. I like to think I do whats best for me. The comradery I feel for other martial artists make me hope the same goes for all of you.
                          I hear ya!Wasting your time saying you will beat someone on the net you will never meet is pointless.


                          • Not knocking wing chun, because I think its a good style, but I can't understand why Sherwinc is so obsessed with gong fu when the Fillipino systems are way deadlier like kali, arnis, escrima, dumog, panantukuan....


                            • I dont doubt the effectiveness of the filipino MAs.It would pay to remain objective though.If someone told me Tong long was deadly 5 years ago i would have laughed(Such a funny name how can it b deadly?)


                              • Originally posted by Tom Yum
                                Not knocking wing chun, because I think its a good style, but I can't understand why Sherwinc is so obsessed with gong fu when the Fillipino systems are way deadlier like kali, arnis, escrima, dumog, panantukuan....
                                of all the old traditional kungfu movies i have collected, this is the closests / similarity to our Chi Dian Bun KungFu...... it is only a movie that the Five Animals KungFu of Jackie Chan defeat the Chi Dian Bun Look-alike fight..... pls watch it, Drunken Master I of Jacky Chan.... on this pic.... the ChiDianBun look-alike always do hand combination attacks even if its opponent is 3meters away.....
                                Attached Files

