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Tai Chi,good self-defense art or not?

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  • Originally posted by jubaji
    Well, as long as you are around I can feel good about myself.
    From reading your posts, Im pretty sure that saying ".................. " means that I win. So,


    • Originally posted by BoarSpear

      The most intelligent thing you've said so far.


      • Originally posted by jubaji
        The most intelligent thing you've said so far.
        No just the first thing you were smart enough to understand
        Suprise suprise still nothing constructive, are you the class clown in school as well?


        • Originally posted by BoarSpear
          Suprise suprise still nothing constructive,

          You keep saying that, but you keep participating in this monkey-dung throwing.


          • monkey dung throwing

            oh is that you're job description ? Official Monkey Dung Thrower? Sorry didnt mean to intrude on your turf. Oh yeah I believe the subject was Chinese Martial Arts and thier Usefulness. So do you have anything to say about the chinese Martial Arts?
            Attached Files


            • Fill your note book with this


              • Interesting...but Hsing-I is still not tai chi. Gimme the chi- baby.
                Let me see some tai chi guy straight killin' Sakuraba or Silva...because they could if they wanted to, but they take the highroad...because only tai chi guys get into heaven.

                I need a fucking drink or I'm going to gouge out my own eyes with chopsticks.
                Is it normal not to sleep at night...I've been getting up at about 3-4PM, going to anywhere between 7-10 AM... maybe I should take a sleeping pill, some warm milk, and a bubble bath with candles....oh yessssssss.


                • Fill your note book with this


                  • oh, btw when you old enough to get in a bar, try to kick a bouncer in the neck,for more reality....


                    • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                      hmmm where to start..ok first of all as soon as you turn 21 you can trade in the milk for mezcal..In case you were not aware Tai chi nor Hsin yi incorporate refs,time limits or rules on the people who practice them. Please dont give me crap about how if the cma's are so deadly wht arn't they in the reality competitions. read some history they had thier own full contact tourneys, MULTIPLE PEOPLE DIED FROM INJURIES IN THESE "CONTEST" (thats reality) so they no longer have them. Anyone died in your sporting events? no because the have rules to protect the participants . there is some reality for you.
                      If that's all you have to support you're argument...these alleged death matches...then you need to try and get you're money back from you're trainer...because they've been spoonfeeding you BS.
                      I do NOT need to defend the effectiveness, efficiency, nor anything else of the arts I'm choose to involve myself with.
                      Tai Chi, yeah, tai chi deathmatch....where's a video clip, and if that's not the way you guys train anymore...then shut the **** up because it isn't even the same art. Just because golf doesn't incorporate refs...does NOT make it a bloodsport.


                      • Fill your note book with this


                        • indulge me, toughie.
                          Who were you're instructors....whom can I take this deadly assed tai chi from??


                          • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                            Tai Chi is kung fu. there is no need to continue to get in a ring a try to prove the kung fu works they proved it. .


                            Oh, is that how it works? Got that out of the way, now there's no need to worry about it?



                            • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                              HOWEVER if you are a normal human who trains for self defense then learning to roll around on the ground with a single opponent is a bad percentage bet.

                              Who told you that? The paunchy 50-year-old man with a ponytail at the Dojo?


                              • Listen, guy...when tai chi becomes a credible and useful martial won't matter, because it IS one of the signs of the second coming...right up there with the four horsemen. (and yo mamma.)

