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Tai Chi,good self-defense art or not?

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  • Originally posted by BoarSpear
    sometimes i swear you aint EVER seen taiji...are you REALLY going to tell me Taiji doesnt build some of the fastest hand speed available?

    "available"?! LOL

    Dude, I've seen loads and loads of taijiquan. No one had a big 'S' on their chest.

    RELAX. You are making the art you seem to be very fond of look silly.


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        • Originally posted by BoarSpear
          Nah YOU are being the pig headed say dont claim taiji is too deadly for the ring.

          Ah, so it is "too deadly" then?


          • Originally posted by BoarSpear
            yeah Jr available, the training is available, therefore the skill is, IF you are willing to work at it.
            Are you typing so fast right now that you can't see your fingers?

            Originally posted by BoarSpear
            well IF you have seen loads of it, you've seen crap and it explains your position

            So, now you know what I've seen and my 'position'? I see.


            • Originally posted by jubaji
              Are you typing so fast right now that you can't see your fingers?

              So, now you know what I've seen and my 'position'? I see.
              Yep, since seeing and feeling IS knowing, and since you doubt the system that tells me you aint ever seen it or felt it

              here, i'll save you the time to type your standard answer # 37:

              "I dont doubt taiji, just you chump"


              • seen it, felt it, no superpowers

                Originally posted by BoarSpear
                Yep, since seeing and feeling IS knowing, and since you doubt the system that tells me you aint ever seen it or felt it
                How am I doubting the system? Because I don't accept your cartoonish hyperbole?

                Originally posted by BoarSpear
                here, i'll save you the time to type your standard answer # 37:

                "I dont doubt taiji, just you chump"

                That was well done!


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                  • Sounds like Taiji is the real deal. Is there any practicioner who is really good at it?


                    • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                      Yep, no super powers, just lethal combinations of strikes run at blinding speeds...nothing cartoonish about it...although some people have said it looks like cartoon physics as its applied.
                      YOU are the reason folks don't take TMA seriously. I hope you are happy with that.

                      Originally posted by BoarSpear
                      BTW i really dont expect you to understand or agree, i admit real taiji fighting ability is rarer than honest politicians.

                      The problem for you is that I do understand but I disagree with your juvenile exaggerrations.


                      • Originally posted by jubaji
                        YOU are the reason folks don't take TMA seriously. I hope you are happy with that.

                        The problem for you is that I do understand but I disagree with your juvenile exaggerrations.
                        So you haven't seen and felt Taiji.


                        • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                          So you haven't seen and felt Taiji.

                          So, anyone who doesn't buy your bullshit hasn't "seen and felt Taiji"? What a joke.

                          You are making it worse.


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                            • Fill your note book with this


                              • I think what jubaji's trying to say is that he HAS seen good taiji, but he thinks your claims are exaggerated. He's balancing the extremes of "taiji sucks and doesn't work in real life" and "taiji is too deadly for the ring."

